Chapter 19 - Part 3

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His fingers tightened on hers. "Elsa, darling! Hush! I know you're scared! I was too!" She stared at him, dumbstruck, then licked her lips. "This is what happened to you?" "Of course. It's happened to all of us, Elsa. It's not so bad. Hah!" He laughed out loud. "Not so bad? Oh, it's so much better than that!"

"But I don't want this!" she screamed hoarsely. "That's what I thought. I thought I didn't want it, but wait till you feel it inside you! There's nothing like it!" "What the hell is IT?" He hesitated. "Don't worry. Accept it! Enjoy it, darling!" Don't trust him, Flynn had said. He'd use you, you know that. She gave another fierce jerk on her hands, though it took all her energy.

Tyler tutted and leaned closer to dab at the blood on her wrists. With as much effort as she could manage, she focused and spat. Spot on. Right in the bastard's eye. She smiled. Wiping his well defined cheekbone, Tyler stepped sadly away. "She has no manners," drawled another, all-too-familiar voice. "None at all. I can't think why –" "Now, Caroline. It is agreed."

Painfully Elsa rolled her head round. Caroline wasn't hooded either, and she was loving this, the cold-blooded cow. At the sound of footsteps, the chill of a draught from an opening door, Caroline turned. The line of Few moved, parting as if letting someone enter, and when the circle closed again it had shrunk a little. Again they drew closer, then again. The ring was tightening like a noose. Cold terror gripped Elsa's gut. Which one was Jack? Which one had killed Jess?

She couldn't see behind her, but she could feel the presence of someone new. However she strained her neck, scraping her scalp on the hard stone, she couldn't tilt her head far enough to find out who was there. Her breathing grew faster, and she tried not to whimper. Don't give them the satisfaction . . . "It's time."


Sorry for the short update but I want to prolong the book, because I don't know if I am going to make a sequel so I need time to think. I might put a sneak peek of the sequel at the end of the book, and depending on what you guys say, will determine if a sequel is going to be made.

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