Chapter 52:

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Gio's P.O.V Continued

As soon as the words leave the girl's mouth, without a second glance at me he hurries after her. Not wanting to be left behind, I hasten after the pair so that I don't lose sight of them, but when we come to a halt in front of a plain white sealed door, Everett seems surprised that I'm still here.

"What do you think you're doing private?"

I shrug not really knowing the answer to that myself, "I just want to know if she's okay."

His brow furrows but he doesn't argue, "Fine, stay out here though until I call you in yeah?"

Nodding to show I agree to his terms, I step back to lean against the opposite wall of the hallway and watch Everett pull open the door and step inside. Em gives me a quick wary glance before slipping into the room as well closing the door behind her. With not much else to do, I sink to the floor, rest my arms on my knees and wait. 

Eventually I must have nodded off as I'm rudely waken by someone prodding me with their foot. "Oi. Come on wake up."

With my eyes not quite wanting to cooperate with the rest of my body, I squint upwards to see what all the fuss is about. "Huh?" I groan, "What's going on?" And when my sight finally sharpens, it focuses in on a rather annoyed looking Everett. But while his mouth seems to be moving I still can't hear a thing. So snapping out of it, I look at him sheepishly and ask, "Sorry could you repeat that?"

Everett sighs, "I said, she's awake but can't remember anything again, so I filled her in on what happened today and now she wants to talk to you." The poor guy looks as though he'd rather lick the floor than let me into her room but he still abides in his sister's wishes, stepping aside and holding the door open for me. When I take a second to process what is going on, and then move to pull myself up off the floor, he barks at me impatiently, "You going to take all day or what?" 

Halting mid stretch with my arms raised above my head, I mutter a quick, "Sorry," before darting through the doorway. 

Behind me the door clicks shut with a not so gentle click and I get the feeling Everett is somewhat pissed off at his sisters request. I don't even have the chance to take a step forward before the door creaks open again and Everett sticks his head in, "Also if you do anything stupid or I find my sister in a worse state than before, I will cut off your balls and feed them to you. Understand?"

"It's fine, his bark is worse than his bite."

Turning to face the owner of the voice, I clear my throat awkwardly, "Uh, yeah, I'm not so sure about that, your brother doesn't seem to like me very much." As I speak, my eyes land on the girl I had met earlier today. She looks different in the harsh white lighting of the room, more fragile and awfully pale.

She smiles weakly, "No, no, Ev's harmless, he's just quite afflicted with the overly protective brother syndrome. At least ever since I-" She trails off, seemingly lost in thought.

"Ever since when?"

A listless look crosses her face, "I- I," she shakes her head, "I don't know. He never used to be quite so-" Gesturing with her hands she seems dazed and not quite fully present.

"Overbearing?" I supply trying to help.

She nods gratefully, "Yeah, overbearing that's what I meant."

Taking a couple of steps closer to the side of her bed, I don't miss the fact that she unconsciously shrinks away from me. Not wanting her to be afraid, I pull the chair next to her away from the bed to create distance between us. "So how are you feeling?"

She pauses gnawing on her lip and looks up at me, "Good, I think?" Then looking back down at the pale blue quilt that has been thrown haphazardly over her legs, she picks at a loose thread and mumbles, "Ev said that we met earlier, is that true?" When I nod my head in affirmation she continues haltingly, "I don't- I don't remember that, could you fill in the gaps for me?" 

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