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Titles? x

Not edited.

Vanoss dropped the bat and caught Jonathan as the former dropped, losing consciousness once again.

The Asian easily lifted him up and grunted. Jon was lighter than expected...when had he last eaten?

Last time he was home, dumbass.

Vanoss growled and headed back for the entrance. "Smartass voice."

You know it, bitch.

"Vanoss, less than five minutes!! Hurry!"

Lui's voice came through the earpiece and the raven almost nodded, stopping when he realized Lui couldn't see it.

You truly are a dumbass.

"Shut up, Del..."

"Evan.What do you want us to do with the robot guy? We got him knocked out but Lui is going to have shut him down or we leave him." Marcel spoke.

"Take him. He'll be an addition. And get everyone out the building. The leftover patients? Eh. Doesn't matter."

"Craig is wounded, Ev."

"Then get him out early and get away from the building. I have my Blue and I'm done with this shit."

"3 minutes, 20 seconds!"

Once Vanoss walked out of the maze of a building, Tyler and Marcel hurriedly pushed him into the van and hopped in.

"Drive, now." Tyler barked at the goon Vanoss really didn't care to remember the name of. The man stepped on gas and drove off the property, followed by Lui's helicopter, and other cars holding other goons.

Tyler was holding an unconscious Craig, almost in the same way  Vanoss was holding Blue. Protectively and closely.

You can stop calling him Blue now.

Vanoss growled again but no one in the van uttered a word or threw a look.

Call him... Delirious.

Vanoss smirked and placed Jon on one of the seats. "Stop the Van once we're out of range. I want to see Randy's kingdom fall."

"One minute. 59...58.."

Randy's probably in there, all bloody and battered, possibly dead. Thanks to Jon. His Jonathan.

Guess he really stepped up to the plate for that one, huh?

Vanoss scowled and muttered. "Sometimes I wish you were real so I could kick your ass for all these damn jokes."

I'm right beside you, Ev.

Vanoss doesn't need to look to know Delirious is talking about Jonathan.


"Oh shit. Let's watch the firework show, boys." Marcel commanded the driver to stop and opened the van door, stepping outside. Tyler followed and lastly, Vanoss.

Once Lui counted down to 1, it was a moment of silence before the whole thing blew up! The explosion was so strong, it gave off a mighty wind. And Randy's downfall.

Bye bye, bitch face.

"Is that Wren girl still tied up in there?"

Who knows who cares. Maybe she can shove that spork up her crusty vagina in hell. Mickey mouse bitch.

Vanoss chuckled and rolled his head. Randy was gone. He can return back to his throne.


Vanoss was not phased by the agonizing screams of his new Delirious. Even with the folded belt in his mouth, he still managed to scream bloody murder in pain. Good thing they tightened the restraints.

Everybody in the room looked slightly uncomfortable as Delirious thrashed as best as he could, but Vanoss was delighted by the screams.

The only one close to tears from the whole thing was Bryce. He didn't want to be there, it was evident. But the comforting and supporting hand on his neck kept him from bolting. His eyes screamed memory but his face whispered relax. It was quite a funny contrast to Vanoss.

Once the shocks stopped, and Delirious was breathing heavily and noisily, Vanoss leaned down.

"You're name is now Delirious. You are not in love with anybody but me. You will do anything and everything for me're delirious."

"Yes...Mistah V." Jon whispered before he slipped into the darkness.

I lied about Luke being in the next chapter. Hehe. Whoops. NEXT CHAPTER THO.

First, it may seem like there are deux Deliriouses but no, the voice Delly is convincing Vanoss that Jon is him but that isn't true.'s a voice doesn't have a name or body.

So. Eh. Like it? Nah?

I need sleep.


Prepare for a sequel guys.

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