Chapter 20 - Part 3

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Thanks to HopelessRomantic183 for the staggering amount of comments that you have made throughout this book. It means so much to know that there are some very supportive people on here. I would like too also say thanks for giving a guess on the last update. I hope that you will continue to support this book and others, till the end. Now back to the book.

"Hello, Flynn, sweetie." Ahead of them, blocking their way to the door, stood a slender figure, long golden hair gleaming. Caroline was smiling at them. Sort of. "Jeez," muttered Elsa. "that girl really is all teeth." And such long, sharp ones too. "You ought to know what you're truly up against," Caroline murmured throatily. Very throatily. The girl didn't look herself any more, to put it mildly. The eyes were red, the skin grey, the thin lips pulled back in a rictus grin. And yet it was still Caroline. Through and through. 

"I should've known!" exploded Flynn. "It's a trap! Frost brought us here and now he's sent her after us." "No," said Elsa flatly. "Where's Jack, Caroline?" With a trilling laugh, Caroline used a clawed-hand to tuck a strand behind her ear. "She's right, Flynn. I don't need Jack's help. You think I don't know these ancient labyrinths? I know them all, in every city. I've know them for centuries." "And you're looking your age," said Elsa. Caroline hissed. "You are a pain of fools. She won't thank you, you know," she told Flynn and Rapunzel, jerking her head in Elsa's direction. "In the end she won't. In fact she'll want you dead for that stupid interruption."

Flynn set his teeth. "Get out of our way, Caroline. I don't want to hurt you." "No, seriously. You think I take orders from Scholarships?" A long tongue flickered out to lick Caroline's teeth as the horrible peeled-back grin returned. "You think you can hurt me? You don't know me very well, do you? Scooby." Flynn's intake of breath was high-pitched. "What did you say?" "You heard. Scooby-dooby-doo. I can't tell you how loud she screamed for you, at the end. Didn't she ever use your real name?"

Sorry for the short update. As I said I'm trying to prolong the book. Sorry if any inconvenience is caused. 

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