Chapter 34:

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Ty's P.O.V

Everything hurts. There's a fierce pain radiating across my entire face, from my lip, my jaw and my eye, my brain seemingly not entirely sure which one hurts the most and therefore sending pain signals from all of them. The rest of my body aches in places I didn't even know could hurt so bad, particularly my ribs, as even just trying to do something as simple as catch a breath of air is like breathing fire into my lungs.

On top of all that, I think I can almost say that I know how it feels to be scalped with the way every little hair follicle on my head seems to be pulled out of my head because of the way it has to support my body weight. While my vision is all lopsided and my depth perception gone due to the fact that I can only see out of one eye, I come to find that none of those things matter, as it all pales in comparison to the feeling I get as I am unable to do anything but watch helplessly as the scene in front of me unfolds.

Because a single nod of his head at one of his men is all it takes to set in motion something that I have yet to find out will change the course of my life forever. Before I even have the chance to blink, let alone give her a warning, Remi is roughly grabbed from behind. Even as injured as she is right now, defiantly she kicks one of her heels backwards aiming for the man's shin and landing a heavy blow, however it's not enough to loosen the man's grip so this just seems to piss him off more.

Angrily growling something that is unintelligible to the rest of us in the surrounding vicinity, the brute then slams the butt of his rifle against the back of her knees. I am sure that the force behind the hit would have been enough to break a normal person's kneecaps would it have hit them from the front on. But from behind it only makes her legs buckle out from under her and she collapses to the ground in a heap.

The moment she goes down, the man's giant hand then wraps around her long hair and lifts her bodily from the ground, a strangled cry escapes her lips as she kicks around wildly trying to escape his grip and I can't help but wince knowing the exact feeling of that particular treatment. Willing her to stop moving as I know from experience that it only makes it worse, curses spew from my lips as I thrash around and try break free of my captors. Taking my attention off Remi long enough to fully take in what is going on around me and try figure out a way to help, I look over at the others only to see they are just as powerless as I am.

As with their hands bound crudely behind their backs and being forced down to their knees on the ground they can only watch on helplessly. While the boys are trying to look staunch and not show Denyt any signs of weakness, Olivia has a flow of unstoppable tears streaming down her face which cut tracks through the dirt on her cheeks.

And there's Remi. Left without much of a choice, she is still dangling in the air from the impossibly tight grip strength of her captor. From the sick satisfied look on his face, the giant behind her taking far too much pleasure every time Denyt gives him a signal to punch her in the gut. The sound of the sickening thud of his fist connecting with her upper torso makes me want to empty the contents of my own stomach and a red haze builds up inside of me making it even harder to see straight. Yet she does not utter a single word, nor even the slightest whimper of pain, she instead stares off into the distance with a vacant gaze, the only indication of her actually being aware of the hits at all being a slight twitch whenever she receives a particularly hard blow.

Only after countless hits does Denyt finally raise his hand. "Stop." He commands. Stepping forward until he is within reaching distance, he slowly traces a hand along the side of her face making her show her first sign of emotion as she recoils away in disgust from his touch, "You're the real trouble maker aren't you? The others, they listen to you. I should just get rid of you and then all my problems would be solved." My hearts sinks when she doesn't reply but spits angrily in his face, but he just laughs threateningly. "I thought as much." I don't know what Remi had expected with her action of defiance, but after wiping the spit off his face, he backhands her across the face so hard that the pure force of it snaps her head to the side with an audible crack.

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