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Bonus chapter!

My story, my medical dictionary, because no one has time to research shit. Fuck a duck.

(Not Edited)

"Vanoss is out cold, sir. Won't remember a thing when he wakes."

"The cause of his freakout?"

"Probably from close human touch. It released a happy pheromone in his brain and he went crazy after that."

"Shit," Randy sighed and took off his glasses, setting them on the desk and rubbing his face. "Dr. Dennis?"

"Escorted and safe, sir."

"Thank you, Grace."

The nurse, Grace, nodded and eyed a file on his desk, but Randy glared at her. "That is all, Grace. Dismissed."

The strawberry blonde nodded again and paced out the door, gently closing it behind her with a click.

Randy waiting a full 30 seconds before pressing a button on his intercom. "Vincent Dally, to Randall Lan's office."

Randy stood and grabbed the file on his desk Grace eyed. It shouldn't have been in plain sight.

Two knocks at the door startled the man.


Vincent walked in and shut the door behind him with a click. "You called?"

"There's something going on with that Jonathan boy." Randy went over to his desk and pressed a button, revealing a keypad in the wall. "I watched from the hidden cameras. He blanked out for a second. Like...he forgot everything."

Vincent watched his somewhat friend put his code in then walked up to him. "Is that so?"

"Yes. Then he snapped back when Vanoss....ugh...kissed him."

Vincent let the security scan his eye then both men put their right hand on a scanner.

"Access Granted. Welcome, Randy and Vincent."

Both men walked into the dark hallway that lit up automatically. "If Jonathan tries to break Vanoss out, I'll kill him on sight."

"Randall!" Vincent whipped his head around to his friend with shock. "That is no reason to kill a man."

"It's not like I've haven't done it before." Randy stopped at a room and the sliding doors opening, revealing a shirtless man on a steel table, strapped and locked tight in a cold case.

"Code name: T3RR4R1SER. Long but I call him T-R for short."

"Randall...didn't the government tell you to stop with human experimentation!? This is wrong!"

"That's where you're wrong, friend. He has robot parts in him and still fully functional, took one eye out and replaced it with a cyber one. He's a super human and he is mine to control!"

Vincent backed away slowly. Randall was out of control.

"The others didn't believe me when I warned them. They think I'm... I'm...crazy? Do you believe that?! That's ridiculous!"

"Haha...yeah.. Ridiculous.."

"If Vanoss is to escape, T-R is to activate and get him. I will take care of Jonathan myself."

"...why are you doing this...?"

"This is MY WARD! Once you've entered the crazy, you can't escape." Randy walked over to a desk and pulled out gun, taking off safety.


"It seems as if you don't agree with me fully on this, Vin, so I will have to kill you before you tell anyone."

"Wait! No! Don't do this, I have a grandchild coming in a few months-"

"I don't care!"

Randy pressed the barrel of the gun against Vincent's temple and licked his lips.

"Any last words?"

"P-please...I'll do anything..."


Randy pulled the trigger.
Vincent fell dead to the floor and Randy sighed, rolling his neck. Always nice to relieve some tension.

He placed the gun down and walked casually to a locked door. He threw it open and the girl behind it fell out. Scrawny, pale, and weak.

"Get up, girl. Go clean that up."

Berenice (however tf you spell her name) (I HAVE NO HATE AGAINST HER I'M SORRY), scrambled to her feet and grabbed the cleaning the supplies.

"Y-yes, uncle."

As his niece went off to clean up another dead body, Randy stared at the man in the enclosed case.

Another one gone, he thought. Shame. I had hopes for him.

"I guess I'll have to find someone else to partner in crime with."

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