Chapter 10

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"Boarding for the 3pm flight to Melbourne Australia." The speaker said. "Goodbye pumpkin." Dad said as he hugged me. "Don't miss us that much." Mum said and joined in the hug. "I'm sorry, we couldn't do everything you wanted dad." I said. "That's alright. At least we did a lot of things on Thursday and today." Dad said. "I'll miss you so much." I said. "Last call for the 3pm flight to Melbourne Australia." The speaker said. "Don't miss your flight." Mum said. "Bye." I said and left.

"Change your clock to 5am in the morning." The speakers said as people got off the plane. "Nona." I said and ran to her for a hug. "How was it?" She said. "Amazing but we couldn't do much because of my head." I lied. "Well that sucks but at least you didn't need to wake up at 4 to get ready to pick your granddaughter up." She said. "I'm so sorry, what if I make it up, I'll drive because at America it is the afternoon and get you breakfast back home." I said. "Yes, than I can sleep in the car." She said. "As long as you don't snore." I said. "I do not." She said. "You believe that then, but I'm surprised you don't wake yourself up from how loud you are." I said and laughed.

We helped each other get our stuff out of the car and Nona went for a nap. "I'm going out for most of the day." I said to her before she left. "Okay hon, have fun be sure to lock the door." She said and left to go to her room, I got the pregnancy test from my room. I dialled Macey's number when I got in my car. "Hello?" She said. "Hey Macey, it's Spencer." I said. "Oh hey, what's up?" She asked. "Um, Oscar said he was at yours this week." I said. "Oh yeah Dylan dropped him off yesterday." Macey said. "Thanks. That's what I called about." I said. "Spence?" She said. "Yes?" I said. "What's happening with the child?" She asked. "I am." I said. "Does he know?" She asked. "I'm going to tell him today." I said. "You better because next time he comes over I'm going to ask him." She said. "Trust me I will." I said. "Okay, good luck girl." Macey said. "Thanks, bye." I said and she ended the call. And I drove over to the skate park.

I quickly saw Oscar sitting down on a skate boarding ramp with his feet dangling over the edge. I sneaked up behind him and sat next to him. "Hey Spence." He said before he turned around to look at me. "Hey, how was Macey's and Dylan's?" I asked. "Alright I guess, I only really worked though." He said. "What exactly do you work as?" I asked. "I help build houses for Macey's parents. They buy rundown places or empty lots and they build houses." He said. "I have some news." I said, as I remembered Macey and I leaving the guys at a rundown looking place. "What kind of news?" He asked. "Depends, but the better one is a 2 hour drive away so let's go." I said and stood up. "I don't know." He said but stood up. "Don't know about what?" I asked. "I don't know if I want to go anywhere. This is around the time they took mum." Oscar said and held my hands. "Well, it'll help, come on." I pleaded. "Spence- I- can't we do this another time?" He asked. "No, but fine if you don't want to come to this thing that I spend so much time looking for." I said. "Baby, I just want to think about my mum." He said. "Well you can think about her in the car. I just planned this for so long." I said and Oscar gently put his hands on my face. "Well, it isn't the exact time mum left." He said and I smiled. "You have such a pretty smile." He said and kissed me. "If you don't want to-" I quietly said. "Well whatever it is, it's probably better than sulking all day." He said and we walked over to my car with his skate board.

"Why did you stop here?" Oscar asked and looked at the Hymens' building. "Get out." I said as I opened the car door. "Spencer?" He said. "Please, I spent most of my time in America looking for this place." I said and started walking to the front door. "Do you have an appointment with someone?" The lady said. "I'm Spencer Montgomery, I talked with Sara on Wednesday." I said. "Follow me." The lady said but as the lady & I started walking, Oscar froze. "Spencer?" Was the only word he managed to say from shock. I grabbed his hand & jogged up to the lady. A few doors down the hallway, the lady stopped. "In here." She said and walked off. "Spencer, what have you done?" He asked. "Hopefully you'll remember who Sara is." I said and opened the door. "Hello Sara, it's me Spencer, I was on the phone with you on Wednesday." I said. "Yes." She replied. When Oscar came in, he froze and stayed silent. "Oscar?" She said. "Mum." He said quietly and hugged me, burying his face in my hair. "How?" He asked me. "Like I said, a lot of time on the internet. Go and talk with her, I'll give you some space." I said. "Don't think so." He said as he held my hand and I walked him over to Sara. "Oh, just look at you. You've grown so much." Sara said to Oscar and we sat down on the seats in the room. I could see Oscar start to tear up. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry." I said and hugged him, he hugged me back. The door opened and a lady came through. "Miss Montgomery, could I have a talk with you." The lady said. I nodded and walked outside the room with her. "I'm Violet, I talked with you over the phone." The lady said. "Is something wrong?" I asked Violet. "No, no, quite the opposite." She said. "Okay." I said. "Ms Hades will be dismissed in a couple of days." She said. "You shouldn't be telling me this, I'm not related to Sara in any way." I said. "Yes, but we realised Oscar currently doesn't not live in a house and Sara's daughter lives in America." She said. "So you knew Oscar was not living in a house but you didn't have a care in the world, you would just take his mother away and leave him." I said angrily. "We tried but when we came back to collect him, he was gone. Besides as far as we care, you're looking after him." She said. "No, I'm not." I said. "Miss Montgomery, quieten down, we have a lot of people in this facility that would appreciate people not yelling." Violet said in a stern voice. "Call me Spencer please." I asked after I took a deep breath. "I do not call visitors by their first name thank you." She said. "I'll leave you three alone to talk about Sara's dismissal." I said and walked to the building's exit. "Miss Montgomery." Violet called out but I ignored her. As I was getting in my car I saw Oscar walking towards me. "Are you already done with seeing your mother." I said angrily and nearly slammed the door without getting in the car. Oscar came up to me. "No but I would like to know what you two were talking about and why you are in this sour mood." He said sternly. "Your mum's getting dismissed soon." I said without looking at him. "Why would that make you angry?" He asked. "Why aren't you happy?" I said. "I asked first." Oscar said. "I'm happy that she's getting out of here." I said quietly. "Then what is it?" He asked as he put his hands under my head and gently pushed it up so I was looking at him. "The people here knew you were living in the streets and they didn't even try to find you." I said. "Well if they did find me they would just probably put me in foster care." He said. "They might of let you stay here." I said. "I doubt it, but if they did I would've never met you." He said. "Well I wish you didn't" I said and got his skate board out of my car. And shoved it and the test into his hands. "98% accuracy" I said as Oscar stared at the results. "How long have you known?" He asked. "Why does it matter? I'm pregnant." I nearly yelled. "Spencer, when did you find out?" He asked calmly. "2 weeks ago." I said. "And why didn't you tell me?" He said. "You want to know?" I nearly shouted "Because I didn't want to add more things onto your plate, I thought I should try to find your mum, you'll get to live in a home again, kill two birds with one stone, get rid of you having to live on the streets and being motherless while also telling you a shit mistake." I said. "So you don't think I should know sooner because it's mine, or do you have another boyfriend that possibly got you pregnant, like, I don't know, Marcus." He said. "You don't think I wanted to tell you, I thought it would be better if you had a good thing happen at the start of the day and then I would drop the bombshell, you know what, I don't need this." I said and got into my car and locked it. Oscar got on his skate board and went back inside and I drove off.


"Well, that sounds like it went well." Macey said. It was 10pm the night after and I told Macey about the conversation I had with Oscar. "At least he knows where his mum is." I said. "Have you seen him since?" She asked. "I think you know the answer to that." I said. "He's probably still down there." She said. "I haven't checked the skate park but I really don't care." I said. "Spence, you remember what I said?" She said. "It's better if the kid has both parents. But you don't understand not every young pregnancy couples stay together. Me and Oscar will probably be an example." I said. "Spencer, don't say that, you were in a shitty mood, he was in shock." She said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You guys stayed together even though he made out with your former best friend." She said. "I wouldn't call her my best friend, more like I good friend." I said. "Whatever, I frankly don't care, all I'm saying is he knows where you are living right now, trust me he'll try to make it up, I told him about the parent thing and he agreed." She said. "I was the one that drove away Mace, not him." I said. "I'll call the Hymen's and find out when Sara's being discharged." She said. "I didn't tell you it was Hymen's." I said. "I already knew and I knew they would put him in a foster family. It would've been torture for him." Macey said. "So I spent my whole week away with my family trying to figure out where Sara was even though you could've told me." I said. "Spencer, get over it. I'll ask and see when Sara can leave." She said. "I am good friends with Sara." She said. "Excuse me?" I said. "Let's just say, it's not Dylan's kid." Macey said. "What!" I said. "Whoa calm down, I was joking." She said. "Bye." I said. "Spence." She said and I ended the call, I quickly got a text.

Macey- How the hell does he put up with you?

I nearly chucked my phone at the door, which was good that I didn't because it opened and I saw Oscar. I stayed silent because I was still pissed off. "I'm going to sleep." I said and closed the door. "Okay, I don't know if something else has pissed you off or it's still me-" Oscar said after he re-opened the door and came through. "I really don't want to talk." I said. "I know, and I know your tired." He said. "Well then why didn't you come earlier?" I asked. "Because I have to look after my mum." He said. "So you and your mother are homeless now." I said. "Mum never sold our home so I'm moving back in." He said. "And where's that, with your sister in America you never told me about." I said. "Leona's a special case, I haven't seen her in 3 years." He said. "Why?" I said. "Because she's a model and actress." He said. "So you are going to live with her." I said. "No, but it's in Ivanhoe, Macey's neighbourhood. That's how I met her, family friends." He said. "So is this your goodbye forever?" I asked. "Spencer that's not why I'm here." He said. "Goodbye forever then, I hope you find the right person for you in Ivanhoe." I said and walked up to him, wiping off the start of a downpour of tears. "I'll see you in a week or so, I need to look after mum for a bit." Oscar said and then he kissed me and left. As he left I was fighting back tears, I decided to change into my pyjamas and laid in bed for a bit scrolling through Instagram. "Good job." Nona said when she came into my room. "On what? I messed up, multiple times. I'm surprised he even wants to see me." I said. "On telling him about the pregnancy." She said. "You, don't get it Nona, he's moving to Ivanhoe." I said. "I know that, I had a nice chat with him before you shouted at him. Him and I both think you should live with him and his mother." She said. "But he hates me for not telling him sooner. He's probably moving to get far away from me." I said. "He doesn't hate you, he might be disappointed yes but he loves you." She said. "Way too cheesy for you, so you're kicking me out, is that why you agreed with Oscar?" I questioned. "I came up with the idea." She said quickly. "Excuse me, what?" I said. "Well, I had your father at a much younger age than I had hoped. It is extremely hard to be a single mother at 19, I've been through it." She said. "So you had my dad at 19?" I clarified. "17, that's why your parents had you when they were older because Doug didn't want Fiona to go through a difficult stage. Honey, I just want to give you and the child the easy way through this and the better." Nona said. I didn't know what to say. "Goodnight, sweetheart." She said and left.

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