Chapter 31

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6 Months Later

It had been 3 weeks since the arrival of little Isla and 5 days since we got out of the hospital. Isla had come earlier than expected, 4 weeks early in fact. So we had to stay at the hospital for two weeks just to make sure that everything was okay. I hadn't seen Oscar since that college party which annoyed me but if he doesn't care about me or her that's fine, kind of. I had spent a lot of time in America, which is where Isla was born. 4 months in fact, it just didn't feel right to live with Sara. But after she said that Oscar hadn't come back and that she really wanted to see Isla, likewise with Nona, so I came back. Macey and Dylan's little boy, Flynn came after his due date and he was just the cutest little boy. The cutest thing is Isla and Flynn are always together so they'll be very close when they grow up. Before Isla came I changed my hair so it was shoulder length and wavy, which I liked more than have long, straight hair. Isla looked so much like Oscar, brown hair which was lighter than his and the exact same icy blue eyes. Macey, Murphy, Flynn, Isla and I were at the park, the same one were a lot of shit happened. Murphy was lying on the grass, playing with it and eating it like normal dogs, until, his ears pricked up when he saw someone. He didn't need to be on a lead anymore so he bolted to whoever it was who was behind me. I stiffened a bit thinking for some reason that Oscar would be the person. "Settle down, it's just Dylan." Macey said as Murphy went back to his normal spot. "Stop worrying about Ossie Spence." Dylan said as he came into my view. "I'm not, I just don't want to see him with Isla." I said. "And why would that be?" Dylan asked as he sat next to Macey and stole Flynn from her. "Because, it was his choice to leave and with choices come consequences." I said looking at the happy little family. "I didn't know you were so harsh Spence." Macey said. "Well life is hard." Looking down at Isla who was asleep. "Ossie messed up, and he should be punished, I get that but don't you get that's a bit harsh? If I couldn't see Flynn, I would be so angry and disappointed." Dylan said. "Well it doesn't look like he's coming back anytime soon. Anyways, I have to go. Sorry, we need groceries and other little things." I said standing up which awoke Isla. "He will come back; he can't hide with Grace forever." Dylan said. "I hope he doesn't, he is such a bloody idiot." Macey said, I could only smile and wave goodbye. I didn't know what was going to happen but I did know that if he does return, he's getting a massive beating from Macey. Leona has been ringing me a lot, about Isla but mostly about Grace and how much she's changed. Leona is coming down in a couple of days, Wednesday, I think. I opened the boot and Murphy jumped in quickly and instantly looked out the boot side window, something he does every time so I didn't think anything of it.

I had dropped off Isla and Murphy and was at Woolworths. Sara told me that we only need milk and some things for Isla. When I was in the freezer section I heard a familiar voice. "Spence". I just ignored it, hoping it was my brain messing with me. I was about to pick up a 2 litre of milk when the voice sounded again. "Spencer, it is you. You've changed so much, your hair." Fuck, I needed to get out of here but my legs wouldn't move, they turned me around and I came face to face with the person that I haven't seen in months. He came closer to me, but not as close as we normally were. "I'm busy." I said to Oscar. "Look, I know I fucked up, I get that but I'm back now." Oscar said, looking down at my stomach and his eyes widened. "Spence what happened?" He had noticed that there was no more baby bump and that was enough for him. "None of your business." I said, grabbing the milk and going the other way.

When I got home, I didn't put the milk or the other things away. I went to my room and picked up Isla who was awake, she was a quiet baby which was good and bad. I held her close to me as I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. "Oh the little missy is up." Sara's voice sounded from the kitchen. I guess Sara got confused when I went silent and came into the living room and sat next to me. "Don't squish her." Sara said when she sat down. "Spence?" She asked. "Oscar's back." I managed to get out. "Oscar? Honey are you sure?" She said, putting her arm around me, smiling at Isla. "I saw him at Woolies." I said and gave Isla to Sara. I pressed my nails into my palms. This can't be happening, no, my panic attacks have been existent since Oscar left. "Spence, don't do that." Sara said as she took my hands in her hand that wasn't holding Isla. "After all this time, he finally returned and I don't know why."

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