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(Edited) x

"Welcome to our new house, babe!"

Jonathan looked around the spacious home with a grin. Luke, his boyfriend of four years and fiancé of two months, had got them both a house where they could start their new future together as husbands.

It was a struggle as the previous owner did not wish to sell her house to two gay men but eventually gave up with a good 'fuck you' and 'go to hell'. 

"It feels like home already." Jon said. Luke came over and kissed the top of his head. "That's because it is. You can take a look around while I get the bags."

Jonathan didn't have to be told twice as his feet moved forward. He was eager to have a look around the house.

Jon learned that the house is equipped with an average kitchen and two bathrooms, had a decent sized living room, two bedrooms and a guest bedroom, a dining area, and a spacious garage. He'd probably repaint one of the bedrooms if he had time, and maybe move around furniture to his liking.

Luke came up the stairs and wrapped his arms around the lithe man, nuzzling the crook of his neck. "Do you like it?"

"Love it," replied Jonathan. "and it's close to my new job too. Win win right there, babe." Luke pulled his head from the his fiancé's neck and furrowed his eyebrows. "You started a job already?"

"Not really. I still gotta go in and do paperwork shit, then do an interview to know I won't go insane on them or whatever."

"You're a psychiatrist, aren't you?"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. You know me." Jonathan twisted around in Luke's arms to wraps his own around the taller man's neck.

"Of course I do. Don't wanna be marrying a stranger, do we?"

"What if he's a hot stranger?"

"What if he's a insane murderer?"

The question sent Jonathan into a fit of giggles that sounded like bells to Luke but a clown to anyone else.

"Fuck you, I want foooooood."

"Fine. Food then we fuck."

"Sounds like a plan."


"You can't keep me here forever." Vanoss leaned forward in the strapped chair, a wide smile etched onto his pale face. "I will get out. And I'll make sure you die a slow torturous death."

The unfazed lady in front of him merely smiled. "I doubt that, Mr. Fong. You're in here until your court date because you're apparently too smart for a prison cell."

"My friends will just bust me out of any shitty place I'm in."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fong. But your threats do not phase me. However I do wish you'd refrain from making them."

Vanoss threw his head back humorously and gave an echoing laugh that made the nurse slightly uncomfortable as she shifted in her seat. The pale Asian didn't miss this and gave her a predatory grin. "What is it, dear? Too tense to have a good laugh? What's your name again? Helen? Nonononono. I'll call ya Pumpkin instead. How would you like that?"

The blonde glared and adjusted her glasses. "Mr. Fong-"

"I prefer the name Vanoss, pumpkin. However you will be speechless when I dig a machete in your pretty little neck so say whatever you need to." Vanoss grinned and stared Helen dead in the eye, and she crumbled under the pressure of that promise. The nurse gathered her things from the table and left the room, ignoring the man's cackle as she quickly shut the automatic locking door.

Her boss, Randy, who was on his way see how things were going, stopped and sighed at the sight of a fuming Helen.

"He was just admitted here a while ago and he already drove away half of our staff. The other half refuse to go to him and I'll give them that, the cowards."

"Well, he is a madman. He is a murderer and gang boss. The biggest one of this city at that." Helen winced when she still heard the mentioned laugh inside the room. "His words alone can turn a person delirious, I'm sure."

"Well, law entrusted him to us. He better not scare away our new one comin' in. Hopefully Mr. Fong won't have an affect on him or any ties to him."

"What's the newbie's name?"

"Jonathan Dennis."

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