Chapter 37

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We sit on the couch, well, I do, Spence on her knees while pressing her body on my side. I need to keep reminding myself every second that I can't do anything to her because she's drunk. I burrow my head in my palms, just letting her grind my side. "Oh come on baby, you know I won't care in the morning, what happened to the birthday sex?" She asked, pouting her lip. "Spence, I don't want to become a fucker like Zayne. You aren't sober." I sadly said, finally lifting my head to turn & look at her. She was sitting on her legs, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "Please." It had to use a lot of body force for my mouth to say no. "I thought you loved me." She whined, getting up from the couch & headed for the door. I knew it was locked so I took my merry time getting to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her back to my chest, put my left cheek on her right, & held her left hand with my other hand. "I do love you Spence, that's why it's hard for me not to kiss you, let alone sleep with you. I don't want you to ever think that I'd take advantage of you while you're drunk. You'd don't understand how badly I want to give you what you think you want, & believe me, that dress isn't helping me. Just let me look after you for tonight, okay?" The response I got wasn't a worded one, she turned around, let go of my hand & put her arms around my neck, resting her head on me. As I move my hands so they were just above her hip bone, & tightened my grip, she knew what I was doing & jumped up, putting her legs around me. I placed her on the kitchen counter top, right next to the sink. Getting a glass & filling it up with water, all while Spence's legs are still around my waist. "Drink up." I ordered as I gave her the glass, I swear I caught her rolling her eyes before closing them & drinking the water. I looked through the overhead cabinets for some aspirin. "Fuck, Cass must've taken it all... Refill?" I asked after she put the glass next to the sink. All I got was a shack of the head. I took her to the bedroom to let her sleep this off. "I miss Zayne." She softly said as I was taking off her dress. "Mhm, why is that?" Because she was drunk, I wasn't really caring about what was coming out of her mouth. "I don't know. I just do. He was so nice to me after he came back, but then, something in him changed, & he became as bitchy as-, as-, as Holly. It's so funny how Holly is all over you, it's like she's so stupid to not realise that you don't like her." I laughed at how cute her rambling was. "I like her, as a friend, not as a girlfriend, & I certainly don't love her like I do you." She sighs as I go to my closest & grab a random shirt for her. "& how much do you love me?" I put my hands around her naked chest, finding the bra buckle, thing to undo it. "Well, should I say cliché love stuff? Stuff like 'I love you to the moon & back', 'I love you so much', or should I just be straight forward & tell you what I've already told you tonight..." I got no response so I repeated myself from earlier "It's killing me that I have to force myself not to kiss you for too long, not to touch your body, especially in places that I really want to & don't get a chance to that often. It's killing me that you got this drunk so I can't undress you fully, that we can't do what you wanted us to do. I love you Spence, & I will tell you that every day if you want me to." I managed to un-buckle it, & without looking anywhere but her eyes, I removed the straps from her shoulders & as I heard it drop to the floor, I put the top over her body, well, it was more of a short dress on her than a top but what she said next took me by shock. "So will you marry me?" So shocked that I couldn't move for a brief second. "You're drunk, you need to sleep." I said as I headed for the door. "I'm going to lock this, okay?" I asked but I got no response, as I turned around, she was on my bed. "Are you going to leave me soon? For good? Should I start packing at Sara's?" Well shit, I saw her tearing up. "Why would you think that?" I asked, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Spence," I sighed, "I just don't see why marriage is so important nowadays. Sure, the day may be wonderful, but all the preparation, how much it costs, & what's the reward at the end? I get to call you my wife instead of partner or girlfriend, you become Spencer Hades, instead of Spencer Montgomery. I don't exactly want to be married to someone, I don't need it to be 'official' or whatever to make other people know that I love someone. But of course, if you want that, I'd marry you, of course I would baby." I slowly kiss her as I realise that I just said that whole paragraph to my drunk girlfriend. I should stop kissing her but I don't, not until Cass barges in. "Calm down there Oscar, you're only 21 & already thinking about marriage." She leans on the doorway. "Ever heard of knocking?" I ask, getting off the bed to stand two or so metres away from her. "Oh I'm sorry, let's rewind the time a slight bit." She then closes the door, waits a second, then the door opens. "Housekeeping! Your maid is here! What do you need to be cleaned this early morning sir?" She nearly screamed. "It's past midnight woman, shut up. You're also not my maid Cass" I sigh. "May as fucking well be, now where's the aspirin? My head is killing me & it feels like my brain keeps banging violently on the sides of my skull." She asked, closing the door to then lean on it. "I do believe you stole the last tablet on an earlier date & never bothered to resupply." She crossed her arms & scoffed at me. "Well you never get drunk, so there's no real point. Now, is that the girl you ran away from Jacob's party with or did you drop her off somewhere & collected her from somewhere else." She looked behind me & studied Spencer for a bit. "Damn, she's pretty, even in your clothes. Where did you find her?" That gifted her a nice scowl from me. "Oscar, calm your tits, I'm not a lesbian, & not planning to change that anytime soon. Oh wait, hold up a second, is she the girl from your hometown, your girlfriend." I sigh again. "Who's this?" Spencer says, putting her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder. "Cass, I'm his maid." I gave her a cold stare & she continued, "as well as his only girl friend." Knowing I wasn't going to get a better response from her, I sighed. "But I'm also his girlfriend." Spence questioned. "Oh she's a cutie, or is she a feisty little bitch face when she's sober?" Cass smiled. "Yes, because I'm really into little bitches." I sarcastically said, calming a bit when Spence put her hands under my shirt. "Well, the usual 'bad boy' would. & you're perfect bad boy material, seeing as you smoke at least a pack a day, drink cheap booze, graffiti the school grounds... The only problem is you are terrified of socialisation." She said, while counting with her fingers. "I thought you stopped all that." Spence asked, tracing random patterns on my stomach. "I did, she's talking out of her ass." I lied, not moving my eyes from Cass's. She widened her eyes & smirked at me. "Right" she said slowly, letting the word sound for as long as possible, "I'll wait for you outside Os." & then she had closed the door. "Os, I like it." Spence said, turning me around. "I'd rather you stick to Ossie, & as the gentleman I am, I'll tell her that you use her nickname & you won't see the lights of tomorrow." She smiled innocently at me. "I'll keep that in mind Os." She said, & tortured me when she curled her lips & licked them. "When are you planning on sleeping?" I asked, looking at the carpet between us. "Whenever you're tired." She replied, letting her hands go under my shirt again. "Spence you have to go to bed alone tonight." I sadly said, softly grabbing her wrists, pulling her hands away from my body. "Huh?" Her voice was quiet as I let go of her. "I'm going to lock the door, okay? For my sake, not yours. Goodnight Spence." I gulped, & forcing myself to walk away, locking the door before going outside. "You're lying to her? Oh boy, when she finds out-" I stopped her with the biggest death stare. "You wouldn't get how close we are, we've been through a lot of shit, ninety percent of it worse than me lying about alcohol & smoking. I'll talk to her, but if she ever tells me that you talked to her, I will kill you." She put her hand on her hip. "Well if you aren't going to tell her someone has to." If she wasn't a girl, she would definitely have a nice red mark on her body. "She needs to know about your college self. Not just that shit, how she is forcing you to not talk to anyone, tomorrow when I come in will she be one of those bitches that will instantly think that I'm some call-on girl?" I grab her upper arms, she doesn't even flinch. "She knows that I wouldn't cheat. If I tell her that I still drink, what she will instantly think is that I get drunk every time I touch a bottle, which isn't true. Terrible shit has happened while I'm drunk. & she's as fragile as a fucking expensive vase, if I tell her that I'm forcing myself to be anti-social because I don't want anyone to touch me in a way that you wouldn't usually with a friend, she'll break, & will probably do some shit to force me to talk, to not only her but other people. I just need time to spit out the truth." I sigh, loosening my grip on her. "Oh, we're playing the Blame game? If so, I blame her. She's making you act like such a grown up, college is to have fun without parents stopping you. & if she's not going to let you socialise, I suggest having a break from her." Cass said, looking at my bedroom door. "You planning on sleeping with her tonight or the couch?" I just stared at her, not knowing how to tell her. "I'm never having a break from her. I came here for an education, not to make lifelong friends. I just want to leave as quickly as possible but with all the breaks I need to use to go back home, that won't happen. You're an exception, because somehow you made me talk. & to answer your question, the couch is comfy. Just understand Cass, there are a lot of things I'll never tell about my life," like the fact I'm a father. Her response was just a shake of the head while she smiled. "All I'm saying is, if you do fuck things up with her, a lot of people will hate you. After I found out my last boyfriend cheated on me, he had to move all the way to Queensland." She sighed. "You don't think I already know that?" I laughed, "how long were you together for?" I asked. "Four years."

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