Chapter 13 - Part 3

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No. She wasn't going to walk out. This was her chance to find out the secrets of the Few, but that wasn't all. She was as good as this lot. Better. She wasn't going to tug her forelock and scurry away like a scared mouse. Tightening her jaw, she looked across at Elena, studying the girl as minutely and disdainfully as Elena was inspecting her. That crisp pale pink shirt she was wearing, a stunning contrast to her pale blonde hair: it was Chanel wasn't it? Of course, for all Elsa knew it could be George At Asda - except that she recognized it as one Rapunzel had rejected only last week. Better not mention that to Elena, then.

Elsa's rigid smile relaxed into a genuine, broad grin. She felt a lot better already. "Traditions change." Tyler was beaming at her. He looked pleased and proud. "They evolve. Everything evolves. Even us." He gave a gurgling laugh. "I'm so thirsty." moaned Mikael softly. "Look," said Elsa, glancing nervously around the remaining Few and then back at Mikael, "I know it's none of my business, but are you all right?" "Fine," snapped Mikael, febrile eyes burning.

"Oh, for heaven's sake." Caroline snapped her fingers. At the back of the room, Rahul rose with a weary sigh and replaced the empty water bottle with a full one once more. Elsa stared. "Look. He isn't well." "Now, that really is none of your business." Caroline gave her a tight formal smile. "Not until you are one of us." The sixth former Anya leaned forward, smiling intently. "And I think you have a really good chance of that, Elsa. I'm sure we can overcome . . . objections. She is very pretty, I think." She addressed that remark to the room in general, obviously not expecting an answer. "The Elders like that in a candidate."

What has that got to do with anything, you crowd of shallow freaks? Elsa managed to bite back the question as Tyler's hand touched her shoulder lightly. "Pretty?" mused Caroline. "I suppose so. She has unusual looks. True beauty, I think, requires a touch cruelty. That seems to be missing." "Good," muttered Elsa under her breath. Tyler shot her a warning look. "With the right . . . guidance, I think she could be lovely." Anya smiled again. Elsa was beginning to dislike those smiles. "Don't you agree?"

Get me out of here! These Few aren't just shallow, they were sinister. Maybe it was time to leave after all. Tyler clapped his hands together. "Anybody have any more questions?" "The most important one." Mikael's voice was faint. "The one we agreed was necessary." "Of course." Caroline turned her glass in her fingers, watching the red wine swirl. "There is only one vacancy, and it is hotly desired by several students." "Tom Thumb, for one," snapped Elena. It was obvious who she wanted. "And Rapunzel Corona," lilted Caroline. "Punzie, punzie Rapunzel."

Arya's voice was a hypnotic murmur. "So our question is  . . ." "How would you feel . . ." said Irina. "About denying your dearest friend . . ." said Anya. Caroline's lips curbed in a gleaming smile: ". . . her heart's desire." Silence fell as they watched her. Elsa swallowed. Impeccable Caroline Forbes, she noticed with amusement, had tiny red wine stains in the creases of her lips. She wasn't afraid of them, but they were right. What she was afraid of was hurting Rapunzel. What a clever question, and on it might hinge her future with the Few.

Did she want it that much? Even to discover the dark heart of the Academy? Did she want it enough to sacrifice Rapunzel's friendship?

"Thirsty," rasped Mikael.

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