chapter 34

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From atop of Kaz's back, everything looked small. The hunters looked like ants crawling around all over the place. There were that many.  They must really want Niko.

But so do I. I can't let any harm come to him. I won't. Almost as if feeling the surge of protectiveness through me via some hidden method or something, Kaz released a sound so angry that calling it a 'roar' wouldn't do it justice.

I could practically hear Kaz telling me to hold on. Obeying the unspoken command, I gripped the horns at the top of his head with one hand, the other held onto Niko.

Not a moment later he swooped down, faster than any rollercoaster I've been on. My stomach flew to my throat and I could hear Niko giggling in delight mixed in with the rush of the wind.

The echoes of the fight raging below reached my ears. The swinging of daggers and the sound of shooting resonated loud, so did the snapping of canines and the growls of the tiger. And the swooshing of tree roots.

I hadn't realized I closed my eyes to listen until I opened them. The first thing I saw was Elliot's magik. It wove around him in tendrils, smacking anyone that got within a certain proximity. It reminded me of an octopus. All the hunters we're on him. He was buying the shifter time to pick them off.

A smile wormed it's way to my face. I knew a way to help. Focusing, I imagined wind outlining the tendrils.

When I open my eyes, I felt waves of wind rush pass me in a blue haze. It coated itself on the ends of the tendrils. When it struck a hunter, it took out a whole group of them.

Elliot looked up at me with a wink before focusing on the battle.

"Okay Kaz, let's get to work" I could practically see him rolling his eyes with his casual smirk on his stupid face at my command. But nonetheless, he sprung into action.




Dodging a sword on my left, I tumbled to the ground just in time for a column of Fire to erupt around me.  I scramble off the ground and incorporate my wind to make the blaze higher.

Looking up, I see Kaz fly ahead, meaning the hunters that were just on me are no longer a threat. As I'm about to head after him,  a tremendous force shoves me to the ground.

Another hunter. His grey eyes glare into mine. "Abomination."

I smile at that. "Try again. That's word has lost its edge." With a wave of my hand, a gust of wind sends him flying off me just as a bubble drags him inside itself before disappearing.

I stare at the spot where the man disappeared at confused. What the hell?

"You alright there?" A girl steps out of the shadows of the trees with a smile on her face. Her green eyes, an exact replica of Niko's  say all that I need to know. She's one of my sisters. Kaz was right. We don't really look like at all.

She has her brown hair in a ponytail tucked under a black beanie with a cat on it. She has on a blue and black flannel jacket and a white tank underneath. Black skinny jeans and no shoes.

"I'm Valerie, I can assume your Haven."

I frown. "How?"

"You look like your mother."

"You've met my mom?" I haven't seen her in reality for years.

She shrugs ,"a handful of times."

Before I could say anything to that, a handful of hunters come after us. Great.  I focus on my light essence and summon an orb of pure light. It floats in the sky and releases a blindingly bright light.  Valerie turns her head away, eye closed tight and I watch as the hunters pass out, tumbling to the ground.

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