Chapter 20 - Part 4

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Flynn seemed paralyzed, though he was shaking. The knife hung limp and useless in his hand; any moment now it was going to slip from his fingers. "You," he said, barely audible. "It was you?" The vicious mouth twisted in a sneer. "Oh, do grow up, Scooby. Of course it was me. Well, Elena and me. Jack simply delivered her, that's all." Anxiously Elsa glanced at Flynn. She couldn't even see him breathing, but she thought she could hear the hard thump of his heart. "There was only a year between you two meddling kids, wasn't there? How close you must have been, you and Jess." "Yes," whispered Flynn.

"And you will be again. Let's finish this quickly." Frowning, Caroline examined a nail like a yellow talon, dull and gnarled. "I need to go and see my roommate." "Oh?" Rapunzel simmered with fury. "Hungry?" "Frankly, yes. Sookie is delicious, and cooperative. Unlike Jess. I'm sorry to say it, Flynn, but your sister was a little sour, a little bitter. All that running, you see, all that dear. All that adrenal-"  Flynn roared and leaped at Caroline, slashing wildly with the knife. She dodged like a snake, escaping his grip and wrapping a powerful arm around his throat. Rapunzel went for her, screaming, but Caroline twisted Flynn's neck back and ducked the swing of the polo mallet. Rebalancing, she kicked out hard, catching Rapunzel in the stomach and knocking her stunned and winded to the floor. 

Elsa's blood felt colder than before, and she couldn't move. Caroline's claws were digging into Flynn's neck and he tore desperately at her arm, dropping the knife. Instantly, Elsa knew it was what she'd been waiting for. She dived for the knife, snatched a hank of Caroline's hair with the other hand and, as the German squealed with pain, she swung the blade wildly across Caroline's cheek. Blood sprayed. Oops, thought Elsa, still gripping the girl's monstrous head. What now . . .? After a second's horrible silence, Caroline howled. Her grip on Flynn loosened enough to let him catch a lungful of air, but she didn't let him go. "Amateur!" she screamed in Elsa's face. "How dare you!"

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