Mentally There

796 74 26

Not edited.
When Jonathan awoke, his head pounded painfully. Like the hangover he never wanted in the first place.

"You're finally awake.."

Jon ignored the voice and tried to move his arms but found he couldn't. His arms, torso and legs were strapped to this metal table. The only thing he could do was turn his head to look around. His stomach turned at the sideways​ sight of his boss in the doorway.

"Randy..." The name left his lips like poison on his tongue. So many questions ran through his head but he didn't know how to start!

"Before we start, I advise against anything that would go against me or you're in for a worse fate." Randy walked over to a metal table and grabbed a syringe. The sight made Jonathan tense up.

"I want only one word from you and you leave here unscathed. One word, Jon, just one."

"What the hell do you want from me, you psycho!?"

Randy's hand slammed down next to Jonathan's head, making him flinch and whimper.

"This is a yes or no question. There is no ifs, ands, or buts. No other words. Are you working for Vanoss?"

"No! Oof!" Jonathan gasped painfully as a hand punched his stomach, knocking all of the wind out of him. He tried to curl up, roll, do anything but all he could do was lay there gaping like a fish out of water.

Randy waited until Jonathan had slowed down his gulps of breath then moved to hovering over him. With a eerily calm voice, he said, "Wrong, Jonathan... I'm going to ask you again. Do you work for Vanoss?"

"I swear to god I'm no-"

This time the punch landed on his jaw. His neck was pushed in an uncomfortable position and he could feel the breath of Randy near his ear.

"I've done this before Jonny boy...I know when I'm being lied to.."

"...why are you doing this...?" Jon asked quietly, but Randy heard anyway and backed off the restrained man.

"I've worked too hard for the government to trust me again. I've worked too hard to let it go to waste. I could just kill Too many murders in one spot."

Jonathan thought back to the interview that wasn't that long ago. "Those did them.."

"A man's got to do what man's got to do to save his work. And mine is extraordinary! The human brain was more capabilities than man themselves could ever see!... But they didn't trust me...wanted to lock me but for all the bad things I've done... Had to change everything and start anew. But I couldn't​' test without test subjects, and what better way of having insane sick patients already waiting like an open buffet."

"Wha- you're sick! These people have families, and children and-"

"I could care less. I got to discover a whole new scientific breakthrough! I made a robot human. Isn't that amazing?!"

Jonathan was too scared to do anything that might anger this man so he nodded softly. He was crazier than all of the patients he's seen combined.

"I call him T-R. Half human, half robot. There's bones of steel in him and yet his organs and heart work like a charm. I placed metal under his skin and his heart did fail through a couple of operations. BUT- I kept pushing on, and once the whole world sees how much of a genius I am- I can take over the world...but I can't do that when the government doesn't trust me, so if you're working for Vanoss...I need to eliminate you right now."

"I'm not. I didn't even know him when I first moved here, how could I join the most dangerous criminal in under a month??" Jonathan pleaded with his eyes. He really didn't want to die so early. Randy studied him for a few seconds and then narrowed his eyes. "Would you break him out?"



"Would you...fight for him?" Randy's face darkened. Jonathan wasn't lying. He knew he wasn't! Was he...?


Lies! They're all lies and you know that. Ever since you started regaining your memories, your insane side decide to trust the only person open to insanity. He was the last person you saw falling and the first person you saw rising...

Don't deny it. This is the new you.

Broken. Lied to. Betrayed. Useless. YOU BELONG IN A ASYLUM YOURSELF!

"NO! NONONO! NO!" Jonathan tried to thrash around on the metal table and Randy smiled.
He knew it. Easily broken, Jon was.

The man grabbed the same syringe and closed in on Jonathan, thinking he had the advantage. Jonathan's massive struggling snapped his legs restraints  and the brunet twisted his torso and kicked Randy in the nuts as he was close enough. Once the sinister man was down, he pushed against the table and snapped his arm restraints.

They must've been weak from previous people.

Jon rolled off the table and pinned Randy, who still was clutching his jewels.

"Hurt me again, and I swear to god, I'll do more than bust ya nuts, bitch." Jonathan whispered darkly. He had no idea where the slight drawl of an accent came from.

He grabbed the syringe laying on the floor and jammed it in Randy's neck. Jon mercilessly injected whatever concoction it held into his vein and ignored the weak struggles of his ex boss.

Regular Jon wouldn't do this. No. This is a mad act of insanity. You're acting totally delirious.

"I don't care anymore."

Once Randy was passed out, Jon got up and went to the still open door. He didn't even check to see if he was alive.

Would you fight for Vanoss?

"Oh honey...I already am."

:/ not satisfied but hey.. Jon was prone to insanity from the start so fuck ducks.

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