Chapter 23

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Spain was great. We didn't do much as it's stealing my friends for 3 months. It doesn't really bother me though, I never see them anyway. Wasn't really that eventful. I'm doing what Oscar suggested, a week at Spain and a week at mum and dad's. I got to my parents really late on the 1st and on the 2nd mum and I were talking about how to tell dad about the baby. So now, I'm sitting on the couch, next to mum, waiting for dad to get out of the toilet. My hands are wet with my sweat and I'm counting my breaths. I feel like I'm about to go through a panic attack for the first time since the Zayne and Karla thing. My breaths are long and deep. Every minute dad's not here feels like an eternity. He finally gets out and sits on his armchair, across from me and mum. "So what's the news?" He sounds so happy, I know that's going to quickly disappear when I tell him. It'll change from this to anger, sadness and screaming. I can picture it all in my head. It won't be pretty. Mum and I look at each other before I look at dad. I don't say anything about 'don't be mad but...' Because that's bullshit. "Dad." I say and take a breath, even though mum and I have talked about this for ages, none of the plans come to mind. "Dad, I have some news." I said, staring into his eyes. The happiness drops, he knows it's not good. He opens his mouth about to say something but I stop him. "Dad, I'm pregnant." I say slowly, making him hear every word so I don't have to repeat it. His jaw shuts so quickly. I see his breathing pick up, and his lips purse together. He heard. Mum jumps from next to me, to by his side. "I'm sorry." I say and bury my head in my palms. I can feel tears form. I hear him stand up and leave. Mum comes back to me, and rubs her hand up and down my back. "Good girl, you did it." She said, and put her arms around me, bear hugging me. She holds me like she did when I was a kid. I was curled up in her lap. One of her arms were around me, the other going through my hair, in between every stroke she would kiss my hair. I cry into her top, I feel really bad, but she is pressing her hand on the side of head, forcing it on her chest. "Why am I such a failure to him?" I ask, half hoping she doesn't reply, she does though. "He just needs time baby. It's a big surprise." She says as she kisses my hair again. "But when he finds out, about Oscar, I'll never be able to come back." I said. "Baby, that's not true." She said.

Dad didn't come down from his bedroom for dinner, in fact I didn't see him at all. I'm in my bedroom, on my phone, about to go to bed. My door slowly opens and dad comes in. His eyes are red and puffy, he's been crying. Something he never does. "Dad, I-" He stops me by putting his hand in the air, forming a stop sign. I turn off my phone and sit up. "Is it the same boy you're living with?" He asks, sitting at the end of my bed. "It is dad." I nod, I'm bracing myself for the 'who?' question to come out of his mouth. He nods and I hear his stomach ask for food. He disregards it and sighs. "This is my fault. If I was home more often you wouldn't have snuck out. Who's the dad?" He drops the bombshell. "Oscar Hades." I say quietly. I study his face, it doesn't scrunch up, I don't hear curse words. Instead, I see sympathy. "That kid's been through a lot of shit." He swears, I'm not used to my own father swearing. "Yeah, and I'm adding more to it." I say, looking down at my hands. "I heard he found his mother." Dad said, which surprised me. "How?" I say with a smile. "I think everyone knows the kid, or at least everyone from my work, when I worked in Australia." He sighs. "Your mother told me. At least now I know how she found out." He said, and I hear his stomach again. "Go eat dad." I said. "I probably should." He laughs and stands up. "Don't want my baby to get hungry." He says, patting his stomach. I laugh at his comment. "How many weeks is it?" He asks. "Coming up to three months." I said. "I just wish you told me earlier kiddo." He said and left, closing my door behind him. I sigh happily and scream in my mind.


I was so tired, and my sleeping pattern is so messed up again. It was midday when the plane landed, whereas right now it would be 7pm. So I knew I would crash at like 3pm or something, and I didn't want to. It didn't take long for me to spot Oscar, on one of the seats where you sit if you're boarding the plane or picking someone up. I walked up to him and sat next to him. He was on his 3000 year old phone but quickly turned it off when I got close. "Hey." I yawned. "Hi, how was it?" He asked and kissed me. "Alright. Nothing happened." I said as I stood up. "Yeah." He said and held my hands in his. "I need to grab my stuff." I said, pulling him up. "So nothing happened, at all." He asks, not believing me. "Enough about me, it's not my birthday. Come on, what did you get?" I said walking over to where everyone was waiting for their luggage. "Nothing." He says with a smirk. I give him a questioning glare but that gets nothing out of him. "What?" He asks me. "I'm not that retarded Oscar. What did you get?" I said, waiting for my stuff to come. "Spence, you are not retarded. And I haven't gotten anything. Mum's been preoccupied with work and she has invited Macey and her family over for lunch." He said. "Preoccupied?" I give him another glare trying to figure out what he meant, not looking at the conveyer belt anymore. "It's been tough, her last boss retired or something happened. The new person that replaced him, can only be described as a dick. Mum's been coming home, almost as late as when I wake up sometimes. I want to beat their ass for doing that to her, but that wouldn't make things easier. Guess that's just what happens when you're one of the best employees." I snuggle into him, tiring not to get too comfortable that I'd fall asleep. "Sara will be fine, you and I both know she's a strong woman who'd much rather kick her own boss's ass then recruit her son. I could just see her saying 'where's the fun in that?'" He chuckles slightly. I move so I can see his face, resting my chin on his chest. "Any drama I missed?" I asked. "Uhhhh, I think Karla slept with 5 guys at the same time. That's how many she boasted about anyway." I saw the little smile form on his face before he made it disappear. "So you weren't one of these 5 guys?" He looked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I just smiled, licking a little bit of my lips. "I would've rather travelled to Spain with you and your friends before getting anywhere near that bed." He said softly before kissing me. I think we may have gotten a little carried away when the man behind Oscar growled, so Oscar quickly found my bag that was going around the belt and we quickly walked away.

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