Author's Note 2.0

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[Author's Note 2.0]

Hello. How are you all?
I wrote this when I was in 6th Grade, and evidently I thought it was the epitome of online literature.
Fast-forward 3 years to a freshman in high school, and I cringe when I look at it.
Therefore, because I genuinely like these characters, and have now added a few more and fixed them to be less of Mary Sues and overpowered pieces of crap, I am rewriting the ENTIRE DAMN THING and adding some sequels.
Hopefully it will be more interesting.
And less cringy.
I'll keep this one up until I start publishing the new one, but tell me if you want me to keep this one up.
I don't know why you'd want that, though. It sucks.
Imma just say, though.
Aleksi's friend?
You will not exist anymore.


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