Chapter 13

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Nona didn't let me leave my room for a whole week. She told me if I heard anything I should scream. She was terrified that Tom knew where I lived and would grab me if he saw me, which made me think the same thing eventually. By the next Monday I couldn't take it anymore, even when I made a sound I thought Tom was coming towards me to take me, and the same thing if I knew Nona made the sound. So I woke up, without checking the time and made a run for it, I didn't know where to go but somewhere other than here. It was still dark outside, I found myself running towards the skate park. At the basketball stadium, Marcus's team must be practising today because I saw Marcus getting out of his car who, when he saw me grabbed me. I was breathing heavily, as I was out of breath. "Spencer what's going on?" He said panicked. "I, I, Tom." I stuttered. My breath was coming back. "Tom, Holly." I said. "Is Tom the idiot who had Holly? Where is he?" He said still panicked. "Spencer, take a deep breath." He instructed and I did it. "Now, what's happened?" He asked again. "Tom touched me and I had a panic attack or something." I said. "Okay, when was this?" He said calmly. "A week ago." I said. "Did you see him or something?" He said. I shook my head. "Spencer, I don't understand." He said. I didn't understand either so I stayed quiet. "Let's go." He said and walked me to the skate park, where I saw Holly on the ramps. "Marcus?" Oscar said as he saw us. "I don't understand what's happened, she's talking about things I don't know about, I thought maybe you would." Marcus said and Oscar took me from him. "She was running away from something, I think. I also heard Tom." Marcus said. "Thanks, I'll see." Oscar said and held onto me. "Have fun, I could hardly make out anything." Marcus said. "Have fun with practise." Oscar said and started slightly rocking me side to side. Marcus than ran off. Oscar walked me over to the benches. "You are friends with Marcus now?" I said. "That's not what we're going to talk about. That's not why Marcus found you running at full speed to who knows where." Oscar said calmly into my hair. "Who cares about Marcus?" I asked. "You are starting to act like Holly when she's drunk. You're not drunk are you?" He said. I shook my head. "I've been locked in my room since the Tom incident. Nona said to scream if I heard anything because she thought Tom knew where I lived and he would take me, which then I believed-" I explained quickly. "Whoa, you were locked in a room." He said, moving his head to look at my face. Holly failed at a trick which made a noise which made me start breathing quickly again. "Tom." I said. "Tom's not here." Oscar said reassuringly. "God, whatever happened has changed you, you're terrified of everything." He continued. "Do you know how skittish you get when you're locked in a room and are told to scream at any noise you hear?" I said and took another deep breath. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "Well when you run into someone that cares about you, you're going to talk about." He said. "I wasn't." I answered. "Where were you running to then?" He asked. "Anywhere away from home." I said. "If I didn't know you, I would make a loud noise to see if that would help but I know what will happen if I did that." He said and held me closer to him and kissed my hair. I took yet another deep breath which helped and I felt calmer with Oscar. "Did that help?" He asked. I nodded my head "I think it's gone, do you know how crazy you get after staying in your room for a whole week." I said. He smiled and kissed my hair again, hugging me tightly. "What?" I said laughing. "I thought I lost you to a weird crazy lunatic." He said and pushed his head next to mine. "Where's Karla?" I asked. "Getting some other people." He said. "So you're babysitting." I said. "It's feels like it." He said. I laughed and he kissed me. I got off him and walked over to Holly who was sliding down the ramps on her butt. "Are you drunk Holly?" I asked stupidly. "No." Holly whined, "Yeah sure." I said and sat next her who was now at the bottom of one of the ramps. "What do you want? Because you've got everything, Oscar, Marcus." She trailed off. "I don't have my parents." I said. "Yes you do, they're just not here." She said. "Why are you friends with Karla?" I asked. "Same reason you're here. I want to drink and do whatever the hell I want." She said. "I don't want that Holly. This place, it's changed you." I said. "I don't see what Oscar loves about you. He's friends with people you hate, he doesn't even know who you're friends are." She started trailing off again. "I don't-" I said but stopped when I saw Mr Howard come out of his car. "Up." I instructed Holly and stood up. "What? No." She said. "Fine." I said and went over to Oscar. I sat down on him and started kissing the back of his neck. "Spencer, what are you doing?" He asked. "Play along." I said and continued. Mr Howard was coming towards us. "Oscar Hades, who's the girl this week?" Mr Howard asked and I realised my hair was keeping my face out of Mr Howard's view. "What are you talking about and who are you?" Oscar said. "Who have you wooed now?" Mr Howard asked again. "I don't understand, who are you?" Oscar asked again. I stopped kissing his neck and showed my face to Mr Howard. "Spencer?" Mr Howard said. "You're still with this idiot?" he said with a shocked tone. "Spence who is he?" Oscar was extremely confused. "Well, you should feel lucky Spencer, it's been longer than a week. He'll dump you soon though." He scoffed & Oscar tensed up. "Shall we have a chat?" I said and got off Oscar and walked towards Holly. "Are you drunk?" He asked. "No, but do you remember your son's girlfriend, Holly?" I said. "Yes." He said. "Now Holly here wants to fit in here but isn't getting there, she drinks at 17 to try to be friends with these guys. You see she tries so hard she gets drunk within an hour of arriving here." I said pointing at Holly who was sliding down the ramps again. "She doesn't have a skate board and she doesn't know how to use one." I continued. "And why are you telling me this?" He said. "So you can stop harassing Oscar, he doesn't need a stupid 50 year old man coming up to him, trying to make him speak. So if you would back off, that'll be great." I said and led him to his car. "Spencer, does your mother know you hang out with these smoking, drinking idiots who dropped out of school?" He asked. "Bye, bye now Greg." I said and left him, going back to Oscar. "Who the hell was he?" Oscar said and I got back on him. "Marcus's father, he is just a low life old man who wants to keep himself occupied." I said and put my hands around his neck. "Great." Oscar said and Holly came and sat on the table opposite us. "Are you bored?" Oscar asked Holly. "Out of my mind." She finished. "Why?" Oscar asked. "Because she doesn't have you to make out with." I said and started kissing the back of his neck again. "What's up with you?" He asked me. "Hm" I said and continued. "If anyone would have guessed it would be you that was drunk and Holly was my girlfriend." He said. "Why? Don't you like this?" I said. "I didn't say that." He said. "So you like it." I said. "I might." He said. "And that Holly is how you get Oscar to like you back." I said and rested my head on his cheek. "Are you giving me a chance to have him?" Holly asked, sounding excited. "No of course not, he's too precious." I said. "I think you're still a bit crazy." Oscar said. "Thanks for the compliment." I said. "Karla." Holly squealed and ran. I saw Karla coming towards us with two guys behind her. "And that's my queue to leave." I said but Oscar didn't let go of me. "Oscar?" I questioned, he moved me so I was in front of him and put his arms around me and held my hands and placed them on my lap. He then moved my hair so it went over my left shoulder and started kissing the back of my neck, which relaxed me. "Gus, Kaden." He said and stopped kissing me, once the four sat down. "Ossie, haven't seen you in ages. How is Sara?" The dirty blonde haired one said. "She's great, nothing's changed." He said. "And how's Mrs Hades?" The platinum blond haired one said looking at me. "Okay, I need to go. Have fun with whatever you're going to do." I said and got out of Oscar's hold. "Spencer." Oscar said once I started to walk away. I looked behind and saw he couldn't move because Holly was now on him. "Are you leaving because your sad over a little comment?" I heard Karla say from behind me. I turned around to see her and the platinum haired boy and saw Oscar trying desperately to get Holly off him. "You told him to say that didn't you, to get rid of me." I said. "No, I didn't tell Kaden to say anything, that was his own doing. God, why do you think every bad thing that happens to you is because of me." She said. "Because I know you hate me." I said. "I don't have the time to waste with a crying baby." She said and turned to go back but Oscar had gotten away from Holly. "The fuck is wrong with you both?" He said through his teeth. "It's not poor Kaden's fault," she had wrapped her arms around Oscar, then turned her face to stare at me "Your bitch doesn't know our humour." She snickered as Oscar pushed her off. "Are you finished? Or is there still some shit that needs to come out of your mouth? As for you," he said, walking up to Kaden really close "Shut your fucking mouth, and stop trying to be cool." Kaden didn't move back, instead he came closer to Oscar, touching his chest with his own. "Have fun with your daddy replacement, heard he likes to beat up his kids." I got Oscar before he broke Kaden's jaw. "You scared Mrs Hades? Don't want to see Ossie behind bars? Or a hospital bed? I'm sure Kaden can't beat him as hard as Sara's boy toy." Karla's harsh voice said. "That's fucking fucked up, you ass." He spat at Kaden. "Well there's Mrs Hades's innocence gone down the drain." Oscar wasn't trying to get out of my hold, nor was he hard to hold on to. Karla's comment had no effect on me, probably because I was blocking her and Kaden out as much as possible, just focusing on Oscar. So much so that I wasn't listening to them anymore, and next thing I knew, I wasn't with Oscar anymore. I was in someone else's hold, and I could smell so much cigarette stench. Kaden was so close to kissing me so I pushed on his chest, obviously not expecting it, he stumbled. "Now we've got Mrs Hades out of the way, you can fight him. Are you ready to see your precious weak ass boyfriend get hurt?" Karla said to me, overly sarcastically sad. "You think just because she almost kissed Kaden makes me want to destroy him?" Oscar laughed. "Oh, Holly told me about your little week of being apart? You don't know the real reason why she didn't see you do you? Want to tell him or should I?" Karla asked me and I was confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. "She and Kaden had sex, she didn't want to see your face because of the embarrassment. Ain't that the truth Mrs Hades?" She said. I could only stare at her. "Look Karla, I don't know about anyone else but it is so goddamn obvious you want your little Ossie back, you may as well tattoo it on your forehead. Anyway, why would I do that with this stick figure? I bet he's as useful as a blow-up doll." I snickered and I saw a slight smile from Oscar. Soon enough, Kaden was right up in my face again. "You wouldn't know how good I am at sex until you've done it with me." I just looked at him, and waited for him to realise what he just said, when he did he swore at himself. "Get the fuck away from her." Oscar said with anger, pushing him so hard that he fell over. "Jealous Ossie?" He didn't respond, only put his face in my hair. "You are so bloody stupid Kaden." I heard Karla say and then Kaden wince in pain, probably from Karla kicking him. "You know I'd never." I said softly into his skin. "If anything from knowing her for most of my life has taught me, is to never believe anything that comes out of her mouth." He said, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "They're idiots Oscar, if they can go so low as to joke about when you got punched up by Tom..." I paused for a moment, "Why are you friends with them?" It took him a while before he could answer. "Because if I left them I'd be a loner, they failed school just to be with me, because they've helped me through things, because they're the only people I can talk to, the only people that don't think that badly of me." I could hear both sadness and anger in his voice. "What about Macey and Dylan, Lester and Parker? What about me?" I heard him chuckle before he moved his face to be in front of mine. "Macey and Dylan have each other, Lester and Parker have their own friends at their school, and you came at the end of the shit bit of my life. But before you say 'why are you still friends with them?', I still need to drink my problems away, and they're the only way to get it for free because of Karla's rich ass parents." I could tell from the smile he was trying to hide that he was joking. "There are other ways to forget those problems." I said. "Oh I know. Maybe I should need to forget my problems more regularly." He walked forwards, forcing me to walk back. "Maybe you should." I said before he kissed me, putting his arms around me.

When I got home I saw Leona walking around in circles in the front yard. "Leona? I thought you went back to America." I said. "Oh my gosh Spencer, where is he?" Leona said panicked. "What's wrong?" I said starting to get panicked. "Tom hit mum when she asked for the keys, I need Oscar, do you know where he is?" She said. "Yeah, where's Sara now?" I asked. "She's in hospital." Leona said. "Hospital, it was that bad?" I said. "I panicked and got her there as fast as I could, he hit her head quiet badly. I don't know what's happened to her, I just need Oscar." She said. "I'll get Oscar, you go back to her." I said. "Thank you so much Spencer." She said.

I didn't need to go close to the benches before Oscar saw me and rushed over. "Spence, I-" He said. "I'm not here because I want to." I said and walked back towards my car. "What is it?" He asked. "Just get in the car." I said. "Spencer what's going on?" He said. "Tom, he hit Sara and she's in hospital." I said. "What!?" He said starting to panic. "I don't know that much either." I said. "He's dead." He quietly said to himself.

When we got into the hospital Oscar saw Leona and hugged her. "Where is she?" He said. "Come on." She said. Leona took us to a room where Sara was in the bed, she looked like she was asleep but she had wires connected to her that measured her heart rate and other crucial things. There was also a machine that gave her body oxygen. Oscar rushed over to her and tried to hold her hand. "Oscar, you can't touch her." Leona told him. "Where is he? Where did he go?" Oscar said madly. "Oscar quieten down please." Leona said. "Were you there when Tom did this?" I asked Leona. "No, but when I came back Tom was still there, kissing her body, I think he's gone crazy." She said. "He was always crazy I thought." I said. "Well more crazy, you don't just knock someone unconscious and then start making out with them. Anyway, I got the house keys off him before he ran out of the house and then I rushed her over here." She said. "This is awful." I said.

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