Chapter 22

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Oscar's POV

I just kept thinking what a jerk I was. Spence said she wouldn't sleep with me because she thought I would try and have sex with her. And she was right. We were just talking and then she brushed up against my cheek, and I went for it. It was only meant to be a kiss. Not a make out session and then I try to take her top off. What is wrong with me? My phone beeped with a text message, waking me up. I turned on my phone, which blinded me with the brightness. I turned it way down before looking at the text. '2am' my phone said.

Gus- Buddy, I need you. Meet at Ivanhoe Lookout.

Why the bloody hell does he 'need me' at bloody 2 in the morning, and at Ivanhoe Lookout

Oscar- No dude, wait 'till morning


If he is having a laugh, I will fucking tear his heart out. I don't reply, in fact, I throw my phone to the corner of my room, it lands on the carpet, not making a noise. My eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. I look beside me, I hear Spence's cute little snores. I'm afraid to touch her, not wanting her to wake up. I slowly get out of bed, not letting my eyes move away from Spence, she turned to face me, she's still asleep. I picked up a random shirt, jumper and my trackies. And went to put them on in the bathroom. I'm being really quiet, trying my hardest not to wake her, unlike that time when I had to go home to drive to the airport.

It doesn't take long to get to the Lookout. I'm so used to coming here with Spence, her jumping on my back. I don't like this, I just want Spence to jump on me, it feels too weird. Then again, I really don't want her to, which she won't. 'She's fucking asleep Oscar' I say to myself and jog up the hill. When I get to the top, I see Gus, way too close to the edge of the cliff. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I shout grabbing him, pulling him away from the edge. I was taller than him, his eyes were going everywhere, not staying in one position. His eyes finally find mine, they're so dark. Way darker than his normal dark green eyes. His eyes stare into mine, they're fixed. "Gus!" I shout even though he's way too close to me, I'm positive he's high on something, cocaine maybe, I don't know drugs. He doesn't reply. I'm not surprised. I sit down, bringing him down with me. The moment his ass touches the floor he grabs onto me, so tight I can barely breathe. He's holding me like I hold Spence, around my waist and resting his face on my chest. This is really uncomfortable, he may like this when a guy does this to him, because he's gay and all, but not me. I kinda wish I was the one high, so I wasn't in this position. But then I regret that, I'm not that much of an idiot. I've never gotten high, but that's not my type of fun. It takes like 5 minutes for him to let go of me and vomit all over himself. I pull him up by the collar, the one spot that he hasn't puked on. I pull him down to the road and shove him into my car, I have no idea how he got here because there's nothing else here. He fucking reeks of vomit and he's putting it all over the passenger seat. I try to block him out and drive him home so he can change.

His parents aren't home but I can hear noises coming from Kaden's room. Sounds of grunts, groans, moans. I know its Karla in there with him, which is disgusting. She'll do 'it' with anyone, even if the two people that want her are twins. I push Gus into a bathroom and run the water from the bathtub tap. I really didn't want to but I grabbed the bottom of his puke top and pulled it over his head. I don't think about what I'm doing as I take his pants and boxers off. I stop the bath and forced him into it. As much as I want to leave him, I stay to make sure he doesn't drown himself. I'm wishing I had my phone so I could keep myself occupied while there's a naked guy in the bath next to me. There's vomit in the bath when I come back in with clothes for him. I don't think twice before dropping my hand in the puke invested water, pulling the plug out and placing it on one of the bath corners. He gets out by himself, thankfully. I get his boxers on as quickly as possible, a sigh of relief comes out of me when they're on. I put the rest of the clothes on him and guide him to his room. He flops onto the bed. I really want him to go to bed but he doesn't. "That felt good." He says with a smirk. My mind is screaming at my body to hit him but I restrain. "Can we cuddle?" He asks and I'm getting screamed at by my own body. I look down at my nails, picking at them, it's the best distraction I have without my phone. My mind isn't screaming about Gus now, it's screaming about Spence, I want to go home, but my body won't move in that direction. Karla and Kaden are still getting it on which is another reason I want to leave. Then I remember Gus' phone, it's on the bedside table, last I remember, he doesn't have a password, I swipe and it unlocks. I really want to contact Spence but Gus's phone, thank god, doesn't have it. And bad boyfriend I know, I don't remember her number. I hear snores, they are far different from Spence's, these ones are loud and rasp. I block out all sound and be the great friend that I am and look through his texts to other people. There's nothing exciting there, so I go to pictures, I see so many of Karla before Gus found out about himself. I want to kick myself for falling for her. Zayne was right. I am just a stupid fucking naive child. I really want to chuck Gus's phone as well but, I can't. I can't move. My eyes lay one photo, it's recent. Way too fucking recent. '13th of September.' The date said above the picture. That night was terrible. I couldn't move my eyes away of me and Karla. That kiss, our tongues were down each other's throats. I want to go back, I wish I was drunk. But I wasn't. Karla was using me, because I was so fucking love struck with her. She forced Gus, Kaden and I to go out, bring our skateboards. Because of her I'm with Spence. We were tagging this old run down house and got caught by the police. The other three ran to their homes, I didn't have a home. I wasn't going fast enough and nearly got caught. I saw an open window and jumped in. For all I know, it could've been a policemen's house, a couple's room getting it on, an infant's bedroom. But it was Spencer's. A choking sound brought me back to reality. I looked over at Gus, thinking he was choking on his vomit. I walk closer to him, checking to see if there's any greeny, brown colour. Nothing. He must've just choked on his own spit.

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