Chapter 36

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Coming home from America on a birthday seems to be a recurring thing that happens to me. It wasn't a hard task for Leona to keep me at her place & not try to run to the airport. I just put all my attention towards Isla, keeping me distracted & not letting my thoughts wonder to Oscar. I had gone to one of Leona's runways. I hadn't stayed for long though, when I saw her again that just made all the terrible memories race into my head. I rushed out of the building & went into a café, Leona left the other owner at the runway & found me, phone out, staring at Oscar's contact in my phone, but she took the phone out of my hand before I even wanted to touch ring, or text. That was the first & last runway of Leona's I would ever attend. She never gave me my phone back as she thought I'd contact him the second I'd get it back, saying that "Separation is key to any relationship, if you can't handle the time apart you've gotten obsessed & it won't end well." If only she fully understood the weird connection that was Oscar & my relationship was, I wouldn't exactly call it healthy, at least not at this moment. She gave me back my phone when the plane took off but I hadn't turned it on during the whole flight, a nearly full month away from your phone doesn't make you instantly want to turn it back on & look at all the notifications.

It didn't take long for Sara to pounce on us after Leona pushed the doorbell. She gave us both hugs before grabbing Isla & walked back inside the house. "Look how big you've got little miss" She said, outstretching her arms so she could look at Isla again before bringing her back in for another cuddle. "Hey mum" Leona said, as she stopped to look at her mum & Isla from the bottom of the stairs. "Oh yes, you've grown so much as well Leona" Sara responded, only half paying attention to everything that wasn't Isla. "Gosh, you're father is an idiot." She talked to Isla in a low, baby voice. I didn't even have to say anything because just after Sara had turned to go spend some time with her granddaughter, Leona spoke, "What was that mum?" Her eyes following Sara's every movement. "What I said dear, was your brother was the best thing I've ever had, I love him so much, & he's an idiot for what he's done." & with that, she left. I guess now isn't the best time to tell her what caused Oscar's reactions. "Please tell me she doesn't say the same things about me when I'm not around." Leona mumbled at me. "Oscar must be the favourite child."

I had given Isla some baby food in her high chair when I heard a knock at the door, I raised my head to look at Sara who wasn't faced by the sound & continued chopping up vegetables for lunch. "You go, I'll watch her." She said without looking away. I brushed Isla's little baby hairs away from her face before going to the door. I opened the door & was quickly surrounded by him. "Honey I'm home." Oscar said softly, pulling me as close as possible to him. "You're supposed to yell that when you're on the front lawn." I chuckle, resting my chin on his chest. "Supposed to." He repeated me quickly kissing me, "so how much have I been missed?" He asked, putting his hands on my cheeks. "Oh you know, not that much." I smiled sarcastically. "Oh darn, so not that much more than I missed you." He lied & kissed my forehead, hugging me tight. "Well, duty calls" I sighed when I heard baby screams. "Baby brother" I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "Family time." I smiled, patted his cheeks then went off to the kitchen.

Leona hadn't let Oscar move from the front door, which I found funny & somewhat grateful that I didn't have siblings, especially older ones. Isla had finished her food so I took her outside to play in the grass & with Murphy. She would giggle anytime Murphy's fur brushed against her when she just touched him, which was mostly me, guiding her hand across his back, just so there wasn't the risk she'd pock her fingers into his eyes, or Murphy would snap, which would be unlikely because he was such a gentle dog with her & other little humans like Penny & Flynn. I eventually heard the backdoor open but I didn't waste energy to turn my head to check who it was. Then there was a squeal which made Murphy become alerted, then after noticing who it was sprinted. "Hey Murph." She said. "Hey Pip." I said before she came into my view & sat down. Pippa & Marcus had been spending most of their time up in Spain with Fran & Seb, they all would come down every so often like Leona did, Marcus & Pip coming down more often than Fran & Seb. "I think Holly's flirting with your boyfriend again." She said carelessly while playing with Isla. "Poor thing." I said, not really caring on the matter. "You're not even the slightest bit worried?" She said, looking up at me. "He's a big kid now, besides, I've heard it on repeat how much he dislikes her, in that sense. What's there to worry about? I've seen them both passionately make out with each other before, to be honest, I wouldn't be that shocked if I walked into his room & saw him & her doing it. The thing that is slightly confusing me is why Holly, you & Marcus are here." I questioned. "Well a certain someone may have drove to all of our houses, including Holly's, & drove us over here for your birthday." I sighed, thanking Nona that she had only invited Holly, Marcus & Pippa. "I've gotten to the age when my birthday is just a day where I get a year older, besides, there's not really any point celebrating it, especially with Isla around, can't really go drinking or anything." When I said this, I saw Pippa about to say something but she stopped herself & I couldn't be bothered to question what was running in her head. The look I was giving to her made her spill a slight bit. "Oscar will tell you." Murphy had raced to the door again & soon there was Penny & Cooper outside with us. "How many people are here?" I asked sternly. "Go inside & be surprised, we'll look after Isla." Penny said, ushering me up. I moved Isla closer to Pippa before getting up & walking to the backdoor. When I got closer, I heard a lot of chatter, people introducing each other, and others talking to their old friends. As I opened the door, I was trying so hard not to let my jaw drop, my hand fell from the door knob to my side as I took in just how many people where here- Sara, Leona & Oscar, obviously, James & Melissa Walters, Macey, Dylan & Flynn, Gus, Fran & Seb, Marcus, Holly, Lester & Parker, Nona & mum. While noticing everyone's presence, Oscar had come over, pushing me inside with an arm around my back to close the door before Dessie got out. He put his other arm around me & nuzzled his face into my neck. "Surprise." He whispered into my skin. Oscar had put his arms over mine so I had to stand like I was a solider, but I was mumbling a lot of 'huhs', 'whats' & 'hows'. He let me ramble those words for a while, way too long for my liking, before moving his mouth to my ear whispering "I missed you're nineteenth birthday, I had to make it up to you somehow. Happy birthday baby." Then kissed my ear & let go of me. "Go socialise, something you haven't done in ages." He said, & I saw him eye Leona. I put my right hand on his cheek & gently pushed his gaze back to me. "Build a bridge & get over it, what's done is done." I kissed him before he stopped me, turning me around & pushing me in the back slightly. I didn't bother turning around because I heard the backdoor open & close. "Someone's acting like they haven't seen their husband in years." I heard Fran say but before I could tell her anything Seb had pulled her into his chest, not letting her talk anymore. "So I'm guessing things with you &-" he paused for a while, thinking wisely about what to say "-you & him are fine. Even with all the time you've spent apart." I laugh at his comment. "Seb you can let go of her, unless you want to make out with her to make it more obvious to everyone you're together. Let her gawk about Oscar & I if she wants, unless she starts calling me Mrs Hades, then you'll have to suffocate her in your hold." That earned me a weird look from Seb as he removed his arm from Fran. "Where-" She started to say. "Isla's outside if you want to see her & see if she is more cute in person." I butted into her. She laughed for a bit before going to the door, leaving Seb with me. "I shouldn't tell her how there are apps & websites that combine two people to see what they're babies would look like, should I?" I rhetorically asked him & I was left with a cold stare before going outside with his girlfriend. Nona, mum & Sara were in the kitchen making more food so I left them be. "They are such a cute couple." I heard & instantly got in intrigued, the comment came from where Lester & Parker were standing, & it looked like they were looking towards Holly, Gus & Marcus, who were sitting on the massive corner couch, Holly sitting on Gus & his arms around her, which was a bit weird, did Holly know about Gus or not? I asked myself. "Who are?" I asked, bringing them out of their fantasy mind. "What? Nothing. Oh, hey Spence." Lester said quickly. "Boys, who are you looking at?" I said, already knowing the answer. "No one, we were- um." "We were saying how cute those plants are together-, kind of look like they're a couple." Parker was cut off by Lester. "Holly & Gus aren't a couple. Which one of you likes Holly?" I asked, trying not to laugh too much at the boys' lake of confidence. "Parker." Lester quickly said which was quickly responded with a "well Lester likes Gus." Both punched the other in the stomach, but I grabbed their wrists before either could punch the other one again. "Gus, Holly, up, now." I said firmly, still having a tight grasp on the boys' wrists. "Why?" Holly snickered, not looking up from her nails, but Gus had looked, & instantly seemed shy. "So we're going to do it this way are we?" I asked Holly, she still hadn't looked up. I nicely pushed Lester onto the couch, letting go of his wrist & grabbing Holly's instead. "I should check up on Pip." Marcus had caught on to what I was doing & left the couch. "Parker, Holly, Holly, Parker. Don't be rolling around on the ground when someone comes out here to get you." I said once I had gotten them both outside. I left them after being shot with a what-the-fuck look from both of them. I was going to leave the Walters, Leona, Dylan, Macey & Flynn alone but when I was going past Macey pulled me in for a hug. "Happy birthday Boy." Dylan said, hugging me after Macey let go. "Thanks Uni." I replied back as he broke the hug. "Oh Mel, don't you remember when we had nicknames for each other?" James asked Melissa, but the two were quickly silenced by a death glare from their daughter. Leona was busy cooing over Flynn but Dylan & I laughed at the silencing. "So Spencer, how is it being a parent?" Melissa asked. "It's lovely, hard work yes, but it's a very cute reward." I said & then a dreaded moment was brought up. "Well, of course she'd be cute, I'm only imagining how cute you were but little baby Oscar, oh gosh was he a cutie, have you seen pictures of him?" James asked, which made me remember when mum had told me that she & Oscar had looked through half the folders of baby photo's she owned. "Yes Sara, when are you getting onto that? Oscar's already seen Spencer's." Mum said as she & Sara walked up to the group, now if you don't call that an embarrassing moment/comment, I don't know what would be. "I'm getting there. Don't worry Spence." Sara said after looking at my expression. I forgot how to talk for a couple seconds. "You've completely stunned her." Oscar said from behind me, before I was pulled to his chest & resting his chin on the top of my head. "Oh she'll be right. Should've seen her expression when I gave her the talk." Mum laughed which made me push into Oscar's chest more, tightening my grasp around his waist, engraving my nails into his skin. "Oh Spence, you know I only embarrass you because I love you." She chuckled some more before she was called back into the kitchen by Nona. "Oh gosh, are you trying to kill me Spence, let me breathe." Oscar laughed, grabbing my wrists & turning me around, placing his arms around my stomach. "Hmm how can I embarrass you Mister to show how much I love you? Oh, what about that letter you wrote to Santa when you were twelve? I'm sure everyone would want to hear that." Oscar's hold around me stiffened, his arms moving closer to my breasts than my waist. "Do it & I'm taking Spencer & Isla away from you." There was hostility in his voice but was softened when Penny came in. "Spencey, Isla was sick & nearly threw up on me." She said with concern, maybe hearing Oscar's sudden anger. I unwrapped his arms from around me & went outside to get Isla.

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