Chapter 13 - Part 2

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"Of course, we knew that," said Anaiis. She seemed pleased with Elsa's blunt response. "Good for you." She raised a warning finger at the others. "It does present a slight problem. A technicality, really." "Not at all. A scholarship," said Nathan, "means Sir Pitch brought her here. he checks over the exam results and the interview transcripts. Well, now, could there be any higher recommendation?" He surveyed the semicircle, smiling. "The Few have never accepted a scholarship student." Elena, of course. her arms were tightly folded, her lips pursed. "I've never heard anything like it."

"Now," murmured Caroline. "I must admit it would be quite a break with tradition. But there's a first time for everything, Elena." Elsa clamped her lips together, more to stop herself laughing than snapping back. Caroline and Elena were being ridiculously pompous and some of the other Few members obviously thought so too. Kate mimed a yawn behind Caroline's back. Anaiis nudged Nathan, almost giggling. Tyler, flopping on to a sofa, gave her a wink. Caroline ignored them. "Why don't you tell us a little about your family?" "Because she doesn't have one," snapped Elena, red with humiliation.

Cool, Elsa. Stay cool. "My dad's out of the picture," she said crisply, "but like the rest of you, I had one." "And your mother shunted you into care, presumably. Were you a little inconvenient?" "She makes a habit of it," growled Elena. "Or perhaps," continued Caroline, "you just weren't worth the effort." the misery was so hot and so sudden Elsa had to draw breath. And it still hurt. Like Claire Densmore all over again, making her believe it. Not worth the effort, slut. Tyler was watching her steadily.

Elsa smiled, broadly and insincerely. "My mother couldn't handle me." Tyler gave an appreciative nod. "Who could?" "Quite," said Elsa curtly. "Her new guy didn't want me around. She wanted him more than she wanted me, and anyway, they've got a replacement now. A boy. Frankly, I'm glad to be out of it. I'm no interested in them than they are in me. Next question?" She'd silenced them, she thought with fierce satisfaction. Just for a moment, she'd shut up the smug gits. 

In the silence, someone cleared his throat and said hoarsely, "Can we consider the school's rationale?" Mikael again. His attention was riveted on Elsa as he fumbled for his water bottle once more. Some of the liquid trickled from the side of his mouth, and he had to wipe his chin with the back of one shaking hand. If anything he looked worse than before, but no one seemed very concerned. Elsa frowned. "There was a time," he went on, his voice almost reduced to a whisper, "when scholarship students had a more useful function than . . . public relations." Elsa's sympathy melted, replaced by unease. Function? Elena's words in the hall came back to her: You're here for our benefit, not the other way around.

"Mikael." That was a sixth-form chess prodigy called Arya. He stood in shadow, and Elsa hadn't noticed him till he spoke. "You have not been one of us for very long. You're new and inexperienced. Don't pretend to know as much as we do." "It's part of the Few history. I've been reading up on it." Mikael had linked his fingers together, so tightly his knuckles were bone-white. His body was hunched, coiled like a spring, but he seemed unable to stop looking at Elsa.

OK. What she ought to do was get up and walk out. it would be a retreat she'd never live down, but what the heck. She didn't even like the common room, now she was in it. The furnishings were all so dark. Chairs, curtains, wallpaper, silk lampshades: all the fabrics were purple and black. The room was warm with colour, but somehow menacing too. It was beautiful - everywhere in this place was beautiful - but the air was oppressive. She didn't want to be in here. Not now, not ever.

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