Chapter 4 - Part 1

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"Chemistry!" moaned Rapunzel. "Why must we begin with chemistry?" Clutching her textbooks under one arm, Elsa squeezed her roommate's elbow consolingly. "We have to start with something. It's not so bad." "It's a terrible omen. I shall fail this year, I know I shall. Papa will be furious." "You mean he'll refuse to buy you a new string of polo ponies?" Flynn Parker fell into step beside them. "You poor heiress. Just make do with the old ones."

Rapunzel elbowed him, not gently. "Be kind to me, Flynn. I am too fragile to withstand your scorn." She tossed her meter long golden hair. "A delicate southern flower." Flynn laughed out loud. "Yeah, and shall I show you the rib you just broke?" "Any time." She gave him a sweet smile. Elsa was amused but anxious. Rapunzel's flirting  seemed a lot more serious than Flynn's. Anyway, wasn't he stuck on Blaze the Sun Woman? She didn't want her roommate to go falling in unrequited love. Besides, what was he up to?

Flynn looked cheerful, uncomplicated, American. He seemed like a normal guy. It was hard to believe she'd trailed him last night. Elsa could almost have believed that she'd dreamed it - if it hadn't been for the shadows of tiredness under his brown eyes. When he smiled at her, she didn't smile back, and he frowned slightly.  I don't know what you're up to, but I know you're up to something . . .

Uneasy, Flynn returned all his attention to Rapunzel. "Anyway, Miss Corona, chemistry is just what you need. The highest achievement of reason." A broad grin softened his chiselled face. "It does not yield to violent emotion. It brings order out of complete chaos. Am I getting through? Ow!" She slapped him again with a textbook. "If you are going to insult me, Flynn Parker, I will not speak to you for the whole term. Ah!" Rapunzel's face brightened as she pulled Elsa to a halt beside a huge portrait. "This you must see, Elsa. You, Flynn Parker - go away." "Hey!" He held up both hands, still grinning. "I consider my ass whupped. Anyway," he jerked a thumb at the painting, "you'll excuse me if I don't stay to genuflect." He sauntered towards the classroom.

Rapunzel was scowling. "That boy is impossible!" she exclaimed. "No respect. For anyone. Not even for this amazing man." She flourished her fingers at the painting. "Look, Elsa. This may be all you ever see of him." "Yeah?" The portrait was so big Elsa had to a step back to see it properly. "Who is it?
"This is Sir Pitch Black." Elsa studied him. So this was the legendary founder of the Black Academy? The portrait was a modern one, his angular ashen grey face defined in deceptively casual brushstrokes. His eyes burned with vivid intelligence, their colours melding into yellow but glinting like stars in the night sky. His black hair grew in a perfect widow's peak, one strand of it curving down his forehead like a thin blade. He had been painted at his desk, a book open beneath his hand, and he was watching the artist with an expression of cold, probing curiosity. 

Elsa felt he was looking straight into her brain and soul. "Jeez," she said after a moment. "I bet those eyes follow you around the room." "Striking, don't you think?" Rapunzel tugged her arm.

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