Chapter 13 - Part 5

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"I don't feel well." Rahul half-rose. "Caroline, stop him!" Caroline snapped. "Mikael!" He stopped, wobbling. "Go back to your room. You're not fit to be here. Your roommate must be back from his parents' by now. He can . . . look after you." "Oh, Caroline, let him have a drink." Elena batted her lashes. "A proper drink. And why don't we offer Elsa one, while we're at it?" "Well," said Arya, watching Mikael, whose chest was rising and falling hard. "Where's the harm in it?"

Shocked, Rahul turned. "Arya! You know what he said." "Ooh, Rahul!" scoffed Elena. "You might be afraid of Jack, but Caroline isn't." "Indeed I'm not," snapped Caroline. "But there are certain wishes we must respect." "I thought that's what we were trying to do. More's the pity." "Opinions vary, Elena. Opinions vary." "Someone . . . offer our guest . . . a drink. Please." "Mikael, you're becoming delirious. What a greenhorn you are. Next time we expect you to plan ahead a little better! Rahul, take him to his room." "But, Caroline . . ." whinged Mikael.

"To be honest," shrugged Irina, "I'm with Elena and Arya. It's not as if we can't still consider her afterwards. It's only one drink." Anya chuckled. "Rahul, Caroline, lighten up! Now, Elsa, we've been inhospitable. Will you drink with us?" Rising, she turned to a tray on the gloomy sideboard. Elsa watched the statuesque beauty, feeling terribly uneasy. It didn't seem right or even possible to jump up and leave. That would be running away. But she so did not want a drink . . .

"After all," drawled Elena, "Jack isn't here. He can't care so terribly much." "I thought you'd had a final warning, Elena?" Irina seemed entertained by her rebelliousness. Elena preened. "Yes, but Sir Pitch's not here either, is he?" "Oh, have it your way," snapped Caroline. "Make it quick, Mikael!" Blissfully Mikael sighed, all the tension draining from his body. He stalked towards Elsa, stretching out a shivering eager hand. "What is this?"

Everyone froze. The door had swung open and Jack stood there, rigid. His cold eyes traveled from face to face, lingering on Tyler and then on Caroline. Several of the Few got to their feet, and then even the sixth formers looked a little sheepish. At last, shocked, angry, and for an instant dumbstruck, he looked at Elsa. "What is she doing here?" Man. he knew how to rile her - even if it was what she'd just been asking herself. Springing up, Elsa swung round, ready to fire off a few choice curses, but seeing his face, she found herself speechless. 

A pulse was beating hard in his throat. Something else fleetingly crossed his expression, something Elsa couldn't quite define. Fear? Was he frightened? Of her? Surely not. For her? Tyler interrupted the silence. "She's a candidate, Jack." "Oh, is she? I thought I'd made my views clear?" Caroline slipped her arm through his, turning him firmly away from Elsa as she stroked his lapel. "Come along, Jack, darling. I like your new suit. Is it Armani?" Jack's lip curled. "Mikael, you look terrible. Go to your room." "Just what I've been telling him," murmured Caroline, swiftly dropping the flattery.

The brunette boy slunk from the common room, knuckles white around yet another water bottle. Jack didn't watch him go. "Elizabeth, please excuse us. Your proposer . . ." he gave Tyler a savage glance, "will take you back to your room." "Thanks," she said sharply. "I don't need an escort." "Tyler." Jack's tone had a distinct edge. "Come on, Elsa." Tyler slung an arm around her shoulders, earning another filthy look from Jack. "Let's go and find your - friend. Rapunzel, I mean." "Our decision will be made within a month," smirked Caroline. "Other candidates have to be interviewed, and final approval has to be sought from the Elders. We'll let you know." She flapped her fingers in a dismissive gesture.

"You did well," said Tyler, as the door swung silently behind them as he led her along the bust-lined corridor.  "Good," said Elsa dully. That's not how I feel. "I think you've got a great attitude. And you know what? I don't Rapunzel will mind that much, anyway. It's theoretical, isn't it? Just a case of showing your determination. Your ambition." "Ruthlessness," muttered Elsa. "If you like. But it won't come to that.

I hope not, thought Elsa miserably. When she imagined how Rapunzel might react, she half-hoped the Few would reject her. But she also hoped violently that she'd be accepted. Anyway, she told herself for the umpteenth time, she needed to know what they were up to. Finding things out, finding people out, taking care of herself: that was what had helped her survive Miss Peregrines. That was what had got her out of there, and brought her here to Paris.

If she played her cards right, it would help her survive the Academy, too.

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