Chapter 26

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Because Oscar's bedroom had been painted and stinks, Sara allowed him to sleep with me, as long as there was no funny business. Which had succeeded because I went to bed an hour or so before he did. Sara was at work, again. And Oscar was in the shower. I was just listening to music, with one of my Apple earbuds in, scrolling through Instagram, looking at everything Marcus, Pippa, Fran and Seb were doing. I will admit, I was a bit jealous and I was imagining myself there with them when the doorbell snapped me back to reality. Luckily, I was already dressed. It was quiet early for someone to be at the door but I couldn't care less. But, when I opened the door, then I started caring. A familiar auburn haired girl was scowling back at me. "What are you doing over here? I didn't think that Ossie brought people home." She asked, still scowling. It was too early, 6am or something. I wanted to scream at her to run off but I didn't. "What do you want?" I yawned. "Did I wake you? Oh, I'm so fucking sorry. Anyway, I wanted to know where Ossie was, we're supposed to be going out this morning." She asked. The thought of grabbing a knife went through my mind but left just as quickly. "I'll get him." I said, gesturing her to come in. "Thanks." She said, carefully sitting down on the couch. The sound of rushing water had gone, so I knocked on the door. "Yeah?" He asked. "Can I come in?" I asked him. "Uh, sure." He answered, unlocking the door. I walked in, seeing Oscar with no shirt. "So you're going out with someone today?" I asked, resting my back on the now-closed door. "What? No." He responded running the towel through his hair. "Well how come Grace thinks you are?" I asked. "Fucking hell. Did she ring or something?" He asked. "No, she's downstairs." I responded as Oscar came closer to me. "I swear I didn't ask her out. What the fuck is wrong with her?" He asked as I got out of his way towards the door. I followed him downstairs and noticed she wasn't on the couch. I heard Murphy bark and went to the backdoor, praying she wasn't touching him. But when I went outside she was. Murphy ran to me after hearing the door. I picked him up before he raced inside when Oscar came through. "So you ready?" She asked going way to close to Oscar, who still didn't have a shirt on. "What the fuck are you on about?" Oscar asked pushing her away. "You asked me yesterday." Grace stated. "I didn't ask you shit." Oscar said. "Ossie, you're not going to back out because she's here, are you?" She asked and I put Murphy down. "Okay, step back. Who the fuck are you?" I asked standing next to Oscar. "Go on Ossie." She said, nodding at Oscar. "I asked you, not him." I said, starting to get angry. "Oscar's crush." She said simply. I saw Oscar's jaw drop. "Grace Yern?" He asked in shock. "You didn't recognise me?" She also in shock. "Well you've fucking changed." Oscar states. "Why thank you." She responded. "Okay, my turn, who's she?" She said staring at me. "No, not your turn. Where the hell did you run off to?" He asked. "America, Ossie, I work for your sister." She sighed. "You what now?" He asked. "Ossie, I've been working there since she started the business." She said, creeping closer towards him again. "But she started it when we were in year 7." Oscar said, noticing her actions. "Yeah, and that's when I dropped out to do modelling. She needed younger models so that's what I did." She stated, apparently getting to close again and got pushed back. "But your hair changed." He said, leaving his hand on her chest. "Yeah, I felt like brown wasn't cutting it anymore. Why? Do you like me better with it?" She asked stepping back to grab his hand. "Grace, it's not going to happen." He said forcefully. "But what happened to asking me out every day?" She asked in that sweet, fake voice while playing with his fingers. "I'll leave and let you guys chat." I said walking to the backdoor. Beckoning Murphy to come inside with me. I put him on his lead and walked out the front to go for a walk.

When I came back I saw Grace, she was on the front porch, most likely kicked out but didn't want to leave. "Oh, your back." I heard her scowl. I ignored her and walked up to the front door. "What the fuck have you done to him?" She said, staring into my soul with her dark eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked, turning to face her. "He loved me, and now, that I love him, he doesn't love me." She stood up and walked way too close to me. "He will leave you, he leaves everybody." She said and skipped down the stairs. I looked at her with a questioning glare. I went out the back to get Murphy off his lead, I just watched him, not really bothered to get up. I had my chin rested on my palms, my elbows rested on my knees. I was thinking about what Grace had said, I already had the idea of him leaving. I had no idea what to do. "What's wrong?" I heard Oscar say, which startled me, but showed no physical movement. I didn't turn around though. I heard him sit behind me and wrap his arms around me from behind. I felt him move my hair to one side and then he started kissing my neck. "Oscar." I breathed, smelling cigarettes. "Not now." I continued, getting up and walking inside. "Spence what is it?" He asked, grabbing my arm as gently as he could. I just turned around, I couldn't really be bothered to try and get out of his hold. Even though I turned my body, I kept my head down. I didn't answer his question, or speak at all. "Hey, did Grace say something?" He asked, he moved his hands to my cheeks, softly pulling my face up to meet his gaze. "Not now." I repeated from before and took his arms, forcing his hands off my face. He took a step closer to me as I stepped back, dropping my head again. "Spence." He sighed, grabbing my arm again. "Oscar, please." I pleaded, still not wasting any energy trying to get out of his hold. Even if I knew I could easily get out of his grip, because he didn't hold me that roughly, but just rough enough that I couldn't slip my arm out. "What's going on?" He asked with no sound of anger at all, but more concerning. "Nothing has happened." I said tiredly. "Spence I know you're bullshitting me." He said, the concern starting to fade away. "Oscar." I said firmly. "What?" He said nearly as firmly. "The dog." I said nodding at Murphy who had come through the open door. "Spence stop trying to change the topic." He said, running both of his hands through my hair. "And the cat." I said seeing Dessie on the cabinet and Murphy trying to get her by putting both his front paws on the face of the cabinet. Oscar turned around but didn't move his feet, I went over to Murphy and picked him up and put him outside. "I'm just not in the right mood for this." I said going over to him, half expecting him to grab me again. He didn't. "Okay. Can you drop me off at the skate park?" He asked, running another hand through my hair. "The skate park? When do you ever go in the afternoon?" I asked. "Where else would Grace go." He said, I widened my eyes. "No, not like that. Fuck, I didn't mean it like that." He said. "Then what did you mean by that?" I questioned. "So I can tell her to get her little bitchy ass out of Australia." He said as he smiled. "But what about before, in primary school?" I asked, walking towards him. "You know primary school crushes. All bullshit. When dates were bringing them home for Mac and Cheese and then bringing them back to their home. Besides, she didn't have the bitchy attitude she has now." He said and went to the little table near the front door and grabbed his keys. "And why can't you drive yourself?" I asked catching the keys he threw. "Because I don't feel like it." He responded. "And what makes you think that I do?" I asked. "Because you are the best girlfriend." He answered. "Oscar, stop. Why can't you drive yourself?" I repeated, with a bit more firmness then before. "Spence, what have I done?" He tried again. "You haven't done anything, yet." I whispered the last part so he couldn't hear it. "So then why won't you drive me?" He said in a stupid whiney voice. "You're gonna get drunk aren't you?" I said, he didn't respond, not that he needed to. "Drive yourself, then it's your fault if you get into a car accident." I said loudly, but not loud enough to call shouting. I threw the keys back at him with much too much force and walked to my room, closing the door and sitting in front of it. I outstretched my leg, the other had my arms around it and hiding my head in it. It wasn't long before I heard a car speeding away, burning rubber. Shit, I've just killed Oscar, that's probably what should've been in my head, but it wasn't. I don't get him at all, he tries to stop drinking and then the second Grace comes in the picture, he wants to drink his life away with her. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. He physically said he was going there because Grace will be. He could've at least tried a bit harder to hide it.

It was roughly 11pm when I heard a car turn into the driveway. Even though I was tired, something made me stay up to make sure I hadn't killed him. I didn't go to the door, I just stayed on one of the kitchen bar stools. "Spence what are you doing up this late?" He said in a shocked voice as he came into the kitchen. "You don't sound drunk." I said as he came closer. "I'm not. I didn't even go to the skate park." He laughed. I gave him a questioning look and put my legs around him. "I was at Macey and Dylan's place." He answered my look. "You should've brought Murphy. Penny would've-" I said. "No" He butted in. "I was at Macey and Dylan's place, not the Walters'." He finished. "Where do they live?" I asked. "The outskirts of Ivanhoe." He answered, moving his hand onto my cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down my temple. I could see him lean closer, but I stopped him, running my hand through his hair. "So Ossie originated from Grace." I asked. "Kinda, dad and mum used it a lot, you know, when dad was here. Mum never uses it anymore. And Grace picked up on it, I guess." He confirmed. "Oh baby." I said, running my hand through his hair again. I finally placed them around his neck, pulling him closer to me. "Don't think of it like that. It's just like any other couple, giving their child an overly cute and babyish nickname. I'm sure your parents nicknamed you Spencey when you were little." He said. "My parents weren't really around that often." I said quietly. "What? Where were they?" He questioned. "Dad is 'the overseas' person I guess. Any business that was overseas they sent dad, and whenever there was another ticket, they would dump me at Nona's and leave. I didn't cry at all actually when they left. I just imagined them on another stupid overseas trip without me." I said, looking away from Oscar. "Did you come on any of them?" He asked, stopping his thumb. "Yeah, once, to Adelaide." I said, I was looking at the ground, observing the carpet of all things, the biggest accessory. "Well surely that wasn't bad." He said. "Mum and dad got business class seats, and I got stuck, on my own, in normal, or whatever you call it." I said, still studying the white carpet against the oak wooden floor boards. "Spencey." He sighed. That made me smile. "I was on the window seat, and there was an old lady. She must've noticed how terrified I was. Little 6 year old me. We talked about how she always wanted to travel, but she was too old for that now and was going to retire. She wanted to walk across the Great Australian Byte before. It's such a big walk, I don't know what was going through her mind. She told me that she was going to stop at hotels, obviously." I said. "And did she make it?" He asked. "I don't know, never saw her again." I laughed, returning his gaze. "Bloody adventuress types. Trying to kill themselves at 90." He said. "She definitely was not 90." I said, still laughing a bit. "Well she probably is now, or dead." He said. "Oscar!" I said playfully hitting his cheek. "But it's true." He said leaning a lot closer, I left my hand on his cheek. My eyes fall to his lips before closing. But all I feel his him brushing his hand against my cheek. I open my eyes and just as I thought, he hadn't moved from before I closed my eyes. What is he doing? I ask myself before hearing. "What are you still doing up?" Sara's tired voice called out. I remove my legs from Oscar and turn around in the bar stool. She was at the top of the stairs. Good one Spencer, you woke her up. "Mum why are you up?" Oscar asked. "I need a drink before going to bed." She answers. "Mum, why are you up?" Oscar asks again, more sternly. "I have a presentation tomorrow. I've just finished it." She replies. "Mum it's nearly midnight." He said. "Exactly, so why are you both up?" She asks. "I just had to tell Spence something before she went to bed." Oscar covers. "Yeah, because that's definitely what it looked like." She said and started walking down the stairs. "Goodnight Sara." I said while getting off the stool. "Goodnight beautiful." She replied and I went to bed.

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