Chapter 2

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I asked dad if I could walk home tonight because Pippa had dance lessons and Fran was being picked up by her sister. Dad said yes but I still wasn't happy with him. When I got out of the car I slammed the door and walked to my locker to chuck my bag in. "What's wrong Spence?" Holly said. "I'm surprised you're not with Marcus." I said not thinking about what I was saying. "Spencer, please I won't tell anyone else, I promise." Holly said. "You'll tell Marcus and anyways it won't matter. I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I said. "Was it the mystery boy, did he not show up?" Holly asked. I slammed the locker door which opened up again. "Wow someone did wake up on the wrong side of bed." Holly said under her breath. "Dad's moving to America and trying his goddamn hardest to force me to come with him, okay? Just go tell Marcus who will tell the whole school." I said.

After school, I left before anyone of my friends would see me. I was starting to get a better mood, then Marcus scared me. "Where's Holly?" I asked with big breaths so I wouldn't get a panic attack. "I have basketball practise, in the stadium near the skate park." He said. "I know where the stadium is, besides why isn't Holly coming to watch you?" I said and started to walk again. "She is having a girls day with her mum and besides, she doesn't like watching me practise. Where are you going?" He questioned. "Home." I said. "Cool, I'll come with, you go past the stadium don't you?" Marcus said. "Yes." I lied. "What's going on, Spence, you're never this moody, oh are you on your-" Marcus said. "No" I nearly shouted, "Dad's going to America." I continued. "Rough, is your mum going?" He asked. "Not until later, her mum's really sick so she'll stay here until either her mum dies or gets better and goes to an aged care place." I said. "So they're partly breaking up." He said. "Yep." I said. "Oh my god, I have to show you this picture I found on the internet." He said getting my mind off what was happening. He showed me a picture on his phone.

"I almost went to jail today I was SO scared!"

"How scared?"

"Really scared, those monopoly games get pretty intense."

He started cracking up. "Good one." I said, not laughing or smiling. "Oh yeah then there's another, ask Siri why are fire trucks red?" He said. So I held the home button and asked.

"Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight is twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and in the seas are fish, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always Russian around." Siri's results said.

"How did you find that?" I asked. "I have goofier friends." Marcus said. "Really, didn't think that was possible." I said. "Haha, look at that, we are here." Marcus said. I smiled up at him. He leaned in for a kiss. "You have got to be kidding, you have a girlfriend." I said. "You had a crush that you weren't telling anyone else about, I thought..." He said. "No it's not you." I said extremely quickly. "Fuck. I didn't realise you actually had a boyfriend. Please, don't tell Holly- or anyone about what I just tried to do." He got stressed a bit easily, Holly always jokes that that's why he's so good at basketball, especially near the end of the game and his team aren't winning, gives him a boost of man power. "He's not my boyfriend. Just a guy I met for a brief minute." I said, grabbing both his wrists before he pulled out all his hair by running his fingers through it too many times. "That you might like." He said. "Possibly." I said. "Well this just got awkward." He said. I hugged him. "Bye, have fun at basketball." I said, letting go of his wrists and turned to the skate park where I saw a group of people smoking and laughing and one had the same hair style and colour as Oscar, with a tattoo of a rose just below his left shoulder and had a girl sitting on his lap, who he was hugging and kissing her cheek. The guy turned and saw me and I realised it was Oscar. I walked away hoping he didn't remember me but of course, Oscar caught up with me. "Where ya going?" He said, grabbing my upper arm, forcing me to turn around. "I walk home." I gulped. "Nervous hey? How come I've never seen you walking 'round here?" He said. "Maybe because you haven't been looking for me." I tried to shrug it off. "Nah, you came to see me. Who's your boyfriend?" He asked, nodding his head to the direction Marcus went. "He's a friend." I said. "You almost kissed. Ha, he has a crush on you for sure." He laughed. "He has a girlfriend anyway-" I was butted into "So you do like-" "I see you have a girl." I cut him off, looking at the girl who was just before sitting on Oscar, the only girl there as a matter of fact. "I may. May also just be a stranger." He said. "You just joked when I said that my friend almost kissed me, you had her on your lap, kissing her cheek." I said, suddenly stepping back. "Someone's getting defensive quickly, something happen?" I looked at the ground. "Karla's just a toy to all of us, I wasn't talking about her." That shocked me. "Who were you talking about then?-" Unexpectedly, my lips were being contacted with another's. It took me a couple seconds to realise what was going on, I then tried to back away but Oscar was holding me, not letting me move. I had managed to move my hands to get a hold of his head & pushed it back. "You can't just surprise people like that." I said, giggling. "Why not? It's fun taking them by surprise & then feeling them calm down. I think you're a first to move my head." He said, letting go of me. "Well seeing as that was the only way to escape." I said which made Oscar chuckle. "Girls don't really escape from me." "Arrogant much." I said, trying not to smile. "Don't hide your smile, believe it or not, it makes you sexier. Anyway, you may continue to walk home, don't want your family to think anything bad's happened to you." He said. "Are you going to be running away from the police tonight & need my window's safety?" I asked, just as he had turned to walk back. "I don't usually get caught Spence." As I walked past the stadium Marcus was there. "Thank you Marcus" Marcus said in a stupid voice. "And why would I say that?" I said. "Well if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have walked this way because this is the long way back to your house." He said. I playfully slapped him. "Thank you Marcus." I said. "So, Oscar Hades is the mystery boy." He said. "Don't tell, wait how do you know his last name?" I asked. "He's a year above us, he and his little gang dropped out in year 10 ." Marcus said. "That's why I didn't see him at school." I said under my breath. "You know he smokes and drinks, right?" Marcus said. "I noticed by his breath, the way he slurred words, not making proper sentences, and the paper bags near them." I said. "Be careful around him okay." Marcus said. "I will" I said and walked away.

I was studying in my pyjamas when I heard someone. "Guess who?" Oscar said with the scent of cigarettes. I pushed my chair around to see Oscar, resting on my wall near my window. "How'd you get in?" I asked. "I've been playing with the cops for a while, you'd think I'd become good at sneaking into places." He said. "One can only be so sure." Oscar was about to open his mouth to say more when there was a knock at my door. "One minute I'm getting changed." I said. "Hide" I whispered but as I turned, Oscar was no longer at the window. "Come in." I said and mum opened the door. "What are you studying?" Mum said. "Maths right now." I said. "Well, I have a question for you about America." She said. "Yes?" I said. "Nona said she could take you until you finish school then you come over." She said. "Why did dad have to take the promotion?" I said ignoring the proposition. "Look I didn't want to move either but this is your best option, so?" she said. "You didn't answer my question mum" I said. "You know how strict his work is." she said. "Why doesn't he quit then?" I said. "Now it's your time to answer me. America or Nona's?" mum said. "Nona's obviously" I said. "Okay." She said and was about to close the door. "Why does your room smell of cigarettes? You don't?" She said. "No mum, it must just be the candle, I only just lit it so the smell hasn't come." I said. "Okay beautiful, I know you would never, 30 more minutes of studying and then off to bed." She said and closed the door. "Okay mum, love you." I said. Oscar then randomly popped up out of nowhere. "America?" He said, coming over to me. "Dad got a promotion in America and I had to go with him, but now I have to leave after school's done." I said. He nodded. "So math, do you need help with it? I've already done Year 12-" He asked. "I know you didn't." I said and looked down. "How?" He asked. "You know that friend that I was with today, he told me you left school in Year 10." I said. "Right." He said. "Why?" I said. "Why I lied because I-" He said. "No, why did you leave? If you don't mind." I said. "Oh, my dad was in the military and he died when I was in year 9." He said. "You don't-" I said. "Mum didn't have enough money to keep me in school so I dropped out and mum missed dad so much that she had to go into a mental health place, and I never got told where she went. Karla and the others started failing everything and got kicked out." He said. "And I thought I was having a hard time with my family." I said. "And to forget about my family I started drinking and smoking." Oscar said. I walked over to him, grabbing his hands & started rubbing his palms with my thumbs. "Where do you live?" I asked. "On the streets." Oscar said. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" I asked. "No, you have to study." Oscar said. "Well I have been studying all day, I think my brain deserves a rest." I said. "What are you trying to say?" Oscar asked. I pulled his top over his head. "I think you know." I said, letting my hands drop from his bare shoulders down to his waist. "For someone that doesn't have a lot of money, smokes and drinks you take care of your body alright." I said. "Just because I live on the streets doesn't mean I don't have a lot of money." He said as he took my top off.

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