Die Out

627 38 9

This is so late, smh.

Are you ready?

Silence. That's what filled the factory even when machines whirred and cranked in the distance.

Delirious looked over the railing of the factory to see a huge pot of almost colorless, boiling liquid. He briefly wondered what it could be. Acid? Some kind of chemical? There's a chuckle behind him and Delirious whipped his head around to catch eyes with Marcel.

"Careful. You might fall over." He teases with a smirk but Delirious only rolled his eyes and looks over once more. There was a strange, almost nonexistent, smell that was there.

He then rolls his eyes and straightens up, adjusting his crop top. "I won't. Even if I did. You would have to catch me." Delirious said. His own smirk matched Marcel's and the pale boy walked past him, swaying his hips for a dramatic effect. The now raven walks up next to Vanoss while twirling his bat.

"Who we waiting for? Ain't got foreva' and a day."

Vanoss didn't reply, but glanced at one of his men beside him who quickly checked a phone in his hand.

"He said he'd give the signal then head in." The guy read.

It was quiet for a brief moment before the goons immediately position their guns, facing in every direction. Even Delirious tightened his grip on the bat.

"It's a trap." Tyler mumbled. He fingered the trigger of his gun and motioned some men to follow him as he surveyed the factory.

Vanoss scowled. "Locate and bring him to me." He demanded. "Then get the money and kill him. Don't waste my time."

Some more of his armed men start to rush out, looking for clues and surveying the factory. Delirious stayed planted where he was and wandered over to the railing again. He stood there, watching the pot below him as footsteps faded.

He was now alone.

Delirious rested his head on the palm of his hand while the other carelessly swung the bat. Drug dealing business.

No one in Vanoss's gang does drugs, to Delirious's knowledge, but they do sell it along with weapons.

Delirious then noticed the large machine over the big pot of whatever was cooking down there.

The crane with the hook had four chains connecting to the sides of it. On the sides of the pots were walkways and railings, along with a control panel with plenty of buttons on it.

Delirious briefly wondered how his boyfriend even found this place, but decided against asking.

He leans over the rail onto his elbows and there's someone pushing him all the sudden. In a second, he's falling over the railing and grabs onto the bars before he fell out of reach, heart pounding.

His bat clatters to the ground a good 20 feet or so down.

The lean boy holds on to the rails, grunting at the gravity pulling at his hold.  Delirious looks up to see who pushed him and there he is.


But how is he alive?!

"Nice to see you, Dr. Dennis." comes out of the mouth of the man. Delirious struggles to hang on to the rail of the platform; His grip is slipping. He takes the revolver he had strapped to his thigh and fires a couple of bullets at his former boss.

Randy jerks back and while he's recovering - the fact he's still standing shocks him -, Delirious finally gets a better grip on the rails once he holsters his gun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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