Epilogue - Part 2

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"One of the worst of the dark spirits. The strongest, the oldest, the . . ." "Baddest," suggested Elsa. "Uh-huh." He smiled tightly. "The baddest." "Now, you see," she said,"I'd have assumed that was Caroline's." "No. Me and my spirit? We have a personality clash." "Know what? I think I'm - we're - in the same boat." "Know what?" He laughed dryly. "I think you might be right." Elsa submerged her fingers in the freezing water until it started to freeze over when she quickly pulled them out and saw the ice thaw. "Caroline. Did she . . . Was she always like that? Or was she different? Before she was 'chosen'?"

"Oh, she was always a bit like that." He shrugged. "Bad spirit, nasty person? It's not a good combination. Sam, now: he has a good spirit, but you know what? He was always a bit of a rogue, and he still is. Anaiis - good spirit, nice girl. You see? It's a synergy." "And you and me?" "Two of the worst, Elizabeth." He seemed sad, but the intensity of his look set tremors down her spine that were not at all unpleasant: "Two bad spirits, two OK people. At least, I don't think you're any worse a person than I am." He gave her a skewed grin. "I don't know what'll become of us. I suppose we'll find out." "Oh." Leaning back, Elsa studied Leda, still reaching dreamily for the savage swan. "Where will it be next term? The Academy, I mean. I assume you know?

"Yes. We're going to be in New York." New York! She nodded, fighting a grin, struggling to show even a little reluctance . "I won't miss that swan." "You won't have to. That comes with the Academy, wherever we go. All the statues do. And Sir Pitch's little pets here." Savagely, Jack tore another orchid from its anchorage. "We're here for the convenience of the gods, Elsa. Or we're here to prey on mortals and take our fun. Gods and monsters. Depends which way you look at it." He smiled without mirth. "You see?" "I see," she said, and winked. "I see both ways." She started thinking about her powers that she hadn't used much of during the term.

He seemed bemused for a moment, but then he laughed. "So," said Elsa. "About this unacceptable stuff." His questioning expression was nervous. "Me. Remember? It wasn't that you didn't like me, but that you couldn't accept me." "Uh-huh . . ." "So how's about it now, then?" Jack rubbed his temples with his thumbs. "How's about it? What's that supposed to mean?" "For someone with centuries of experience," she murmured, "you're not that bright are you?" As she pulled him towards her and kissed him, she thought: That's all boy, that is. Not spirit. And I like him . . . Yup. Part of Jack might be hundreds of years old, but what what was a little age gap? This is fine. He wasn't sucking anything out of her; her heart was racing, but so was his. Her breath was high in her chest, but she could hear his too: a little fast, a little yearning. And they both tasted kind of the same.

Jelsa kiss! Finally, next update soon

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