Chapter 29

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"Uni, help me out here." I whined at Dylan, who was with Macey at the front door in the morning. "Come on Spence, it'll be fun. Girl's day with my bridesmaids, excluding Penny." Macey said. She wanted me to come with her on her little 'bachelorette day' or something. "I don't even know any of them. Besides, a college party, you're getting married and you can't drink." I said, really trying to get out of this. "Yeah, that's at the end of the day. There's plenty of massages, spas and nail polish." She said excitedly. "Well I'm meeting my friends soon, so gotta go." Dylan said, kissing Macey's forehead. "Uni." I whined again. "Just do it Spence." He said before jogging down the stairs. "You can leave the dog at my parents. C'mon, it'll be really fun, you might even find a better boyfriend." She said and let herself in. "Macey, I'm not trying to find a boyfriend." I yawned, closing the door and went to the back. "So you're coming?" She asked, getting a bit excited. "Fine." I sighed. "Yay!" She squealed, going to pick up Murphy. "Let's go little boy." She said as she picked him up and went back to the front.

I had since changed into a baggy t-shirt and skinny jeans. There was only 4 girls, other than Macey and I. They were nice and all, just I didn't waste much time learning their names, they did the same. "Oh my god! It's almost time for the party." One squealed. "We need our nails done beforehand. I don't want hot college guys to think that I don't take care of my babies." Another said. "Katie, there will be others there, not just college kids." Macey said when we got out of the foot massage place and started walking to the nail salon place. "So there'll be older, hotter guys?" The girl responded. "Katie, I think it's just people our age." Macey answered Katie. "Wait, can you drink?" One girl asked me. "No." I said, knowing perfectly well that they will think I'm 17 or younger. "Spencer can, she just chooses not to." Macey said, knowing I don't really want her friends to know about me. "Oh, you just look really young, that's all. Sorry." They replied, I didn't really say anything. Those five were friends, that was obvious. "You okay Spence?" Macey whispered as we walked. "What, oh yeah, just you guys obviously hang out a lot with each other." I replied, only really half paying attention. "Yeah, high school friends, that go to college, trust me, college parties are amazing. I've been to a lot with these guys. There will be a lot of people, 'cause New Year's." She said. "Even people that don't go?" I asked. "Even people that don't go." She repeated. "There will definitely be guys your age for you to make out with." She continued. "Macey, you know perfectly well I won't." I sighed.

We had gone back to Macey's, which I know now where that is, and got dressed up a bit, which I really didn't want. Macey gave me a loose dress saying that it covers up the bump, or her one at least. The party started at 8pm but we got there at 9. There were already people drunk and 2 of Macey's friends already had a red plastic cup and flirting to guys. Katie and the other girl, who I think was called Jane were still with Macey and I, just chatting. Nothing exactly exciting happened. Katie and Jane were talking with a group of guys. The other two were connected by the lips to some random guys they probably only met 2 hours ago. Macey and I were just chatting, ignoring any guy that offered us a drink or wanted to bring us somewhere to make out with us. It was around 11pm when nearly every girl that wasn't making out with a guy shrieked in excitement and ran to the main entrance. I didn't see who it was and I really didn't care. Probably the jocks of the school or something. The girls crowded around them. I was actually talking with a guy, same with Macey. When I looked over at the entrance the guy pushed my face back to looking at him, a lot rougher than how Oscar would. "Fucking hell, those idiots are here." He said. "Who are they?" I asked him. "I don't fucking care, but they always come to parties drunk and that new one in their group attracts all the ladies. He doesn't want any of them though." He said, I had quickly learnt that this guy's favourite word was fucking. "I'm getting you a drink." He said. "No thanks." I replied. "I'm getting you a drink." He scowled and walked away. That was not good, I had to find Macey and leave. "Hey." A voice said as someone grabbed my arm. I got turned around and came face to face with a very familiar person. "Wanna go somewhere private?" He asked. As much as I wanted to slap him and go home, I wanted to hear what he had to say, I merely nodded. He grabbed my hand and turned around, going to the entrance. He pushed me up against a wall. I stared into his icy blue eyes. "Did you want something?" I asked before making out that he was on the tipsy side. "You remind me so much of my ex." He said, our eyes connecting gazes together. "Your ex?" I ask. Yes, he had run off but I didn't think he had dumped me. "I ran off on her so when I go back home, she'll dump me." He said. "You don't know that." I said, putting a hand on his chest. The thing is though, I didn't know what I would do. "What's your name anyway?" He asked. Crap. "Spencer." I answered with caution. "Ha, that's my ex's name as well. I thought she was the only one." He laughed. I didn't say anything, I just smiled. "Well maybe every Spencer is just as sexy as the others." He took a step closer but I pushed him back. "Back up. I don't think your Spencer would be happy if she found out you were flirting with someone other than her." I said, pushing him back with my hand that was on his chest. "I really fucked up with her Spencer." He said. Yeah you did, I said to myself in my head. "How so?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "I-" He took a deep breath before continuing "I got her pregnant, and I've done a lot of shit when I'm drunk." Hell yeah you did, I just searched his icy blue eyes, I could see the pain he was going through. "Then why did you keep getting drunk?" I asked more things that I already knew. "I, personal reasons Spence." He said, getting closer again, using my nickname. How drunk did he have to be not catch on. I didn't push him away. "Do you love her?" Now this was a question that had crept up, a question I was unsure of the answer. "Spence, she was a special case. She wasn't like any of the other girls I've had, or I guess used for my issues..." He sighed. "But do you love her?" I asked again, I already knew I wasn't one of his usuals. "Yes, with all of my fucking heart, that's why I left, I swear trouble follows me." He said. I couldn't see past all the fear, pain and worry in his eyes. "Talk to her, ring her. Just speak, if you haven't told her what you're doing, she's probably terrified." I said. He just stared at me before kissing my hair. "I can't." He said and went back inside. I stayed outside for a bit, the back of my head rested on the wall as I just stared up at the almost midnight sky. "You coming in?" His voice asked. I looked at where the voice was coming from, his head was peeking around the door. "Um, not yet." I responded, looking back up at the sky. "Hey, this is the first time I've seen you here." He said, in the corner of my eye, I saw him come towards me. "Yeah, parties aren't really my thing." I answered closing my eyes. "You need some time alone or what?" He asked. "What? Oh, no. I just get headaches often, mostly at parties." I said and I felt his presence very close to me. "Where'd you live?" He asked as I opened my eyes, and he was very close, foreheads almost touching close. "Do you get up and personal with every girl like this?" I asked, curious. "No, the closet I get to them is when they want to make out with me or something. I've never." He said, his eyes were looking into mine. "Because of Spencer?" I got no reply. "I was thinking that maybe, we could-" He stopped himself. "Look, if you left Spencer to go get girls. That's disgusting." I knew that he was drunk, but if this is why he left, I wouldn't be surprised. "When will I see you again? Because if Spencer and I do break it off, I'd like to start one with you." He better off not meant that. "I thought you loved her." I said as he placed on of his hands on the wall above me, and leant on it. "I do, but, I don't know how much of my bullcrap she can take before she breaks." He whispered. "Well if you keep hitting on girls-" I was butted into. "I'm not." He grunted. "You seem like the type to." I said, testing his boundaries. "I used to, before Spence." He said, whispering the last bit. "Then what are you doing now?" I asked. The only reply I got was in the form of a grunt. "Exactly. Just talk to her, tell her where you are." I said, going under his arm and turned to look at him. "How the fuck does she put up with you?" I asked, rhetorically and went back inside. "Spence." I heard him call out and then someone grabbed my wrist. "I don't know, Spence. I don't know why the fuck she has put up with me." Then there were people shouting...






Next thing I knew, I was being pressed up against an inside wall by someone. Lips connected and all. I didn't know if I should stop or keep going. One of his hands was on my thigh and the other was around my waist. Yep, this was weird so I pushed him back. "What the fuck?" I said louder than wanting to. "Happy New Year's Spence." He said, not giving a care in the world. "I thought you weren't hitting on other girls." I said. "C'mon, New Year's kiss." He said, trying to get closer again so I pushed him back. "Look, I know you're drunk. But that's not an excuse. You need to control your heart and lips." I said, storming out. While running out, I felt like Cinderella, running away from her Prince because she isn't beautiful anymore. Expect it was the opposite, he was running away from me.

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