Chapter 17 - Part 1

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"I feel so guilty. If I hadn't been ill, who knows? I might have noticed something was wrong. I might have been able to help her." The tearful English accent was familiar. Elsa came to a halt and turned quickly on her heel in front of the noticeboard. The voices were just round the corner, approaching through the entrance hall.  "You mustn't blame yourself, Meredith." The other girl had a lilting accent. Anaiis? "I can't help it. Such a terrible thing to do. She must have been desperate, I should have noticed something. Somebody at breakfast said that she looked awful, not herself at all. Oh, I should have noticed-"

"Now, now." Yes, it was definitely Anaiis. "People can be very skilled at hiding these things, and Elena must have been very determined. To jump from the upper floor! Please, Meredith. There was nothing you could have done."  Elsa peered closely at a Christmas Ball as the two girls came round the corner, but Anaiis stopped and put a hand on her arm. "Elsa, hello!" Anaiis smiled. "Oh. Hi, Anaiis! I was miles away." Oh dear, thought Elsa: not very convincing. "Hello, Meredith." She swallowed awkwardly. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, I suppose." Meredith was almost in tears. Her face was stunned and a little panicked. "No. Terrible. I just want to go to classes." "But this morning - you sure that's a good idea?" "I need to be busy. I've missed so much, it'll keep me occupied." Anaiis shook her head. "I think classes are going to be cancelled, Meredith. But we'd better be on time anyway. Come on, Elsa." Elsa walked alongside Meredith. "I'm so sorry about Elena."

"Me too." Tears spilled down Meredith's cheeks. Hell, thought Elsa, bewildered. It was obvious Meredith had no memory of what Elena had been trying to do to her, just last night. "You're better, though? Are you sure? I mean, you've got over your . . .?" "Glandular fever." Meredith blew her nose.

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