Chapter 6 - Part 2

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"He's a stunning, romantic rat." Flynn obviously wasn't going to let it go. "Hey, leave it out," said Elsa lightly. "You mean I can only attract rats?" "Course not." He grinned at her. "But he's a charmer. Watch yourself, that's all." "He's a nice guy," said Elsa, starting to feel a little cross. "You can't judge him by his family. Or by what he's worth. I bet you wouldn't like that yourself." Anyway, she thought, you're the one that needs watching.

Flynn's face darkened. "My family has nothing to do with this." "Well, maybe his hasn't either." "Flynn, I know you don't like Tyler, but there's no need," put it Rapunzel soothingly. "You mustn't have such a ship on your shoulder. You are just the same with Jack." Elsa had never actually seen someone's face freeze before. She'd thought it was just a figure a speech, but Flynn's expression had gone rigid as stone. That look of hate didn't suit him. But that was what it was: hatred.

"Don't talk about him," he hissed, then forced his features into something like a grin. "And it's a chip by the way." Rapunzel's startled breath had caught in her throat, but now she smiled with relief. "Very well, I won't Tyler has nothing you haven't got. Nothing important." Her good humor seemed to have restored Flynn's. "Yeah, but I know how charming he can be. He tried it on with me once." Elsa did a double take. "He did?"

"Oh, sure. But he's not my type." Taken aback, she snapped. "So that's why you don't like him?" "Nah. I didn't mind him hitting on me, but he sure as hell minded me turning him down. He's had it in for me ever since." Rapunzel scowled at Flynn. "Now you're spoiling Elsa's date." "No, he isn't. That doesn't bother me." "Quite right. Tyler Lockwood is a catch, Elsa!" "Tyler Lockwood is a love rat," muttered Flynn. "And not just with girls."

"You know what? I think you are very sweet to worry about Elsa. You don't need to, but it is very gallant of you." Rapunzel leaned over again to kiss him on the cheek. Reddening, he gave her a side-long, surprised grin. "What a cosy little gathering," said an icy voice. Flynn practically knocked Rapunzel off the sofa as he jumped up, his blush now almost thermonuclear. "Caroline, I-"

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