Chapter 2 - Part 6

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"Well. They wouldn't really have run me over, of course."
"You reckon?" he said darkly, before abruptly changing the subject. "So you're enjoying Fresh Meat Day?" Elsa made a face. "I beg your pardon?"
"Flynn!" scolded Rapunzel. "I'm sorry, did I say Fresh Meat? I meant Freshman Day, of course." Elsa blinked at his bitter sarcasm. "Listen, Rapunzel, it's great to see you, but I need to go register for classes. See you later, 'kay?"

"Oh. OK." Her disappointment was way too obvious.
"Nice to meet you, then," said Elsa.
"And you," said Flynn abruptly. "Welcome to the Academy. Oh, Rapunzel?"
"Yes, Flynn?"
For heaven's sake, thought Elsa. The girl might as well have Ask anything of me tattooed on her forehead. Flynn nodded at Elsa, but he was looking at Rapunzel. "Take care of her, OK? You know this place. She doesn't."

"Sure, Flynn. You know I will."
"Patronising git," muttered Elsa as he strode away. Rapunzel tore her gaze away from his retreating back to stare at Elsa. "No, really, he's just a bit . . ." Elsa gave her a slow grin. Rapunzel shrugged, bit her lip and ruefully. "Just a bit up himself?"
"You got it." They both laughed, Rapunzel a little too hysterically.

Rapunzel linked her arm through Elsa's. "Let's go and register."
"All right. I –"
Something prickled the back of Elsa's neck. Frowning, she turned. At the curve of the stairs stood a boy, immaculately dressed in a stylish ocean blue leather jacket. A book was open in his hand, but he wasn't reading it; he was watching her, intently, and he seemed to be holding his breath. She expected him to be embarrassed, but he didn't turn away. His dark, pellucid stare was riveted on hers, but he didn't smile.

Elsa didn't either. Her neck tingled again. She felt a sort thrilling surprise at his nerve, but if he wasn't going to look away, why should she? He was white-haired, pale skinned, and beautiful. As beautiful as Caroline, but in a different way. His beauty wasn't cold. It was serious and warm and the word noble popped into her head –

For God's sake! What was she thinking? She tugged at Rapunzel's arm. "Come on!" she hissed.
"It's OK." There was laughter in Rapunzel's voice. "You can look, you know. You might as well. That is all anyone gets to do with him."
"Why?" She would not, would not, would not turn back to see if he was still there. Even though the effort was killing her.

"That," said Rapunzel, "is Jack Frost."


Hi guys. So this is the last part of chapter 2. Next update will be Chapter 3.

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