Chapter 53:

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Remi's P.O.V

I am going to throttle Ev in his sleep, I decide then and there as I tilt the poor boys face from side to side to inspect the extent of the damage he's done. "Go get me a bowl full of warm water!" 

Ev however seems to have lost a few brain cells of his own as he asks, "Me?" 

"No, I'm talking to Casper the ghost in the corner there..."

"Now where to start." I mumble to myself as I dip one of the small towels I'd found in my en-suite into the bowl of water. When I start to dab at the drying blood on Gio's face, he winces and tries to pull back. "Hey, surely a big tough guy like you can handle some warm water right?" I say teasingly. Gio raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment so I continue with my ministrations.

The water in the bowl soon turns a deep shade of red, but still his face isn't clean, a large part of which I think can be attributed to the fact that the blood will not stop dripping from his nose. "Gio," I say gently, "I'm going to have to reset your nose okay?" And before he has a chance to react, I pinch the top of his nose, just below the space between his eyes. Pulling my fingers down in one firm downward stroke, I feel a click along paired with a strange crunching noise. 

Gio lets out a yelp and swats my hand away so that he can cradle his face. "Merda! Bella what are you doing!" Subconsciously I find it sweet that he keeps calling me beautiful, but judging from the deep set scowl on Ev's face as he stares at Gio, I think he doesn't appreciate it quite as much.

Letting out a small cough to diffuse the tension in the room I turn my head over my shoulder to look at the girl who Ev introduced to me as Em. Apparently I should know her and while she does seem somewhat familiar I have no idea where or when I would have met her. However she is still a girl which is why I turn to see her reaction to Gio's endearments. To my surprise she doesn't look like she thinks it is sweet at all, in fact she's staring at Gio with a rather frustrated look on her face; And then when her gaze meets mine, it twists into one of thinly veiled disappointment. Okay that's weird, maybe she has a crush on this guy?

Focusing back on what I'm doing, he hisses quietly as I use a new cloth to dry his face and it's only then that I realise he has a split lip to add to the list of injuries. "Sorry," I mumble and move the cloth to wipe up along his cheek bone the last part of his face that still needs attention. 

Once finished I lean back to inspect my work, "There, all done. That wasn't so bad was it?" Without waiting for a reply I use my hands to push myself up off the ground. The quick movement makes me sway momentarily, but thankfully I catch myself on the edge of the bed and don't fall. A hand instinctively moves to my upper abdomen where the constant throbbing pain lies. Ev wouldn't tell me what happened saying that it was too traumatising for me to hear, but I think he just wants to spare himself from having to tell me. Still feeling tired from the days events, I sink down onto my bed and Em shifts out of the way as I lie back against my pillows.

"We'll leave you in peace now Remi, get some rest and one of us will check on you later." As she's talking, Em pulls the soft knitted quilt back over my stretched out legs, the forget-me-not blue material quickly providing a comforting warmth contrasting the chill in the atmosphere.

Moving towards the door the others disappear but Ev lingers behind, something seeming to be playing on his mind. "Remi?"


"It's uh- Actually never mind. It's just good to have you back Remi. It's good to have you back." With that he disappears along with the rest of them, the door shutting behind him with a soft click.

Releasing a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in, the frustrated sigh echoes around the now empty room, "I am not a helpless invalid." I growl and without thinking of the consequences I flick back the blanket and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Gingerly lowering myself to the floor, I stretch out my body and attempt a push up. The first one though shaky is okay, but the moment I lower myself for a second, my abdomen starts to burn.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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