Chapter 12 - Part 2

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"Pretty chivalrous," he murmured. "I'd have let you make a few hits." "What would be the point of that?" asked Jack contemptuously as he swept past towards the bench. When he was gone, Elsa winked at Tyler. "He's right, of course." "Albeit an almighty pain in the arse." "Good luck." She smiled as Tyler turned to salute Rapunzel. Jack sat alone on the bench, a six-foot gap between him and a Year Ten called Jason, who despite being one of the Few himself, eyed Jack with something close to nervousness. Well, Elsa wasn't scared of him. Not off-piste, anyway . . . Elsa slumped down at Jack's side, tossing her mask lightly up and down. "Would you mind not doing that? It's very irritating." Sighing, Elsa put her mask on her lap. Caroline was looking daggers at her from her place by the water cooler, but the fast ring of clashing blades and the constant buzzing of the monitor meant she wouldn't hear anything Elsa said to Jack. 

"I'll get a proper hit on you one day, mate," she told him cheerfully. "I dare say you will. But not  because I let you." He gave Tyler, who was backing away from Rapunzel's thrust, a look of disdain. And he had the nerve to say she was irritating? Elsa turned angrily. "You don't like me, do you?" "It's nothing to do with that." "What's it to do with then? Educational funding?" "That's beneath you." "Funny. I thought it was beneath you." "Elizabeth." He took a deep breath. "Stop trying to make me dislike you." She shrugged. "I don't think I have to try, do I?" "I told you, it's got nothing to with disliking you." "You haven't told me what it is to do with, have you?" He tugged savagely at the Velcro fastening on his mask, so that it made a loud ripping noise. He refastened it, and did it again. Senor North, standing close by, grimaced, so Jack stopped playing with the Velcro and looked hard at Elsa. 

"I don't like how you make me fell. OK?" "Oh." That took the wind out of her sails. "I can't possibly be involved with someone like you." Anger sparked again, quick and fierce. The jerk. "Oh, likewise." She stood up. Jack bit his lip. "I didn't mean-" "Yeah, I think you did." Seizing her wrist, he pulled, and she sank back quickly into her place on the bench. He was incredibly strong. "I didn't mean it like that, I swear." Letting her go, he drew a hand across his face. "I mean, the way you make me fell - and you do - well, I can't accept it, Elizabeth." "Can't accept it?" "That's right." Suddenly and without warning, he stretched out and stroked her hair very gently. The feather-light sensation made her shiver. "Meaning?" Pulling away, she folded her arms. "Meaning what I say." Irritation crept back into his voice. "I always do." Elsa felt a glare: Caroline, incandescent with rage.

"Looks like class is over," she said abruptly, standing up again. "And I'll spontaneously combust if I don't get of somebody's line of sight." Glancing past her, Jack's expression hardened as he caught sight of the glowering German. What was it with him? He grated on her nerves like fingernails down a blackboard, but she still found herself seeking out his company. She didn't even mind a fifteen-to-one thrashing, if it was at his hands. Giving herself a mental slap, she went over to where Tyler and Rapunzel were packing up their weapons and body wires. Tyler was dripping with sweat.

"She beat me," he told Elsa ruefully. "Naturally," smirked Rapunzel. "I'm never fencing you again when I'm this tired. Chuck me that towel, will you?" As Rapunzel turned to reach for it, Tyler shrugged off his fencing jacket and plastron. Under it, he was wearing only a sleeveless vest that hugged his muscles tightly. Vain devil, thought Elsa, amused. He knew very well he looked darn good in defeat. As she wound her own body wire into a loop, her brow furrowed. There was a nasty looking scar on Tyler's shoulder blade. When she looked closer, though, she could see the mark was a clear pattern of intertwining lines, about two inches in diameter. It was permanent, like a brand, and she'd never seen anything quite like it. Tyler smiled at her over his shoulder, but as he caught her eye his grin died and he hurriedly snatched up a sweatshirt and pulled it on. That was no act, Elsa decided. 

That had been a real mistake. And the way Jack was glowering at Tyler, he thought so too. "Hey!" Rapunzel nudged her hard again and thrust a towel into her hands. "Can you stop ogling Tyler's sweating flanks for a second? Let's go shower, you wicked, wicked girl. Before you see something you are not supposed to!" Elsa tried to catch Tyler's eye as Rapunzel tugged her out of the sports hall, but he had turned away. "Rapunzel," she murmured under her breath, "I think I already did."

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