Chapter 9

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I woke up with a terrible throbbing in my head, worse than it was before I fainted. "Ouch." I said and realised I was now in a hospital bed. "How are you Spencer?" The nurse said. "I feel like I've been shot twenty times in the head." I said. "I figured." She said. "What happened to me?" I said. "There was sounds bouncing all around in your brain and something happened that you weren't expecting. So your brain was so traumatized it just shut down." She said. "Is there any way to get rid of it?" I asked. "Just rest up and try not to raise your voice." She said. "Okay. Thanks so much." I said. "I have hardly done anything, it was your friends." She said and opened the door, I sat up. "You can some in now boys." She said. "Spencer?" Oscar said and came over to me. "I'll check on you soon." She said. "Dude, give her some space. She probably doesn't know what the hell happened." Marcus said, he and Zayne rested against the back wall. "Yeah, back off dude, she's probably pissed with you." Zayne said. "How long was I out for?" I said. "Let's just say it's Friday now." Zayne said. "What?" I said. "It's 1 in the morning." Marcus said. "So you've been out for a good 4 and a bit hours." Oscar said. "I'm so sorry Marcus and Zayne, I ruined the party." I said. "Nah nobody except Oscar and I noticed your dramatic fall into Oscar's arms and we told Marcus, which was Oscar's choice." Zayne said. "Wait back up, dramatic fall?" I said. "Yeah into Oscar's arms, very dramatic. If it wasn't for him you would have definitely broken something, dislocated something or fractured something, then again, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have fallen off the porch." Zayne said. "Is he still drunk?" I said. "I'm going into a hangover. Why?" Zayne said. "You fell, from quiet a height, and you came down at a very fast speed." Oscar said. "I'm surprised you caught her you drunk homeless person." Marcus said. "He's not drunk, if he was he would be making out with one of you." I said. "Wait if you're homeless how are your teeth so white?" Zayne said. "Just because I live outside doesn't mean I don't have money to buy food and toiletries." Oscar said. "Back to me, how did I get here? Because Oscar doesn't have a car." I said. "Other people have cars and driver licenses." Zayne said. "I drove while those two had a girl fight over you to take care of you." Marcus said. "Girl fight hey, sucks I had to miss it." I joked. "But you were the prize." Marcus said. "Fine, let me rephrase, sucks that I was there in person but not in mind." I said. "Where did your mind go during that?" Zayne asked. "It felt like time just sped forward a couple of hours. I faint there's a few moments of blackness where you can hear people talking to you but you can't respond and then next second, I'm here." I said. "Well I speak for everyone here, we're all glad that you're not dead." Zayne said. "You weren't breathing after I caught you. I thought you were dead from the impact." Oscar said. "You still have feelings for me?" I asked Oscar. "I never didn't after we met." Oscar said. "Pardon me while I throw up from the cheesiness." Zayne said and Marcus elbowed him. "Look me in the eye and tell me that wasn't the cheesiest thing you've ever heard." Zayne said to Marcus. "I'll go sort him out." Marcus said and pushed Zayne out the door. "So you're dating him now?" Oscar said. "No, it was a party and he was drunk." I said. "Well you were going to let him kiss you." He said. "Why are you mad, we're not together anymore." I said. "You ran away before I could explain." He said. "You haven't come to my room this week." I said. "Because I know you would shout at me to leave." He said. "Well I can't run now, so explain." I said. "If you want to date him fine but have fun explaining your pregnant to him if you are." He said. "I dated him at the start of the year." I said. "And you're getting back with him." He said. "I thought you were going to explain about you embarrassing me during my exam with Holly." I said. "You believed Karla's little lie." He said. "Little? That was not little." I said trying to force myself to not scream. "Does it matter? She lied, she and Holly were whispering that morning at 5ish that's probably it." He said. "So you had no part in this?" I asked. "No, if I knew I would have come over to your house." He said. "I had so much anger built up in me, I probably would of believed she killed you and someone was wearing your skin." I said. "That's a horrid thought, then again at that moment you wanted to stab her." He said. "I hate myself for believing Karla." I said quite loud and started tearing up. Oscar sat on the bed next to me and hugged me. "My head feels like it just been stabbed." I said. "That's what you get for screaming." He said. "I wasn't." I said. "Sure but you were about to then." He said and gently put my head on his shoulder and I fell asleep soon after.

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