Power Down

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(Not Edited)

Anyway, here's an update. Vote, comment, share! Enjoy!

Pale, smooth skin.

Soft, blue eyes.

Slender, sleek legs.

The dip at his hips and the delicious curve at his waist.

He was irresistible.




Evan snapped open his eyes and heaved a stuttering breath. There's that dream again. The one where he imagined the voice in his head to be. Or this time was it...Jonathan? His face was unrecognizable in the dream but Evan seems to know who he is. Well, seemed to know.

Delirious? Or Jonathan?

Blue? Or deliriously Blue?

"Deli~ talk to me, I'm bored all in this cold room. Randy thinks holing me up will keep me sane enough."

I'm mad at you.

"Aww, why?"

You kissed him.

"Is some voice jealous~?"

No, you could've screwed up your escape plan. This mental hospital is well hidden in government files and if your friends haven't gotten in then you need to get out. If you can't break the ground from above, dig yourself out.

"...wouldn't it just cave in on us then?"

Not if you have help.

Evan used his abdominal muscles to sit up, and swung his legs over the bed, cracking his knuckles. "That help is Blue, I suppose."

Well, you probably scared him away.

"Tch, don't be ridiculous, Delly."

The silence that echoed in his head made Evan smirk as he got down on the floor, starting his fifty pushups. Evan moved onto fifty jumping jacks, then fifty sit ups and running in place.

"Delirious~" Evan whispered slightly out of breath once he was done.

Don't talk to me.

"You're the only friend I have right now! I'm supposed to!"

The click of the door unlocking made Evan's face go blank. In walked Wren, the nurse who brought breakfast in the morning, but she also had some syringes and his straight jacket. Along with a hidden taser strapped to her but Evan wasn't supposed to know that. He does anyway. 

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