Chapter 42:

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Lee's P.O.V (Continued)

"Our friends?" I query, "We've already told you about them haven't we?"

Wyatt pinches the bridge of his nose, "No, no you did not." Realising that he's being unprofessional he composes himself, "Alright, let's just start from the start again shall we? How many of you running from Pike were there?"

"Including the four of us? There was another five, Jase, Ty, Logan, Sam and Olivia." I say, counting the names on my hand as I go.

Seeming to run something through his head, it takes Wyatt a moment before he replies, "Okay, so how I understand it is that you were in teams on this camp right?" When we all nod in affirmation, he continues, "So how many teams did the nine of you make up? Two? Or three? Secondly, how did you get separated from your friends?"

"Oh that's kind of complicated," My face crumpling into a frown while I try to think of a way how to explain the situation best, "Everyone except for Sam and Olivia who are both part of the group that currently missing, are from this year's camp. The seven of us made up almost two teams, but we found out that the last member in Jack, Em and my group is actually Denyt's daughter Grace. Now I don't actually know how Sam ended up with us, but after we separated from Remi and Ty we got caught by Denyt's men. The next time we see the two of them they've got Sam tagging along. However I do know that he and Olivia were both a part of the last summer camp and Sam like us had to run away fearing for his life when he found out too much. But Olivia had been trapped and tortured by Denyt in the base so when Remi and co. came back to rescue us they broke her out too." I have to pause momentarily to take a deep breath after my monologue, "And to answer your second question, I think its been maybe two weeks? or just under? But that was just Jack, Em and I, because the three of us only found Remi a few days ago."

At the mention of Remi's name fresh tears start to well up in Em's eyes, but she hurries to wipe them away. "We were in a canoe going through some underground water tunnels when we got separated from the others," she says to add on to my earlier statement, her voice coming out as barely more than a whisper. "And Remi-... When we found her she looked like she was dead." This time, it all becomes too much and she can't hold in the tears, Jack quickly excusing himself to take her outside and comfort her.

A thoughtful look has settled its way onto Wyatt's face, "So you think that Pike took your friends and left Remi there to die?"

I nod slowly, "It would make sense, I mean he hated her the most out of all of us."

But Wyatt isn't yet satisfied as he prompts, "And why was that?"

That makes me sigh, "Simple. Because she was the brilliant mastermind behind each and every plan of us escaping. She's saved all of our lives numerous times. We'd all- well most of us would probably never have had the chance to leave in the first place, or if we had made it out there'd be a few of us who would definitely be dead if it wasn't for her."

For some reason, my answer seems to please him as a small grin crosses his face though I don't understand why that is, glancing up at me, he must sense my confusion as he says, "It seems like that type of bravery runs in the family."


He begins to frown at my response, when suddenly a look of realisation dawns on his face, "Oh..." he says, "You didn't know? That man you saw take your friend-"

"Everett?" I interrupt, "That what was what you said his name was right?"

He nods curtly, "Yes, but as I was saying, Everett is Remi's older brother."

"How... What? Why didn't you tell us that before?" But then a more pressing thought hits me and I share a look with Jack who seems to have the same idea as me.

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