Chapter 16

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On Tuesday, what happened on Sunday was still fresh in my mind with Zayne. I was sitting at the end of my bed, thinking about what he did to me, both Sunday and why we broke up. My phone was blowing up with so many messages from Oscar, that I turned off the notification. "Honey, I'm going out for coffee with my friends, okay?" Nona shouted from the living room. "Have fun." I shouted back. "Could you get out of your bedroom?" She asked. I had been in my bedroom a lot since Sunday. "I will." I said. "Could you come out now, so I know." She said. "Coming." I groaned, standing up. "Alright, now don't open the door for people you don't know." She said once I came into the living room. "I know that, I'm not 6." I said. "And for the love of god, change out of your pyjamas." She said. "Yes Nona." I said and she went through the front door. I sat on the couch, going back on my phone. A few minutes later the front door opened. "Spencer?" Oscar said after he came in. I didn't say anything, relieved that it wasn't a murderer. I didn't know if I should hug him or ignore him. I decided ignoring him would do nothing. I went up to him and hugged him, not saying anything. He put one hand around my waist and the other one on the back of my head. "Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked. "You really don't remember a thing when you're drunk." I said. "What did I do?" He sighed. "The usual, screaming at me and Leona and telling me to get lost." I said. "Why was I drunk?" He asked himself. "I don't know, why do you when you go to your room saying you have a headache." I said, resting my head on his chest. "Mum." He said. "But Leona said you do this when she's going to see her." I said. "Although she's up, she's not improving. I feel like it was better for her when she was asleep." He said. "I don't want to say it, but, I told you." I said, breaking the hug. "You did." He said, moving my head so I was looking at him. I smiled and put my arms around his neck. He moved my messy hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. I kissed him and he put his arms around my waist. "What's wrong?" He asked once he noticed I was pulling back a bit. "Nothing." I said, resting my chin on his collarbone. "Spence?" He asked. I stayed quiet. "Tell me." He pleaded, planting a long kiss on my forehead. "Zayne," I let out a breath "drove me home on Sunday, while you were screaming at everything. You remember him, don't you?" I asked, removing my chin from his skin. "Yeah." He said. "When we got here, Zayne's mood switched, and he pushed me up against his car, and I think you can guess what he did next." I said. "Wait, this is the guy you were with before you had a major panic attack?" He asked, I just nodded. "He's dead." Oscar quietly said. "Don't, last time you said that the person killed himself." I said. "Well it sounds like he's turning just like Tom." He said. "Don't hurt him, please." I pleaded and kissed him. "I-, I'll try." He said. "Don't even let him know that you know." I said. "Go get changed." He said. "Why?" I asked. "I want to take you somewhere." He said. "Are you asking me on a date Oscar Hades?" I asked. "Something like that." He said, and gently kissed me. "Be right back." I said and went to my room.

I decided to wear a black singlet and sport leggings. I had just finished getting ready when I heard yelling coming from the living room. "Oh god no." I said to myself and went to the living room to see Oscar and Zayne. I grabbed Oscar and pulled him away. "Stop it both of you." I said. "I thought you broke up with this idiot." Zayne said to me. "No, you wanted me to, I never did." I said back at him. "You are such a spoilt little brat, get over the fact she doesn't love you." Oscar said. "Oscar, you are not making this any better." I said. "Can I take you out for brunch?" Zayne asked. "Oh get lost." Oscar said with a laugh. "Oscar, please leave us alone for a bit." I said and pushed Zayne outside and closed the front door behind me. "What's his problem?" Zayne asked. "No, what's your problem?" I corrected. "My problem is that I love you, and I know you love me and you're just dating that piece of trash to make me jealous." He said. "No, I'm not dating Oscar because of you. I do not love you, after what you did." I said. "It was a mistake, I was drunk. Oscar's done some stupid stuff to you when he's drunk, why do you forgive him?" He asked. "Because he doesn't use me like you did." I said angrily. "Why would I use you?" He asked. "For your sick pleasure. It was disgusting what you did to me." I said. "I was a naive child back then, I've changed, I wouldn't do that ever again." He said. "It hasn't even been a year, besides, your little stunt on Sunday says different." I said. "Yeah, well I was in school then, I'm not anymore. And I wasn't in the right head space on Sunday." He said. "Sure you weren't. Have a great time in college. Now get lost." I said. "No, I won't get lost. Not until you break up with that Smokepot and get back with me." He said. "Your joking." I said. "Behind you." He said, I thought he said that because the door was going to open so I turned around and he grabbed me, his left arm around my stomach and the other covering up my mouth. Then the door opened and Oscar came out. "Get off her." He snarled. "Oh Oscar, she's not yours. She's mine now. I would let her say it for herself but she's going to scream and I can't allow that to happen." Zayne said. It was hard to breathe. "Just go back inside, she'll be fine, trust me." Zayne said and started kissing my neck, which got Oscar annoyed, he didn't do what Zayne told him, instead he came closer. "Oh young, naïve Oscar, she's doesn't want to be with you anymore." Zayne said walking backwards a few steps. "I'm older than you." He said and kept coming closer. "Stop, I will kill her. Then this will be over, she won't be worth fighting for." Zayne said and walked a couple more steps backwards. "You are disgusting." Oscar said. "I know, but what you don't know is when, to, quit." Zayne said, Oscar kept coming towards us, and Zayne kept walking backwards. "I'm getting closer to the car." Zayne said. "I swear you're related to Tom." Oscar said. "Tom who? Seriously Oscar, stop." Zayne said. There was then a sudden bump, Zayne had hit his car. He quickly moved his hand from my mouth and pulled the car door. "Locked?" He said and covered my mouth again, stupid shock didn't let me get any words out. "Oh, look at this Zayne, look what I have." Oscar said holding Zayne's keys. "Give 'em." Zayne said. "Okay we'll trade, I stay here and you let go of Spencer, then I will give you your keys." Oscar said. "I can walk home." Zayne said. "While holding her, you definitely won't get weird looks." Oscar said. "I'll give it a shot." He said. "And when you get home, how will you keep Spencer there while you get your keys and car back, which, I have, and have no intention of giving them back until you give her back." Oscar said. "How did you get my keys anyway?" Zayne asked. "When you came in, you dropped them before you started shouting at me." Oscar said. "Fine, deal." Zayne said and quickly moved his arm off my mouth. I didn't do anything, I was stunned again. But the moment he got his other hand off, I got a sudden burst of energy and ran to Oscar, who pivoted the keys at Zayne, then grabbed me and held me tightly. "Pleasure doing business with you." Zayne said and got in his car. "You alright?" He asked me. "Just a bit stunned." I said. "He's psychotic." Oscar said and kissed my hair. "Do you want to come to my place?" He asked. "Can I?" I asked. "Of course you can." He said. "I've just got to lock the house." I said and Oscar let go of me. "So no Panic attack?" He said and he opened his car door for me. "I guess not." I said. "So you're overcoming it?" He asked. "I don't know. It might be a late response." I said. He closed the door and got in the driver's seat. But I know it wasn't a late response, I know exactly why I didn't have a panic attack.

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