Chapter 11: Cyllage City Gym Battle

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Chapter 11: Cyllage City Gym Battle


"Huf... huf... Grant! I challenge you!" Aleksi yelled at the battlefield. Grant stood at the other side.

"Ah, the girl from the fossil lab. You fought well there. I hope you can give me a good battle today!" He replied calmly.

"This will be a 2-on-2 battle between Grant the Gym Leader and the challenger, Aleksi from Vaniville Town! There is no time limit, and only the challenger can substitute Pokémon. Now, battle BEGIN!!!" The referee yelled.

"Shadow, show your stuff!" Aleksi yelled, flinging out her PokéBall. Shadow appeared in a flash and roared.

"Onix, I choose you!" Grant threw out his PokéBall, and a huge rock snake appeared. "Challenger, you may have the first move."

"Shadow, Razor Wind!" Shadow shot a blade of wind at Onix.

"Onix, Rock Tomb!" Grant commanded. Onix roared, and boulders started falling.

"Shadow, dodge them all!" Aleksi yelled.

Shadow zigzagged left and right, but four surrounded it. Another boulder started falling right above it.

"Shadow, Psycho Cut!" Shadow's horn glowed purple, and a blade sliced the boulders in half.

"Onix, Stone Edge!" Grant yelled.

Pointed stones surrounded Onix, then went flying at Shadow.

"Razor Wind!" Shadow's horn glowed white, and a whirlwind swept the stones away.

"Good. But how long can you hold on? Onix, Dig!" Onix burrowed underground.

"Absol, keep an eye out...!"

"Too late. Onix, go!" Onix burst out of the ground right beneath Shadow, flinging him into the air.

"Shadow, Megahorn!" Shadow's horn shimmered green and grew. He spun and slammed the horn into Onix, who roared.

"The next move will finish it. Onix, Stone Edge!"

"I don't think so. Shadow, Dark Pulse!"

BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!! Smoke filled the clearing.

When it cleared, both Pokémon lay fainted on the battlefield.

"Both Onix and Absol are unable to battle."

"Nice work, Onix. Now for my next Pokémon! Tyrunt, I choose you!" A small rusty brown colored Pokémon with a large jaw appeared.

"Wha-!? That's a-an ancient Pokémon!" I yelped.

"Don't care! Dusk, time to shine!" Aleksi pointed at the field. A dark blur dashed onto the field and skidded, sending up clouds of dust.

Grant raised an eyebrow.

"Was that necessary?"

"No. Why?"

"Nevermind. Just go!"

"Jeesh. Dusk, Flash!"

Shadow's rings glowed and a blinding light filled the room.

"Nice. Tyrunt, Bite!" Grant yelled. Tyrunt blinked, then ran at Dusk with its jaws wide open, and closed them on Dusk's leg.


"No! Dusk, Dark Pulse!" Aleksi screeched. Dusk immediately relaliated by blasting a beam of dark energy at Tyrunt at close range.

The Big Jaw Pokémon was blasted back.

"Tyrunt, AncientPower!"

"Dusk, Hyper Beam!" The attacks collided and exploded. When the dust settled both Pokémon stood panting.

"Tyrunt, now's your chance! Dragon Rage!" Grant yelled. A beam of blue energy in the shape of a dragon's head raced towards Dusk.

"Not good. After Hyper Beam, Dusk can't use moves for a while!" I muttered.

"Dodge!" Aleksi yelled.

"Tyrunt, change direction!" Grant commanded.

"What!?" The beam changed directions.

"Dusk! Quick Attack, and circle around behind!" Aleksi screamed. Dusk raced towards Tyrunt's back, a white trail of light trailing behind him.

"Tyrunt!" The beam changed once again. Shadow was getting closer and closer to Tyrunt.

So was the beam to Dusk.

"Aleksi!" I yelled.


"Aleksi!" Soleil screamed.

I gritted my teeth.

Any second now...

If this didn't work, I wouldn't get the Cliff Badge.


"Dusk, jump!" I yelled. Shadow leapt straight up.

"Ty, runt!"

"No! Tyrunt!"

Too late. The Dragon Rage smashed right into Tyrunt.

"Ha! Damaged by your own attack! Dusk, Shadow Ball!" I exclaimed.

Dusk opened his mouth, and a ball of energy formed in front of it before he swung his head and sent the ball smack dab into Tyrunt's face.

The Big Jaw Pokémom had no chance. Tyrunt staggered backwards and fell over.

"Tyrunt is unable to battle! Umbreon wins! The victory goes to the challenger, Aleksi of Vaniville Town!"

"YES!!! Dusk, we did it!"


Soleil leapt over the barrier and highfived me.

"Good job! 2 badges, and 6 more to go!" Soleil exclaimed.

"That was an excellent fight. Here, proof of your victory at the Cyllage City Gym. The Cliff Badge." He haded me a zig-zagged badge with rectangles in different colors of brown coming out the front in different layers.

I noticed he was walking off the field.

"Hmm. Beat Grant, got a badge. Cool. But why do I get the feeling I'm forgett- Grant, WAIT!!" I yelled, running after him. He turned around.


I fished around in my belt bag desperately.

'Where is it!? Come on, don't tell me I lost it! Oh, come o- There!' I pulled out my badge case and quickly snapped in the Cliff Badge first, then pulled out the Bug Badge.

"Look at this!" I gasped, turning the badge around to show him the back.


Hello my fellow Pokémon Wattpaders.

Chapter 11 is here!!!

I can't describe battle scenes very well!!!




See ya!


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