Chapter 27

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I woke up quite early, not because of an alarm or morning sickness. I turned around to see no Oscar. Maybe it wasn't that early. I turned over again to grab my phone to check the time. 6.17am. But what was confusing me was that I can usually feel Oscar's weight get in and out of bed. And I didn't last night, or this morning. So the first thing that came into my head, was that he never went to bed. I did my usual morning stuff, shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, makeup, etc. And still, through all that time, I didn't see Oscar. I opened the backdoor, letting Murphy inside. And then I grabbed my keys and went outside, with Murphy. He jumped into my boot and I rang Oscar, but it went to voicemail even before the first ring. He declined me!?

I had dropped Murphy at Nona's and walked to the skate park, the only place, other than Macey and Dylan's, was the only place I thought he could be. Even though the parking lot wasn't that close to where the benches and tables were. It was like my eyes had zoomed in, like binoculars. There was the usual Karla on Kaden, Gus was just sitting there next to Holly. But what caught my attention was a certain auburn haired girl sitting on Oscar, her legs around him. I was pissed off, but not because of Grace. I pissed because I was wondering how he got drunk in the first place. I just took a deep breath and walked up to them. Karla, like always, was the first to notice me. She didn't say anything, she just had the biggest smile painted on her face. "Oh no, look at this." She finally said as I stopped a couple metres away. "Oh no what?" I said with a sweet little smile. Her smile dropped and her face went into a confused look. "Aren't you annoyed that your boyfriend is making out with another girl." As Karla said this, Grace stopped kissing Oscar, she pulled his head to her neck and Oscar started kissing that instead. "What? Oh my god, I don't care." Grace said before burying her face in his hair. "Neither do I. Look Karla, I know you're desperate to make Oscar come back to you, but getting him drunk enough to kiss an ugly girl isn't the way to do so." I said, smirking at Grace. "What the fuck are you talking about, I don't like Ossie like that, and besides, he's not drunk." Karla said. "The only thing going through my mind, is how did you get him drunk?" I asked. "Hell if I knew, he and Grace were here before us, so he obviously wanted to get drunk as an excuse." Karla said, shifting her position on Kaden, leaning back on him. "Sure, make up all the excuses Karla." I said, stepping closer. I saw Karla widen her eyes and take in a deep breath. "Come on Karla, it isn't that hard to find out that you love him still." I said, risking it by taking another step closer. Karla jumped off Kaden and was face to face with me. "Come on, I dare you to hit me." I beckoned. "No, I won't do your stupid fucking dare." She said. "I know you know how to hit someone. You just curled your fingers into a tight clasp" I said grabbing her hand and putting it into a ball shape. "And then you throw your hand at full force at me." I said. "I'm not going to fucking punch you." She said forcing her hand out of mine. "You scared." I exclaimed. "Shut up." She shouted. "Come on, make my face look like yours." I said, causing Kaden, Gus and Holly to laugh. "I'm sorry you have to use so much make-up to make your face half decent." I said and watched Karla's face stiffen, her eyes narrowing. "At least I have a boyfriend that will stay with me." She said. "Oh, Zayne hasn't left you yet, even though he doesn't live here anymore." I said through all the laughs. "Well at least he loves me." She said, through her stiff lips. "But you still need Kaden in your bed, or you in his." I said and everyone went silent. I raised my eyebrows and shifted my weight to one side. "Where the hell did you get that from?" I heard Kaden yell as he stood up next to Karla. "Oscar, when he had to look after your own brother that could've died, but you were too busy playing with Karla." I said, now narrowing my eyes at Kaden. "At least I can have fun without getting her pregnant." Kaden said, getting way too close. "Okay, back off, you smell like the ass you are." I said after taking in a breath of his cigarette breath. "Make, me." He said coming closer, his nose almost touching mine. "You sure you want to go through that pain?" I asked through a sweet innocent smile. "Give me all you got, boy." He said, saying 'boy' with his teeth closed together. I looked into his blue eyes while taking another breath of cigarette smoke. I pushed him onto the pole holding up the roof over the benches and tables. He was extremely light, so I could get his feet off the ground, with the help of the pole. In my peripheral vision I saw Karla, not moving to help him. With my hands in a tight hold around his neck. "Come on boy, you haven't killed me yet." He said. "And what makes you think I want to kill you here? It wouldn't be fun." I said through my teeth. "Then I'll come over and you can kill me in bed, by fuc-" He said. I pushed my hands into his skin, making him choke a bit. "Alright, no fucking me, tonight." He said with a forced smile, trying not to make it look like I was killing him. "Are you struggling to breathe Kaden." I heard Karla say from behind me. "Nah beautiful." He said, still with that yellow teethed smile. I heard Karla step and then she was next to me. "C'mon beautiful, does it really look like I'm struggling?" He said, struggling. "Call me beautiful again and I'll kill you myself." She said, nearing Kaden. I pushed him higher off the ground, making the little muscles I have work. "Boy, seriously, I know I'm heavy, you don't have to waste your breath on me." He said, finally putting his sweaty palms on my arm. "You hear what Karla just said." I asked and he answered with a slight nod. "I will also kill you if you call me boy again." I said, finally dropping him. Changing Grace and Oscar from the corner of my eye to the centre. Well, until I heard Kaden sequel for pain. Looking back at Kaden, who was clenching his stomach on the ground. Karla above him, her left hand clenched in a fist. "Hey, you were supposed to do that to me, not him." I said, looking at her. "Look, boy, take Ossie and leave, unless you want a smoke." She said, still staring down at Kaden. "Ah, no." Grace had finally detaching her lips from Oscar's. "Would you fuck off Grace, why the fuck are you even here?" She asked, removing her glare from a squealing Kaden to Grace. "Yeah, you're not even welcome here, even if you were here first." I heard Holly say. As Grace was stunned with that comment I pushed her off Oscar, stealing her spot, not kissing him though. "So this was where he was last night." I said, still holding onto Grace. "No, I found him here. And he wanted to kiss me." She said. I turned my lips into my mouth, trying desperately not to laugh. "Bullshit." Holly said and everybody stared at her. "Yeah, Bullcrap Grace." Gus said, putting his head off Holly's shoulder. "Boy, leave, now." Karla ordered. "Just a minute Karla. So Grace, when did you come here?" I asked. "Early. He just got drunk so he could use it as an excuse." She mentioned. "Did I ask you why he was drunk?" I asked. "Boy, get, him, home." Karla ordered. "Why?" I asked, looking at Karla. "He's high. Isn't he Grace?" She said. "What? No he's not." Grace said, trying to cover up her scared voice. "What is it? Cocaine, like you gave to Gus. Or do you have other stuff in your pocket." Karla said. My eyes widened. "But, that was a month ago or something?!" I said. "Look boy, Grace has been here for ages. When did you come, like the 1st last month or something." She said. "Get, him, home." She continued. "Wait, has he been vomiting in your mouth?!" I shrieked. Grace didn't give me an answer. I nearly threw up in my mouth, that is just taking it too far. "I didn't bring my car." I said, remembering that I left it at Nona's. "He's keys are probably in one of his pockets." Gus said. But then there was a jingle of keys, coming from none other than Grace. I sighed outstretching my hand for the slight possibility that she would give them over. "Grace, would you just fucking hand over his keys before his vomit comes out of your mouth." Karla said firmly, and when she didn't, instead holding onto them tighter, Karla stood up. "You want some of his puke?" Grace said in surprise. "You swallowed it, you disgusting shithead." Karla said, stepping closer to Grace. "Drop them" She continued in a firm voice again. Karla was definitely not drunk, so instead of her losing her mind today, it was going to be her patience. I don't think Karla and Grace are close at all which is what I originally thought. Gus had now stood up, and was next to Karla, but his face was a lot closer. "C'mon bitch, fight me for them." Grace said, still sitting. I'm sure if Oscar wasn't in this drunken/high state he would've already had the keys by sweet talking her. I could see Holly wanting to help but by the stern looks Gus was giving her, she stayed put. Kaden was still squealing in pain, and when I say squealing, I mean like an 8 year old whose parents won't buy him a toy. And then there was the 8 year old Grace, who was holding onto her parents keys, not giving them back. Once Karla knew that talking to her wasn't doing anything, she grabbed her throat and pushed her, so her back was on the table. "I will make you lose consciousness so just hand boy the keys and I'll let you be." Karla said, "Even though I wish I could kill you." I heard her mutter. She was pushing so hard on Grace's throat that I wouldn't be surprised if vomit came out. She was gasping for air, she pivoted the keys and they hit Gus in the stomach. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but quickly after the keys were thrown, Grace stopped moving. Karla had made her unconscious. "Boy, I swear, get, him, out, of, here." Karla told me again. "Gus help her." Holly said, not caring about Grace.

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