Chapter 15

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It was a couple of days, Sunday, after the uncomfortable car ride with Nona, who wanted to know what happened. I wouldn't tell her though. All she knew was that Tom died in front of my eyes as that is all I remember. For all I knew, Sara hadn't woken up yet. I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram, sitting on my bed. I could hear Nona downstairs chatting, probably screaming at the television telling the contestants the right answer for all the recorded 'Who wants to be a millionaire' shows. But soon after, I realised she wasn't talking with her television and the door opened, and of course, there was Oscar. I quickly went under my duvet, hoping he hadn't seen me. I felt a weight push the corner of my mattress down and then my duvet was lifted up and pushed back. "Can you let me explain before you scream out that I'm a murderer?" He asked with a tired sigh. "Are you going to explain to me what weapon you used to kill him?" I questioned. "Spencer, I don't get it, why do you think I'm the murderer?" He asked. "Because I remember you wanting to kill him." I said. "So you remember that, that wasn't what I meant, I was mad at him for what he did to mum, what he did to you, but you have to believe me, I didn't kill him. I just wanted to fight him or something." He said and looked at me. "Don't, you're making me feel that you're going to kill me." I said. "He startled you, and then committed suicide with a gun." He said. "Right, but you're not allowed guns in Australia." I said. "You know how weird he was, he probably had some connections with someone that owned them." He said. "Is this the only reason you're here?" I asked. "No, mum woke up but she has to stay in hospital for a few more days, just to be sure." He said. "That's amazing, but what are you doing here?" I asked. "I was hoping you would help me get a welcome back to the living gift." He said, I smiled at that, even though it was stupid. "Why me? I don't know what Sara likes." I said. "Well, Leona and I already kind of know, but you have to pick one." He said. "Pick one?" I said and sat up. "Come on, I think you love it." He said and got off my bed.

Oscar had somehow managed to persuaded me into his car, where Leona was as well. When we were near Oscar covered my eyes wanting it to be a surprise. But because I knew where we were, I knew were Leona had parked. "Why are we in front of the animal shelter?" I asked. "What?" He said shocked and took his hands away. "I grew up here Oscar, I know where things are." I said. Leona smiled and got out of the car. "So we were thinking of getting her a cat." Leona said as we all got out of the car. When we got in the lady showed us to the cat section which was past the dogs. I saw two cute caramel puppies and fell in love. "Spencer, we're here for a cat." Oscar said. "This is Dessie." The lady said showing us a little white cat with orange, brown and black patches. "She's a Calico, 2 years old." Leona told me. "We were looking at her a couple of days ago." Oscar said as the lady picked Dessie up and handed her to me. I held her to my chest. We got to play with her for a bit, to see if she was the right one, which of course she was. The lady then picked her up and went with Leona to pay for her. Oscar and I followed, but then I stopped at the puppies again. "They're Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. Murphy and Cooper, Murphy has more white." The lady said once she saw me. She opened the cage and let me through, Oscar followed. "I didn't know you were a dog person." He said as we sat down and let Murphy and Cooper come on our laps. "I didn't know you were an animal person." I said back. "You're too adorable." He said and got out his iPhone 3 and took pictures of me and the puppies. "Wow, I didn't realise how old that thing is." I said looking at the phone with Murphy in my lap. "I like this phone." He said pulling it to his chest. "Okay, I'll have to bin it when you're not looking then." I said and looked down at Murphy. "I have to call someone." He said and put Cooper on the floor and walked out. I didn't know if he actually had a call or it was something else but I thought nothing more of it and continued playing with Murphy and Cooper.

We let Dessie roam the house and Oscar went up to his room. "What a nice guest." Leona said. "What's his problem?" She quietly continued. "I go check." I said. "Would you, thanks." She said and I walked up the stairs to Oscar's room. "Knock, knock." I said opening the door. He was lying on his bed, face down and had his arms folded around his head. "What's with you?" I asked and sat next to him. "I think I have a headache." He said not moving. "So this isn't you being pissed at me because I thought you were a murder?" I said. "I wasn't pissed at you." He said. I stroked his head. "Can you turn around, or does the light burn your eyes when you have headaches." I said and he did turn around, onto his left side. I laid down as well, a bit too close to him. He put his right arm on my neck and rested it there. "How the hell do you put up with me?" He asked softly. "How do you put up with me? With my constant panic attacks?" I asked. "Because I love you and you're talented and beautiful." He said. "Okay, that is so cringey" I said. "But it's true." He said. I wrapped my left arm around his neck and kissed him. "Alright Mr I-have-a-headache, you need some rest." I said before anything more happened, and got up. "You didn't answer me." He said and stood up at the end of the bed. "How I put up with you. Because you care for me when I pass out, unlike others in the past." I said. "Like?" He said. "You need rest." I said and pushed him back on his bed and walked out. "What's up with him?" Leona asked when she saw me walking down the stairs. "Just a headache." I replied. "Of course it is." She said. "What do you mean of course it is." I asked. "He's been using that excuse a lot." She said. "Excuse? What for?" I asked. "After you left saying he was a murder, we came back here and apart from today he hasn't left the house." She said. "What things did he use that for?" I asked. "Like seeing mum, I don't know what's wrong either. He's always in his room." She trailed off. "Do you want me to try to find out?" I said. "I know he needs some space sometimes but still. I just don't know." She said trailing off again. "I think you need some rest, I'll look after the cat." I said. "I'll see if I can, I haven't been sleeping well after mum's accident and what happened after that." She said. "Night, night." I said, ushering her off. "You're too nice Spence. Thanks." She said and got off the couch. I took her place and Dessie jumped up on me.

30 minutes later, or so Oscar came down. "Is she gone?" He said walking down the stairs. "No, she's asleep." I said, looking at the cat, who was still on me. "What have I done?" He said when he sat next to me. I slighted moved away from him and the cat woke up and jumped off me. "Spencer, what have I done?" He asked again, his breath smelt like cigarette smell. "Have you been smoking in your room!?" I said getting up. "Why does it matter?" He asked. "I thought you were trying to stop." I said. "I never said that." He said, stood up and faced me. "Maybe if you cared about other people you would think about your child, and if you died of lung cancer or something, it'll grow up without a father." I said. "Well, then you'll get another boyfriend and say it's the father." He said. "You are such a good liar, saying to Leona every time that you have a headache." I said and walked to the front door. "The one time I finally get to sleep, people start screaming." Leona said coming to the living room. "Oh my god, Oscar, have you been-" She said. "Why does everyone care so much?!" He said and pushed past me, opened the door and slammed it behind him. "He doesn't care, he doesn't care if he dies and his kid grows up without a dad." I said and started tearing up and went through the front door also. I started walking, and didn't notice Zayne and Oscar. "Spencer, wait up." I heard Zayne say but I didn't care so I kept walking. He then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me around. When he noticed me tearing up he hugged me. "Get off her." Oscar said. "Do you even care what you did?" Zayne asked Oscar. "Not even the slightest." Oscar responded. "Well then go back inside you heartless bastard." Zayne shouted. "Thanks." I said and broke the hug. He smiled. "The idiot's drunk, if you didn't notice." He said. "Yeah, I figured." I quietly said. "I'll drive you home." He said. I just nodded, wondering why Zayne was here and what did Oscar think he was doing.

It was a weird car trip, Zayne wanted to know everything but I wouldn't talk. "He's not safe Spencer." He kept saying over and over. When he parked the car in front of Nona's house I immediately got out not wanting him to talk to me anymore but Zayne had other ideas. He grabbed my arm again, I just turned around, too tired to try and fight. "What?" I asked. "Spencer, I still like you." He said. "Me too." I said. "Not as a friend, I want us to be an us again, I want to kiss you again, I want to take you ou-." He said. "I don't think so, after what you did with me." I said. He then pinned me up against his car, and started kissing me. I felt so uncomfortable, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. "Zayne, I have a boyfriend." I said while Zayne would pull back to breath. "Well, break up with him." Zayne said and continued. He moved and I could freely use my right leg so I did, I pushed him away from me. "What is wrong with you?!" I said. "I miss you Spence, I sometimes even have suicidal thoughts." He said. "I really don't need another person to kill themselves in front of me." I said. "What?" He said seriously. "You didn't know them." I said. "Spencer, I'm sorry." He said. "Don't be, that person was an idiot." I said. "No, not about that, I'm sorry about what I just did, I don't know what came over me." He said. "Sure." I said and went inside. Nona wasn't home, which was great. I locked the front door and went for a nap to forget what just happened.

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