Chapter 40:

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Jase's P.O.V

We don't have to wait long before Denyt struts out into the courtyard to meet us, and at first I'm somewhat thankful about this, as it means we don't have as much time to dwell on what is going to happen next. However, the smug smirk plastered across his face begins to make me think otherwise as an uneasy feeling builds up in the pit of my stomach and causes me to feel jittery and anxious. 

Because Denyt's face right now, that's the exact definition of a face of someone who knows that they have absolutely nothing to lose. When weighing the scales, it's easy to see that for him, it's a win win situation. After all, from the two possible outcomes in this scenario, if we get caught and go down then he has no 'involvement', or on the off chance that we succeed, he gets the money. Great.

Without so much of a word, just a flippant wave of his hand, Denyt signals for us to follow him as he marches past and immediately the guards raise their rifles to form a protective barrier between us and him. Falling into formation, we too march forward until we come to a stop in front of two old pickup trucks, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that they are both so rusty and dilapidated it seems like the doors will fall off their hinges from the slightest breath of wind. The back of both the trucks are loaded up with stacks and stacks of trays filled to the brim with unappetising looking wilted vegetables and fruit. 

Not understanding, how any of this is supposed help, or what is supposed to be going on we look around in confusion, because surely these can't be the escape vehicles he's planned for us? They'll fall apart as soon as we climb in...

Denyt however just laughs merrily at our confused expressions, "Why so confused? Use your brains kiddos, use your brains. These two beauty's will help you be camouflaged when you drive through the streets of Rio, honestly did you really think I would give you anything from my fleet that would be recognised instantly from over a mile away? You need to learn that this city has eyes everywhere, it's how she lives and breathes." And without a further adieu in our direction, he turns and walks away with most of the guards following suit and disappearing with him.

Left alone in the court yard with only two guards, Logan is the first to react as he grimaces and gingerly tests the door handle before pulling open one of the truck's doors. With a cringe worthy creak it opens, albeit
very, very slowly, but thankfully it does stay attached to the vehicle.

On the back seat there is an unassuming pile of fabric and straw hats,after picking one piece up, Logan frowns and looks over at the remaining guards, "Honestly, did he just steal this stuff off some poor farmer?"

But in a manner that I've almost come to expect from them, there's no reply from the men, so he just shrugs and pulls on the poncho like piece of clothing over his head. A pair of simple baggy pants and a straw hat later, Logan looks authentically like any old farmer going to sell his crops at the daily market. Following suit, we quickly pull on the extra fabric and surprisingly the sweltering heat doesn't get any worse even with the extra layers. 

It seems that even though we can't see them, we are being watched because once we're all ready, without us having to do a thing, the massive metal gate in front of us slowly creaks open. After a somewhat spluttering and choked engine start, we finally get things running smoothly and begin to move further and further away from the compound. 

The uneasy feeling and bundle of nerves in my stomach doesn't dull at all, in fact it just gets worse the closer we get to our target and I am sure the others feel the same. Not to put the blame on anyone, but the tense atmosphere in the truck is definitely not helping to improve the situation as everyone is too busy lost in their own thoughts to try support one another.

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