Not Crazy

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Some violence trigger elements, and panic attacks. Careful at your own pace. :P Vote, Comment, Share x


"Mr. Jonathan Dennis."

"That would be me, sir."

He seems sane. Randy thought as he observed the man in front of him. After dealing with Vanoss earlier, he needed a break. "So is this your first time working at a psych ward?"

"No, sir. I've worked at one back in my hometown."

"How long have you lived here?"

"Me and my fiancé just moved here."

"May I ask why?"

Randy always asked background questions and watched the person's body language. Too relaxed? Too tense? Always watching the mouth and hands.

"Since we're getting married, we decided to move out into the bigger city with a bigger house. Maybe for a future family?"

"Where did you move from?"

"Janesmurrow." Jonathan answered smoothly. These questions weren't unexpected. Back at the old ward he worked at, he was bombarded with questions that nearly made him crack under the intense pressure and stares. The older man smiled and rubbed his stubble chin. "Ah, my daughter and her family lives down there. Nice, little town, eh?"

"Yes sir. I loved it."

"So Mr. Dennis, occupation?"

"I do gaming most of the time."

"What type of games?"

Jonathan nearly shrugged but remembered that was unprofessional. "FPS: first person shooter, horror. The action type." He answered. Randy raised an eyebrow at them.

"You know types of guns there are then."

"I memorize them, yes."

"Do you own a gun?"

"Yes. Well, it belongs to my fiancé but I use it if I'm in danger."


"Glock 43."

"You know how to use it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Have you used it on anyone yet?"

"No, sir."

"Do you practice with it?"

"Occasionally, sir."


"In a forest or at a range."

"Any other guns I should know about?" Randy grabbed his clipboard and checked off a few things. The less gun knowledge, the more safe. Jonathan shook his head. "No, sir. My fiancé used to go hunting but gave it up two years back."

"What rifle?"

"Remington." Jonathan remembered when he would be bored watching Luke aim.

"Ok, so your knowledge on guns is somewhat stretched. Moving on. You say you have a fiancé?"

"Yes sir. Luke Patterson."

"How long have you two been together?"

"Four years. We recently just got engaged."

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