Chapter 38

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5 Years Later

I quickly rush towards Isla's classroom. "Mummy!" I hear her voice as I see her run towards me, arms outstretched for a hug. I quickly give her a hug & as I get back on my feet I see Oscar, arms crossed, watching Isla & I, he looked down at his watch. "Yes, I'm sorry I'm a couple minutes late, the doctor's appointment ran overtime." I said & quickly kissed him. "10 minutes late Spencer." Clearly not impressed with my lateness. "Leave mum alone, she had to see the doctor 'cause she was sick, right mum?" Isla turned her glance from Oscar to me. I just smiled, no words transferring from my brain to my tongue, she was too young. I couldn't tell her or Oscar, not right now as it was unclear if I had it or not. I looked up from Isla's little face to the sound of a door opening. "Isla why don't you go play in the playground for a bit dear?" The middle aged lady said. "Okay Ms June." Isla said sweetly & started walking away, with a skip in her step. Ms June was already greying, wearing older clothing, from what I could tell, her eyes were silver, but they were heavily gazed at Oscar, paying no attention to me. "I'm Ms June, your daughter's teacher, but you can call me Beth." Instead of a normal handshake she hugged Oscar, instantly making him uncomfortable. "May we come in?" I asked, as he somehow got Beth off of him. She stared at me for only a second before saying "sure" with a sour tone & going into the prep classroom, she kept the door open for Oscar but let go of it when I was entering. "You two look very young to have a 5 year old child." She said, looking at Oscar's finger's noticing there was no ring. "Was it a teenage pregnancy?" She continued. I took a deep breath, not really wanting to talk about it. "That is none of your concern, sorry." Oscar said, saving me. "You don't look any older than 22 I must say." Beth said, talking to Oscar of course, not giving a crap about me. Oscar had obviously notified Beth's little obsession with him, so he held my hand. "So we were here because Isla seems not to be learning anything from your class." Oscar said, watching Beth's every movement now. She took a seat in her chair. "Yes, she seems to be teaching her peers, not learning much herself." She took her eyes off our hands from an eye roll & got some papers out from her desk draw. "She tells me every day almost that she helped so-&-so with their work, & when I ask about what she learned her reply is always 'oh nothing, it's stuff I already now'..." I looked at Oscar, letting him say something. "Yes, we were hoping if she could go up to Year 1, as it is evident she's not learning a single thing in this year." Beth sighed, "That would be useless, moving her up only at the start of the year, the work will get harder & if you send her to Year 1, the work will be too much." Oscar, not being very formal butted in. "No, what is useless is making her stay in this class, we want her to learn, not be a teacher." Beth was speechless for a moment. She stared at Oscar for a bit, with a sour look, passing it on to me, Oscar squeezed my hand, notifying that it'll be okay. "If you want my advice, from a teacher's outlook on this situation, I suggest to stop teaching her at home, at this young age, we do not give the students any homework because we want their first year of proper school, & not some kindergarten, to be enjoyable. If you continue to teach her things at home, then what's the point in me, you might as well home-school her. Now I see, you are young, & I believe Isla is your first child, so you are experimenting with parenting but you must let me teach her." Beth had an agitated tone now, she was the type of teacher that had a procedure in doing things, & if that procedure was changed she would get angry. "I understand that but she is a talented & smart girl, taking after her mother. If we don't keep teaching her things at home we'd be wasting the potential in her. Besides, she loves learning & asks us both questions all the time. Also, home-schooling isn't an option for us. We want her to socialise & both Spencer & I wouldn't have the time. I understand all her friends are in this class but maybe if you teach her some more advanced things, give her Year 1 work maybe. Anything would be better than this, I'm sure Spencer & you, Beth would agree on that." Beth moved her eyes from her pieces of paper to Oscar & I. "Would you please bring Isla here, Miss Montgomery?" Beth asked me, evident she wanted time alone with Oscar. "I shall, be right back." Oscar said, letting go of my hand. "Mr Hades, I would like to have a one on one chat with you, if you don't mind. Have you forgotten where the door was Miss Montgomery?" Beth said. Oscar rubbed my thigh, as a gesture that it will all be fine, I simply smiled & left the room. Isla was sitting on the swings, kicking the bark on the floor, her brown hair over her face. "Honey, Ms June would like you to come inside. Is everything okay?" I asked, initially wanting to get back to the classroom as quickly as possible. "Mummy!" She squealed & ran up to me, hugging me. "She didn't kill you with her laser eyes." Burying her head into my stomach. "Who didn't kill me with their laser eyes?" I asked, slightly confused. "Ms June, she killed Manny's dad last month, I thought you & daddy were next. Where is daddy?!" She asked. "No, I'm pretty sure Ms June doesn't have laser eyes sweety, but she's got dad still, you should hurry up & make sure she isn't killing him." I said, putting on a fake voice which made Isla race to her classroom. I walked back in laughter, also realising that Isla would catch anything happening. "Leave dad alone!" I heard her faint squeal. "She was about to kill you with her laser eyes, like how Manny's dad died." I was at the door now. "Manny's father didn't die, he ran out of the family, leaving his wife with a 6 year old & a 2 month old. Rotten bastards like him should burn in hell." Beth spitted. "Child where did you hear such lies? Your mother I'm guessing." She muttered the last bit under her breath. "Beth what do you have against Spencer?" Oscar said, a tone of anger in his voice. "She looks like someone very young & naïve." Beth said. "Don't be mean to mum." Isla said, grabbing my arm, showing everyone she wasn't on her teacher's side. "I think we should end this meeting & talk to the principal instead. You don't see the bigger picture." I said, rubbing Isla's back. "Then please inform me, what is the bigger picture?" Beth glared at me. "This is all I can do for her, I wish to teach her so she can be a great student." In saying this, Oscar moved his eyes from his hands to my eyes, questioning me, with his head slightly tilted. "Have a good night Beth." I said with a smile & left before Oscar could ask me anything. Isla & I were almost outside the building when Oscar caught up to us. "Hey Isla, could you wait outside for a minute? I need to have a talk with Spence." Isla didn't move, instead giving Oscar a questioning glace, she quickly went when Oscar raised his eyebrows. I shouldn't have said anything, now I'm going to get a stockpile of questions about what I meant when I said 'This is all I can do for her' & about the doctor's appointment I told him nothing about. "What's going on Spencer?" Even though he had called me Spencer throughout the whole interview, it came as a shock, he rarely ever calls me Spencer, only when he's trying to be formal or angry at something, but this was a concerned tone. I took a deep breath, trying to think of an excuse not to say in a public building, even though there was no one to be seen at the moment, someone could always pop their head around the corner. "Not here Oscar, later, at home, I promise." I said as he wrapped his arms around me & hugged me. "Okay baby." He said, kissing my forehead. "I thought I told you to wait outside miss." I pressed my lips together & turned around, seeing Isla at the doorway. "The walls are glass daddy, I can see through, mummy looks sad." I couldn't say anything or else I'd be lying, because I was breaking down inside. "Are you sick mum? Most people got to the doctor's if they're sick." She said, walking up to us. "They don't know yet." I said, kneeling down & hugging her.

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