Chapter 23: And So It Begins!

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Chapter 23: And So It Begins!


"Ugh... Where am I... AUGH!! SOLEIL!?!?" I yelled.

"Aleksi!! You're awake!!" She gasped.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well... After I walked off, I realized that you were right. I can't give up. But when I went back, you were gone. I couldn't fly, because the winds were too strong, so I started back to Geosenge, but got kidnapped along the way. I'm sorry about before!!" She gasped.

"I am too. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." I reply.

"You always do that." Soleil grins, and we both laugh.

"What about Latias and Zorua?"

"I apologized, and they joined me again."

"Good. Where are we... AAGGGHH!!" I yelped.

We were trapped in a clear box next to a familiar airship, and an unfamiliar door.

"The Hunter Twins!" I snarled.

"Well, what can we do? I've tried attacking this thing, but it won't let up!"

"Argh!! And we were supposed to be meeting in Cyllage City!" I slammed my fist into the wall. "Ouch!"

"Let's focus on what's going on outside!" We peered out.

Jocelyn and Jacelyn were talking with a guy that looked like Xerosic, from what I could tell.

"When will the weapon be ready?"

"Soon. We only need a bit more power. Then, the world will be ours! We will take control of the legendary Pokémon and make this world clean again!"

"So, you'd wipe out all of humanity-except for youselves, that is-just to achieve your underhanded-AGH!!" Another voice yelled.

"Who was that?" Soleil whispered to me.

"Don't know."

"Tsk, tsk. You don't know what position you're in. Too bad your FRIENDS can't save you!"

"At least they can go warn everyone else! My choice to stay behind may be your downfall!"

"Sigh. You may hold power in Kanto and Johto, but here, you have none, Dragon Master Lance!!"

"LANCE!?!?" Soleil and I both yelled, before clapping our hands over our mouthes.

"He said friends... Everyone else must've escaped!" I sighed.

"And by the way, they could barely keep us back, even with your sacrifice to stay behind. And, it certainly didn't do much good for a certain other person!"

"My sacrifice is nothing to what that certain other person did for the good of humanity, losers!!"

Suddenly, there was a loud thump.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Who knows? Keep looking!" Soleil hissed.

Suddenly, everyone tensed up as voiced and footsteps sounded from the direction of Route 10.

"Clair!! What in Arceus's sake are you doing!?"

A blue-haired woman in a black, yellow, and blue outfit with a cape and short blue boots was running towards the airship and the door.

A man with blonde hair, a purple outfit, a purple headband around his head, and a purple scarf was running after her along with a woman with pink hair, a pink and white outfit, and sneakers, and a younger adult who had one of those green explorer outfits, minus the hat, hiking boots, a yellow scarf, and a net.

"I can sense something wrong, Morty! My dragons have been acting agitated all morning!"

The other 3 caught up to her.

"Clair, you can't just run off like that!" The pink-haired woman said exasperatedly.

"Whitney!! Not you too!!"

"What do you sense anyways? My bug Pokémon are good at picking up danger warnings." The other adult said confusedly.

"I don't exactly know, but someone, or something is in danger."

"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?" Xerosic yelled.

All 4 of them whipped around.

"You!! You're the one who-"

"I know, thank you very much. I presume you're looking for someone?" Xerosic sneered.

"Like you'd know! Or care!!" Clair snarled.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe I have the wrong person you're looking for." Xerosic replied.

"He's serious!! Just look over there!!" I started banging on the walls of the cage.

This thing apparentely was soundproof, because no one seemed to hear, except for possibly the blonde hair guy. His eyes widened, then he muttered something under his breath to the other boy, who nodded and sneaked off into the foliage.

"What do you mean?" Whitney demanded.

"Are you looking for... Him?" The grunts dragged an unconscious Lance and dumped him on the ground.

Clair screamed, and Whitney and Morty gasped in shock.

"What have you done with my cousin!?" Clair screamed.

"He's just out cold. And will be forever."

"You-! Why, you creeps..." Clair was on the verge of exploding, from what it looked like.

There was a tapping noise on top of the cage.

We both looked up, and yelped.

The guy with the net was lying on top of the cage and smirking.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled, before remembering he couldn't hear me.

A Scyther popped out of his PokéBall and slashed a black box we'd noticed on top of the cage on the outside.

The clear walls dematerialized, and we fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Bugsy. Azalea Town Gym Leader."

"Azalea Town? In Johto?"


"How did you know we were here? That box was soundproof!"

"Let's just say that Morty has a few special ab-"

"CLAIR, NO!!!"

"We don't have time!!" He ran toward the other Gym Leaders, and we followed him.

Then Soleil screamed.

Clair shoved Lance out of the way of an incoming Hyper Beam attack as the orange energy caught her straight in the chest.

She went toppling over an cliff into an abyss, but grabbed a handhold. Morty ran to the edge of the abyss.

"Grab my hand!" He yelled.

"Haha!! You think you can save her!? This abyss will drag in anybody who falls in! You have no hope!" Jacelyn laughed.

"Grr..." Bugsy growled.

Clair fumbled with her belt, and managed to unclip it and had it to Whitney, who was standing right next to Morty with a horrified expression on her face.

"Give that to my cousin when he wakes up, so he knows what happened to me." Clair said.

"What!? Clair, we'll think of something. You're not going to-CLAIR!!" Whitney screamed as Clair lost her grip on the edge and fell down into the black depths of an unescapable abyss.


And so it begins!!!!!

Now, please don't kill me for making Clair die.






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