Chapter 34

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Jetlag was incredibly nice to me, letting me sleep from 5pm to 8am, yeah, you get really tired with a baby that you can sleep 15 hours, gosh I feel like a teenager again. When I woke up however, both Oscar & Isla weren't in the bedroom. I got out of bed to take a quick shower, not putting any make-up on because I couldn't be bothered & then changed into a nice pair of dark blue jeans & a grey top. When I walked down to the living room, it was an odd sight to take in, dad was in the kitchen, weird enough, & then I saw Oscar sitting next to mum with Isla on her lap. Oscar noticed me first & gave me a quick smile before looking back at Isla. "Best friends now?" I questioned, kissing Oscar's right cheek. "Just being nice when they are before their fragile period comes out to play." He whispered into my ear, after he then kissed my ear. "Oh look at her eye shape, Spencer she looks so much like you when you were this age". Then the most embarrassing thing happened, Oscar spoke. "You look like you both could be identical twins with the face structure." I immediately started going red, "mum you didn't...?" I asked, more of a rhetorical question because why else would Oscar know what I looked like when I was 8 months old. "Out of every picture folder I have, I reckon we've gone through at least half." I was so red that I had to hide my face in my palms "You were an adorable baby Spence." Oscar laughed, pulling me closer to him. "Just please tell me you didn't see any of the bath ones." I squeaked. "There were some naked Spencer pictures." I curled my feet onto the couch, letting my body fall onto Oscar's lap. "Mum! How dare you!?" I shrieked. "What? I feel like it's a major step in a relationship, seeing each other's baby photos, naked or clothed." She replied, with no concern whatsoever. I couldn't even visualise the reactions Oscar would've made to those photos, it's not like we didn't see each other naked often, I mean, there are a lot of nights were Sara isn't home, but this, this was just weird, let alone embarrassing. "& before you even ask, you'll have to ask mum where she put my baby photos." Oscar said, which wasn't even close to what I was thinking. He curled his back so he was over me, I could feel his warm breath hitting my skin. "Don't be embarrassed, you were a cute baby. My favourite by far was the one where you are in the bath & you gave yourself a bubble Mohawk." He whispered to me, before kissing me repeatedly on the ear then straightening back up. "Shall we start the next folder?" Oscar asked, & before I knew what I was doing, I had my arms around his neck, hanging onto him like a damn baby monkey, shrieking random things like "Don't you dare" while Oscar was just laughing. Whatever mum was doing it wasn't audible because I couldn't hear her. "Darling they'd never do it when you're around. That would ruin half the fun." Dad said, coming from around the corner to the lounge area to which we were in. "Anyway, they won't be doing it now, because breakfast is ready." He continued, while walking back into the kitchen. "Dang, we'll have to look at the rest some other time then." He said, smiling before moving my head from his shoulder to so close in front of his face, lips brushing against each other. "My beautiful girl." He said, looking into my eyes with his forever ice blue ones. Then his lips curved into a smile, "you're as red as a Coke can baby." He said, before placing me on the couch. "Here, you have breakfast & I'll put Isla in her crib for a nap, poor girl was up at 1am this morning. I'm surprised she didn't wake you up Spence with her cries." Oscar said while taking Isla from mum.

Breakfast was when something switched. I'm not exactly sure who made the switch but there was definitely something wrong about this scenario, & it seemed like I was the only one that had no idea what was going on. The moment Oscar came back down; mum & dad gave him strange looks of their own. Oscar either didn't notice it, which was impossible or it wasn't bugging him, he just put his left hand on my thigh & ate his chocolate chip pancakes. "Oscar may I speak to you outside when you've finished." Dad spoke, this wasn't going to go down well, either someone was going to get wounded, they'd become best mates, which was very unlikely, dad would put Oscar in his place, dad would get all protective saying shit like "If you hurt her, I swear I will come at you with a thousand lions", or the odd thought I had, which was to do with marriage, but I don't think that was anything to do with this, by the way dad had the strict tone in his voice to the squeezing of my thigh from Oscar.

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