Chapter 22:

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Once I make it to the shelter of the trees I realise that since I'm now away from the fire, there's not enough light for me to see so I have to wait for a moment until my eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. As I slowly start being able to make out the outlines of the branches in front me, I begin looking in all directions but there's no sign of Ty anywhere. Slightly worried at this point, because wandering around aimlessly at this time of night can be dangerous, I ponder on which way he could have possibly gone.

Choosing to follow my gut instinct, I decide to walk down through the trees towards the edge of the lake. After a while of still not being able to see Ty anywhere I'm about to call it quits and just head back to the others and the warmth of the fire. However when I notice a small, hunched and isolated figure sitting on the flat rock I had sat on only the other day, I falter and almost stumble over my own feet. Ty.

 Suddenly not sure if I should go over to him, his voice rings across the distance to me. "You came." Admittedly It hurts me a little that Ty sounds almost surprised that I've come at all, while at the same time managing to sound both empty and hollow.

Hesitantly taking small, careful steps over to him, I finally come to a halt next to the flat rock where he's sitting.

"Remi why are you here?" He asks flatly, "Haven't you had your fun for the day?"

I can't help the reflexive sharp intake of breath at his harsh yet truthful words, "Ty, I'm sorry-"

"No." He shakes his head, "Don't talk, just sit down and listen."

Nodding mutely, this time with the absence of Ty's help I clamber awkwardly up the side of the rock, jarring my back painfully in the process and then choose to sit down on the far side of the rock.

This makes him laugh drily, though it's without even the smallest trace of humor, "Oh so that's how it's going to be now? You can't even sit next to me?"

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't want me to," I mumble, scooting closer.

Ty kisses the inside of his teeth and I know he wants to say something, but his frown just deepens and he doesn't comment, instead changing the topic completely. "So what is it? Lay it on me. After all you're real good at that aren't you. Have I done something wrong? Because if I have I'm sorry and-"

Cutting off his rambling I burst out, "No!" Which startles him, before more calmly managing to say, "No, of course you haven't done anything wrong."

Levelling his gaze, his eyes lock with mine and I'm unable to pull away from the blank emptiness in his stare, "Then tell me Remi, what was today all about? Just for fun?" He asks coolly.

"No, Ty that's not it-"

"Then what is it god dammit!" He growls angrily, his voice ice cold, "Tell me why you acted the way you did today, because to be honest with you, I'm beginning to think you're bipolar or something. And I have to say I don't seem to like this other version so much, even though I've been seeing more of her than I'd like to lately."

The reality of his accusation hits me and the words I'm trying to say somehow get stuck in my throat. It feels almost as if they're drawing my windpipe shut and painfully slowly choking me.

But when I don't reply to his question and instead just look helplessly at him, his face hardens with a flash of anger, his voice is emotionless when he says, "You know what, I'm going to give you one more chance. Explain why you're acting like this or I walk." In vain I bite my lip trying desperately to compose myself, but still the words to explain my actions just refuse to come out. However Ty can't or doesn't want to see my internal struggle, choosing instead to take this a sign that I'm not going to reply as he sighs and pushes himself to his feet.

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