Chapter 39

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After multiple appointments they found it, a cancerous lump on my left breast. I was in shock when they told me. But now, parked just outside my house, the freeze from the shock had left & I was about to burst into tears. I had a large chance of not making it out alive, leaving Isla with no mum. I come feel the tears start to form. I knew Oscar & Isla were in there, that I had to pass them if I wanted to get to my bedroom. I decided to take the chance, I got out of the car, took off my jacket so I could easily through down somewhere. I closed the garage then opened the door into the house like any normal person would, just opened & closed it, not slightly opening it to then take off when they weren't looking my way. Their bodies were facing me but both heads were down probably reading a book together. I had reached the stairs without them noticing me, until, I made a noise, a sniffle, then bang, Oscar's head shot up & Murphy had gotten off his bed & came towards me. I quickly threw my jacket on the stairwell & jogged upstairs, Murphy following. I was sitting on my bed, petting Murphy when Oscar came in, confusion all over his face. "Spence, what did the doctors say?" I hadn't told them anything, not even that I may have cancer, I didn't want him to worry for no reason, but I had to now. "The- they found something." I stuttered as Oscar sat next to me & pulled me closer to him. "& what did they find?" He said calmly. "A lump..."I trailed off. "A lump?" He questioned. "Cancer, Oscar, I have breast cancer." Now it was his turn to freeze with shock. He went speechless, so he did what he did best, he kissed me. He put his left hand through my hair, placing it on my right ear. They turned from the nice, sweet tasting kisses to salty & watery, he was crying as well, but neither of us stopped. I felt Murphy get off me & was replaced by Oscar. We kissed while crying for a good while until Oscar stopped himself from going any further. "I can't lose you Spence." He said softly, at this point he had his hands on my cheeks & he had put his forehead on mine. "Not now, not ever." All I could do was look into his glassy eyes. He was breaking down, I could see past his eyes how much he was hurting by this, I couldn't bear to see Isla's response. "When should we tell her?" His eyes opened from my question. "Are you fucking serious?! Tell a little girl that her mum is slowly dying. I know how hard it was for you when your mum told you your gran died from cancer, b- but a little fucking girl & her mother, not an 18 year old & her grandmother she hardly ever saw." He wasn't swearing & angry because he was pissed off, he was scared, terrified. "Ossie, she deserves to know. I can only lie to her & only say I'm sick for so long." I got a little smile out of him by using his nickname that he hates. "Take as long as you need baby." He said as I wiped his tears off his face. "Murphy." He said, instructing the dog onto the bed. "You stay up here, I'll make dinner & look after Isla. Look after her." He said the last bit to Murphy, cupping his head with his hands. As a response, Murphy put his head on my lap. "Oscar you don't need to do that, you've been at college-" I was butted in. "I won't burn down the house." Oscar said as he closed the door.

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