Meeting You

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I'm currently in New York on Thanksgiving vacation so I have plenty of time to write. Why there's frequent updates. Vote, share, comment, yada. Happy Thanksgiving! X


"Luke, I'm pretty sure I don't need your help to put on clothes."

"No, no! I know you don't! But you could get lonely."

"...putting on clothes?"


Jonathan raised an eyebrow at his fiancé and sighed. After the panic attack that night, Luke has been super careful around him. Tip toeing around like some kind of big brother. Today he was meeting his first patient at the ward, and Luke was acting as if Jon was going to his grave. 

"Luke, baby, what are you worried about? Is there something you're not telling me?" Jonathan adjusted his button up and and turned to face the man he loves. Luke had a fight in his head, before cupping Jon's cheeks in his hands and softly kissed his lips.

Luke pulled back, rested his forehead on the younger's and breathed out. "I just want you to be safe. These are crazy people."

Jon smiled and gave Luke a brief kiss.

Not crazy, called not normal.

The small voice in Jonathan's head made him hesitate when he pulled back. It was like it was automatic. It doesn't alarm Jon, more like comfort - like a warm blanket out of the dryer.

"You ok..?"

"Yeah, I'm just touched that you're really concerned. But I'm fine. You know me. I know I can reach out to these people, and make friends with them. I'll be fine."

After Jon left, Luke immediately dialed Daithe's number, who picked up on the second ring.

"How is he?"

"I don't even know. He's getting suspicious."

"Then don't act like ye know something!"

"He's my fiancé! I can't hide anything from him!"

"That statement is in conflict of the whole fiancé thing, Luke. How'd ye pull that off?"

Luke only sighed and flopped on the bed. "Fuck off. Anyway, he's been sleeping a lot lately. Is that a sign?"

Luke heard movement on the other line then the clicking of keys before Daithe spoke up again. "Mr. Rowley said it's just his brain recovering from the hypnosis since the brain is most active at night."

"Fuck, can't they be permanently erased?"

"It's memories, man. They can't be erased, only muffled or unaccessible. Jon's trauma is literally impossible to ignore since he's been through a lot in childhood. The worst possible way to get traumatized because that's there forever, and with this hypnosis, Jon would never trust himself ever again."

There was silence on both ends of the call before Luke spoke.

"Earlier, when I said the word crazy, he mumbled 'not crazy, called not normal' this something I should be worried about?"

There was silence over the phone again and Luke held his breath before Daithe spoke that one word that made his heart drop.



When Vanoss was yanked from his room and strapped into the same chair he's sat in 66 times, he sighed and rolled his eyes. Supposedly, Randy gave him another bitch to deal with. Fuckin' bastard won't give up.

You know the goddamn plan, Evy bear.

"I know, now shhhh....quiet."

Jonathan nervously flexed his hand and took a deep breath. Randy supposedly assigned him to a famous crime lord who the government plopped in their hands. He read the files, but he was anxious to meet the person. Evan Fong, but Jon was to address him as Mr. Fong or something he was comfortable with.

He finally placed a hand on the door and nodded to the two armed men standing outside the door, who put in a code and granted him access. The door made a click sound and the brunet walked in, feeling his coat pocket for the little button he'd press if the patient needed to be restrained.

"Why hello dea- oh. You're not a woman."

Jonathan chuckled and shook his head as he sat down. "No, last time I checked. Hi, I'm Dr. Jonathan Dennis-soon-to-be-Patterson. But you can call me Jon."

The Asian tilted his head. "How about DJ? Dr. J? Mistah J?"

"I...don't think that'll happen. And your name?"

Vanoss raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You know that already, Blue."

Jonathan's cheeks flared up and he flexed his hand. "Blue?"

"Yeah. Your eyes are like the type of blue people's lips turn when their choking. The blue of bruises. The blue of the ocean as their drowning and the blue of the sky as the fall to their death. Maybe the blue people see as they die of a high overdose."

Jon forced himself to relax and smiled. "Aren't you a little ray of sunshine, Mr. Fong?"

"I prefer the term, Vanoss. No need to be fancy, Blue."

"I'd appreciate if you wouldn't call me Blue."

"Do you dance?"

The sudden topic change caught Jon off guard before he regained his composure. "I- dance?"

"Yeah. Dance."

"I mean...I can do a sick whip and nae nae?"

When Vanoss laughed so sudden and so loud, Jon nearly jumped out of his seat.

"Oh Blue, I like you. You're funny. I liked the good laugh. When I said dance, I meant on a pole. I saw you walk in here. Body like a damn woman. Damn, you could make dicks straighter than a straight  man. Ha! I bet you're flexible on a pole. Splitting and spinning."

Jon opened and closed his mouth multiple times. He felt like he knew someone who pole danced, but who? His mind is saying he didn't know anyone, but his instinct was a different story.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Jon grabbed his head and groaned. He felt a headache coming on.


What the hell?

"Shhh..." Vanoss leaned forward in his seat. The voice had changed plans now and to get out, he was going to have to get on Jon's sympathetic side. "Blue...what happened in that thinker of yours?"

"I...I don't know...l-let's just forget it. Ok?"

"Mm..if you want, Blue."

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