Chapter 31:

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For the past two days all we've been doing is trudge ploddingly downstream, pulling the canoes along the riverbank on the new and improvised contraptions and for small stretches where we are able to, we jump in the canoes, making use of the water and paddle. At this point in time, though it still hurts like nobodies business, I can hobble along on my swollen ankle quite well if someone is supporting me, which thankfully means that I no longer have to be carried around as a complete invalid.

Seemingly blessed with quick healing capabilities, I've also already regained a small amount of movement in my fingers. This is not to say that my fingers and palms have stopped hurting but because of my own stubbornness it means that I can eat own my own again without having to be spoon fed like a helpless baby.

So by my count, I am pretty certain that it is on the 16th day since we had all left our homes for this nightmarish summer camp that we finally stumble across a sign of human interaction with the environment. To be honest, it isn't much as we even almost completely miss it and I think that we would have definitely walked straight past it if it hadn't been for Sam's set of top notch observation skills.

If I recall correctly, we're all in the middle of an intense debate on whether oranges or mandarins are better, when Sam halts suddenly up at the front of the line causing a pile up of people walking into each others backs.

"Guys..." He trails off, his voice sounding disbelieving and as our groans and grumbles quieten down, we all turn to look at him curiously.

"What's going on babe?" Asks Olivia completely puzzled.

Sam clears his throat, "Take a look up over there." With our eyes we follow the direction his arm is pointing upwards through the trees and bushes until one by one we realise what he's found.

"Is that- Is that a track leading out of here?" Asks Jase hopefully.

This makes Sam shrug, but he can't hide the glimmer of hope in his eyes, "I think so but we'd have to go up and see." He talks diplomatically as if not wanting the hope that's building up in all of us to be shattered again in case he's wrong.

Eagerly the boys drop everything to rush up the slope to find out, while Olivia and I wait with the canoes and not even a minute later, shouts and cheers of jubilation reach our ears. Grinning at me ecstatically, Olivia grabs my arm and starts to help me clamber awkwardly up the bank before the boys come rushing back down. Rushing past both obviously high on elation, Logan and Jase grab both of the canoes and quickly pull them up to where the track is a couple of meters up from the river.

Sam slides to a halt next to us, scoops Olivia off her feet and up into his arms, which forces her to let go of mine and repeatedly plants kisses on every inch of her face, "We're going to be okay!" He shouts happily.

Giggling infectiously at his happiness, she returns his enthusiasm as he turns and carries her in bridal style up to the others. I have to grin myself at their antics before sighing and making a move to follow them, but am stopped short when I turn around without looking only to smack face first straight into a tall hard tree that has seemingly popped up out of nowhere. Jumping back in fright with a startled squeak, luck is once again not on my side as I trip over a pesky rock and ungracefully start falling backwards with my arms flailing wildly.

But I think I may have spoke too soon, as coming through in clutch, someone up above must have been looking out for me after all as instead of hitting the rough, uneven ground and injuring myself further, this tree has two arms that enclose around my waist and pull me into the safety of a strong embrace.

"Don't worry I gotcha," murmurs a low voice in my ear.

While it fills me with shame, I can't help it when every muscle in my body immediately stiffens when I hear who it is. Ty. Opening my eyes that I only notice now that I must have squeezed shut in anticipation of the fall, finding myself locked into his stormy gaze, it makes me swallow briefly before I force myself to look away and break the intense bout of eye contact.

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