Chapter 10 - Part 1

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Elsa focused intently on the art master. The class had left the Orangerie and its treasures, and now they sat blinking in the sunlight as Signorita Ariel gestured enthusiastically around the Jardin des Tuileries. She was no oil painting, bless her, but at least she was relaxing to look at. "Remember Les Nymphéas," exclaimed the little teacher, bouncing on her heels with excitement. "The impact on the eye and heart! Think of texture and light, of creating your landscape from these. See with Monet's eyes! Use color! Use emotion!" "Use a camera, perhaps?" murmured a familiar English voice, carrying in the clear autumn air. "Technology having advanced since Monet's day." Elena pt her sketchbook over her face, snorting with mirth. 

Signorita Ariel reddened, Flynn threw Tyler a filthy look, but Nathan frowned and called out, "Give it a rest, Tyler." "Quite," snapped Anaiis. "Do go on, Signorita Ariel. Please. Some of us were quite overwhelmed by the waterlilies. Some of us would like to learn more." Ariel shot her a grateful look. "I shall leave you all to wander in the gardens. Please return here in . . ." she checked her old-fashioned pocket watch, ". . . two hours. I'm sure some of you will produce delightful sketches." She smiled at Anaiis and Nathan, then at Elsa. "God," Tyler murmured to Tom as he stood up and stretched. "Anaiis' turning into an insufferable prig. And old Oirish-eyes is almost as bad." Tom sniggered.

"I think he fancies her." "Tom!" called Elena imperiously. "Go on, you've been summoned. Do try to get some work done too, Thomas. I don't want my roommate's poor performance reflecting on me." With another sycophantic chuckle, Tom was gone. Tyler was close to Elsa's shoulder, and she felt her heartbeat quicken as he leaned down. "Come and see my sketchings?" he said seductively. "Ha ha," she said, not turning. If he only knew how close he was to a good slap . . .

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