Chapter 16 - Part 1

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"Hang on," whispered Flynn. "Look." He pulled Elsa to a halt on the top landing overlooking the great hall. They both peered stealthily over the gilded banister. Elena was still discernible, a shattered smear of dust on the gleaming marble tiles. Elsa noticed a glimpse of blue ice, so she quickly thawed it, before anyone could see. Now a figure stood thoughtfully over her corpse.

It was hard to tell in the darkness, and the person was foreshortened by the angle, but Elsa was sure it was Marat. The porter had a mobile phone pressed to his ear, and something very pale draped over his arm. Talking inaudibly into his phone, he looked around the hall, then raised his ugly head to scan the shadows of the grand staircase. Elsa drew sharply back, pulling Flynn with her. Lights clicked on, doors opened, questioning voices were raised.

As they risked one more glance over the banister, there was a flash of white in the gloom below. Elsa and Flynn exchanged a look. Marat had swiftly flung a linen sheet over what was left of Elena. Elsa shivered. "Come on."


"Where have you been?" Rapunzel leaped up as Elsa pulled Flynn into their room and shut the door firmly. "What is happening? I was so worried. What is going on, Elsa? Flynn?" Elsa rubbed her forehead. Fiercely she blinked back tears. Now was not the time to go soft. "Rapunzel! Your interview. What happened?" "It was fine. Fine," said Rapunzel. "We had drinks, they were friendly. We talked. For heaven's sake, Elsa what-" "How long where you there?" interrupted Elsa. "How long was the interview?"

Rapunzel looked bemused. "An hour, two hours? I didn't know the time had gone so fast. But then there was trouble, some kind of disturbance just now, and I was sent away." She paused. "So I returned here, Elsa, to find you gone. Now will you tell me what is going on?" "Elena's dead," blurted Flynn. That silenced even Rapunzel, though only for a moment. "Dead? What do you mean, dead?" "What do you think it means?" snapped Flynn. He was pale. Elsa put a warning hand on his arm. "An – accident. It's hard to explain. . ."

Rapunzel had her hand over her mouth, but she moved it down to her throat. She swallowed. "Try me." "We didn't mean – I didn't . . . Listen, she was trying to kill Elsa!" Flynn put his head in his hands for a moment. "Elsa, what happened before I showed up?" She opened her mouth, but hesitated. It seemed like an insane nightmare, and she might not believe this story herself as soon as she tried to tell it out loud. But Flynn was ashen and stunned, Rapunzel angry and curious.

Elsa took a deep breath. "I went to Elena's room. Picked the lock." "You did what?" exploded Flynn. "I wanted to find stuff about the Few. I just wanted to see if there was anything written down, any papers. And I was worried about Meredith." Elsa curled her lip, defiant. "I reckon you'd have done the same. Mister Sleepwalker." "Oh, I would, if I'd had the nerve. I've tried to get into the common room before, but never one of their own rooms. You know how dangerous that was?"

"Oh yeah. Now I do. Elena was eating Meredith." "What?" Rapunzel yelped. "Elsa!"

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